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Friendly Stranger

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Everything posted by Friendly Stranger

  1. This album is so fucking awesome, it’s hard to believe we were given 2 studio albums in back to back months. Especially after the NTS and live recording spoils. I love Sign and Plus in equal measure, for their own unique merits. I love how they are both unmistakeably Autechre, in the best way. I love that they gave these to us during these very hard times, in what has been the shittiest year in memory. i needed these. I needed something to look forward to, enjoy, and escape into. Also - DekDre Scap B. Come on now! Holy shit.
  2. Hearing alot of R + 7 in the back half, which is a good thing since I consider that my favorite album of his. I love all the Cross Talk tracks, they help tie the album together. Gets kinda melancholy towards the end, except Wave Idea which is really stunning and my easily favorite track he's done since Chrome Country. What a weird guy!
  3. Second half is definitely solid, I too think Tales From the Trash Stratum (the track from the teaser!!) and Wave Idea are excellent. It sounds much better as a complete album and I love the whole post apocalyptic drug trip tuning into to radio stations vibe it has going on. At least that’s the vibe I get. I think the released tracks sound a lot better in context. The Weeknd collab track doesn’t do it for me but the little cheesy synth towards the end is great. Lots of little gems hidden throughout. OPN will never be my favorite artist but damn if he doesn’t keep me intrigued. And when he strikes a chord with me he really strikes a f’n cord. It just takes wading through some dense and odd stuff to get there. good album, definitely better than Age Of and Garden of Delete for me.
  4. I love the whole thing, very alien sounding. But X4 through TM1 is just next level, what a trip. Love the way the album ends too. I think both Sign and Plus have 2 of my favorite Ae closers. What a treat.
  5. Amazing! What a 'surprise'! The guys spoil us. One of my favorite things about Autechre - *Hears first 3 seconds on opening track of new Autechre album* Fuck yes, I am definitely listening to Autechre! Who else could it be? All of their albums give me this feeling.
  6. Definitely some weird stuff here. Leaning pretty hard into the cheese...not sure how I feel about it but he's definitely got a vision for the album, for better or worse.
  7. Yea fair point but it’s hard to replicate the experience of a first listen. For me: 1. warp streaming event: “holy shit this is transcendent! I can’t even comprehend what I’m hearing!” 2. Second full playthrough: “ok I maybe overreacted, it’s good but I should tone down my inner Autechre fanboy and listen more objectively. Not as beat-forward as I was hoping.” 3rd listen on headphones: “godamn these dudes are aliens, this is so, so good. Th Red a is completely fucking me up. Best Ae album since LP 5.” and that’s still where I’m at with it. I guess what I’m saying is it’s normal to re-evaluate albums over time but it’s tough to hold it to the standard of the first listen. That experience is always unique.
  8. Love the review man. Love the mrs skull cameo
  9. Yea I think they definitely have a mountain of tunes they’re sitting on (and continuing to make), and could definitely arrange more albums if they wanted to, but they are very conscious about creating cohesive pieces of work centered around a common theme. Or as you said, concept albums. I view them through the lens of concept albums, even it’s not what they intended. I’m probably thinking about it too much. That’s awesome about your niece. I play ‘softer’ BoC tunes for my daughter right now (Olson, 5-9-78, etc.) but will probably wait a bit to give her the full Tomorrow’s Harvest playthrough. Worried Jacquard Causeway for example might develop into paranoia/anxiety. She is only 16 months ?
  10. Big fan of Hand Cranked (and Fi) but I'll take this opportunity to once again voice my extreme desire for a Vignetting the Compost repress. I like Ambivalence Avenue well enough also, but Vignetting just resonates with me. Some day! It's between VTC and Orbus Terrarum by The Orb for "#1 vinyl repress I regularly complain about wanting". Give me what I want!
  11. Pretty dorky response tbh. Relax man we get it, you're an OPN fan. No need to act like the OPN Opinion Gatekeeper, there's enough room here for all of us.
  12. Nice track! He can put out some really nice stuff, several tracks are in regular rotation on my playlists. I have a hard time revisiting full albums because they don’t keep my attention. “Nice background” music is kinda Ghostly’s M.O. I suppose. I mean that as a compliment and not as a slight.
  13. These are all good and valid takes on the album. One thing I really love about Autechre is that their discography is so deep and varied. There is an amazing variety of rankings. I mean it happens with all bands but it’s just pretty cool to me how everyone has a totally different itch to scratch. Th red a is peak fucking Autechre to me. This whole album pretty much shook me yesterday but I can’t get this track out of my head.
  14. Been fun following the discussion all day. This is already topping both Exai and Oversteps for me, I honestly think it’s possibly my favorite since LP5, which is hard to believe as I type it out. This is just really hitting me, I don’t know what else to say other than I didn’t expect it. The final three track run alone puts this in the conversation for one of their best LPs. I think Metaz form 8 and Th red A are my favorites right not tbh.
  15. Sch.mefd2 is so insanely good, I’m still trying to comprehend it.
  16. If you think you’re going to hear OPN or BoC in this album you’re going to be very disappointed. This is an Autechre album through and through.
  17. Immediately requires subsequent listens. There's too many layers! Feels like it might be a complimentary piece rather than a standalone album. If this is it, then I'm still definitely a happy camper.
  18. Thanks. What a trip of an album, my gosh.
  19. I totally lost my place - what track# is this?
  20. Best thing I've heard all year. Can't wait for a proper headphone listen.
  21. *me trying to work on spreadsheets* Fffffuuuuuuck! oh my gosh wow.....fuck me! *co-workers* huh? Uhh...I said I need some more coffee, will this week ever end? heh.
  22. Sounds like a bit of a mashup between Oversteps and Exai, but through a totally new lens. Really digging the aquatic vibe that many people are mentioning. We'll see if it holds up but this is really special so far.
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