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Friendly Stranger

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Everything posted by Friendly Stranger

  1. The song at 57 min. - someone decided to chop 100 onions simultaneously in my house right when this came on it was really bizarre. Nobody can say for sure unless there’s a formal track listing but if that’s not one of their old tunes I’ll launch myself into the sun.
  2. Autechre and RDJ have been setting a pretty unfair standard these past couple years. NOBODY is complaining but it does sort of feel like other warp artists should open the vaults even just a bit. oh and add Paradinas to the list as well as he also opened the SoundCloud gates a couple years ago.
  3. Being straightforward isn’t really their M.O. but I hear what you’re saying and the letdown will naturally turn some folks off. i on the other hand found the set mesmerizing and appreciate hearing then pull some the cover off around their mystique. Some truly weird shit here and it was real fun watching people get tripped up trying to ID some of these tracks. I know I’m not alone here just wanted to share my appreciation. Now, bring on a new album this fall...???
  4. Did someone Shazam this one? This sounds like a boc old tune
  5. Interesting, I read it as a selection of their own material. Always the optimist, I am! Playing other people’s tunes doesn’t seem like their thing. But they obviously have their own influences and favorite artists so who even knows. Could just be 2 hours straight of The Incredible String Band. I’m all in on this in any case.
  6. More of an Oxbow Lakes and Slug Dub guy myself but I appreciate Plateau very much! Terrarum is my favorite Orb album it’s not even close.
  7. This has me even more hyped than I thought possible. God I love these guys.
  8. Umm, wow!!! Los is fantastic. Starting to really feel the direction they're taking here.
  9. so it's pretty....like, really pretty. But it certainly lacks 'beats'. I guess after this long it's not exactly what I expected but I like it for what it is. I think Bricolage/Permutation/Supermodified/OFOW Tobin are long gone, and that's ok. Those are timeless albums. I'll be listening to this quite a bit, it definitely has it's own mood. Nice wind-down/late night album.
  10. just remembered that one of the leadup tracks to Scintilli was '35 Summers' which out of context was pretty forgettable, but hearing it within the scope of the full album made it sound almost like an entirely new track. Might be similar with Recall. Bottom line is that picking up new Plaid material is automatic. Been a major fan for the past 20+ (!) years, and always will be in the future. Polymer should be dope as hell.
  11. This is great news! I’m diggin Maru but recall isn’t doing a lot for me, doesn’t sound much like Plaid. I’m not usually a big “hope it’ll sound better in the context of the album!” guy, but....hoping it sounds better in the context of the album. They are one of my favorite all time groups and have built up a huge amount of goodwill with me so I will be picking this up and enjoying the hell out of it.
  12. this is amazing, I can't wrap my head around it yet. it sounds like the soundtrack that would play if my toaster went to hell, after having died while it was taking a bath and another, second toaster was thrown in electrocuting both. or something like that.
  13. Dude is doing an amazing job with the artwork lately. Lexapro is a great track! I like when he's able to keep a consistent sound for a full tune. Nice vibes on this one.
  14. I guess I meant they added it for people who pre-ordered as well, not for people who purchase moving forward. So if you bought on bleep, the download should be there! I used bleep in this case because I was able to get through to them first during the pre-order craze. Otherwise, definitely would've gone through the direct aphex site.
  15. Looks like Bleep added the bonus track as a download for vinyl customers. I'm generally happy with bleep but it is really strange how bumpy the ride is for major releases.
  16. I realize opinions wildly differ when it comes to RDJ, as he scratches different itches for many of us. But he's been putting out music for over 30 years at consistently great quality. We're really fortunate he's still creating, releasing tunes, and playing live. This track fucking rules and I won't let anyone tell me otherwise. But I can understand how anything new will feel underwhelming, stacked up against his past. He's set a crazy standard to meet.
  17. Love getting 500 errors and stalled out pages when trying to throw my money at someone in an attempt to complete a simple purchase
  18. godammit, what do you expect when you hype it up with posters, videos, cable networks, etc. oh also, it's APHEX TWIN how long bleep been around? ugh.
  19. selfishly, this would be a really great year for an album but really, any year would be. just feels like there's alot going on in the world right now (understatement) and it would help bring some escape. I love TH to death but i'd really go for something with a more uplifting vibe, yet really strange. Somewhere in between Geogaddi and TCH maybe. "Nothing is Real" is an example of a track that has that effect.
  20. Babylon and Warning are straight up unlistenable while Toys 2 and we'll take it are quite good. The rest is pretty forgettable, but I'm admittedly not a big fan. Just like to hear what he's up to. R + 7 is a great album front to back. Somehow this just isn't 'weird' enough for me. I'm a little surprised by the auto tune. Maybe a move to be more accessible? Or maybe he just likes it.
  21. I'm reasonably confident we'll have an album no later than this time next year. Selfishly hoping for a late summer/early fall release. Absolutely nothing backing my speculation other than it's been a while and also I need new BoC tunes in my life right now. They always seem to release albums during times of big change in my life. So, now would work too. Yearning for new material to obsess over and break down track by track with the Twoism folks.
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