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Leon Sumbitches

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Leon Sumbitches

  1. That's amazing lol. Reads like some sort of chatbot spam thing or something.
  2. NI Railways is publicly owned and it's fantastic; reasonably priced and very rarely any trouble with delays, etc. English train services sound absolutely shite in comparison. choo choo
  3. :wtf: Haha, intense "The clowns had lasers and a lot of cash" When I was about 11 or so there was a rumour going about that there was something like this going on round my way (the clowns part, not the laser part). I think it was just a rumour that got out of hand but I remember the police gave a big talk at a mate's school about it and everything. Happy days.
  4. Went to see Godspeed You! Black Emperor last night, absolutely top notch gig
  5. Also, I've been loving this blog lately: http://bm-80smetal.blogspot.co.uk/ Shit-tonnes of semi-obscure '80s metal bands with albums available for download. The logo looks like they nicked it off a box of Warhammer skeletons circa 1986 or so. Mint.
  6. New Darkthrone, 'Arctic Thunder' dropping in October. Digging the album cover: http://www.metalinjection.net/upcoming-releases/darkthrone-announces-arctic-thunder-details
  7. I sampled quite a lot of '70s BBC stuff on this record from a few years ago, was on a total hauntology kick at the time: https://tanizaki.bandcamp.com/album/ouroboros This is an interesting read if witchy occult shenanigans are yer thing, bit of a grab-bag but some interesting stuff nonetheless: http://www.lulu.com/gb/en/shop/folk-horror-revival/folk-horror-revival-field-studies/paperback/product-22498164.html
  8. Peace7 - That's ace-looking. Welcome to the crystal dimension! Oscillik- That first pic's an album cover waiting to happen, love it Aefx- your stuff is so lovely man, keep 'em coming I've got a 35mm film with some woodsy/nature photos on it, might see about getting it developed at some stage.
  9. Thinking of picking one of these up at some stage, where did you get yours? See plenty on eBay but dunno how legit/reliable they are.
  10. *lushness intensifies* Lovely stuff, v-hold! Also, that second pic of Aaaaaah's has a proper This Is England vibe, quality
  11. Will definitely check that out Tec, sounds ace. Haha Cwmbran, I actually read The Idea Of Order after seeing you mention it (in this very thread iirc), really enlightening read. Will also rinse the Aldhouse-Green stuff for sure, love me some Celtic history. Currently reading Mythology Of The British Isles by Geoffrey Ashe, general overview of mythology from pre-Roman times onwards. Devotes a lot of space to Arthurian stuff which doesn't really do it for me as much as bizarre old pagan stuff. Wouldn't really recommend it except as an introduction. Also reading The Fairy Faith In Celtic Countries by Walter Evans-Wentz. Published in 1911, it's a collection of rural beliefs in 'fair folk' throughout the British Isles, collected by a super-credulous Edwardian dude. Some of it's pretty standard, some of it's an insight into a rural Ireland/Britain that's obviously now completely vanished, and can be a bit mind-blowing. J.C. Atkinson's 40 Years In A Moorland Parish has, as I recall, some great accounts of English folklore in the 19th Century.
  12. Aw man, I want a poster-sized version of that JG Ballard cover. Reading a bunch of stuff about the folklore and mythology of the British Isles atm, a rich trove of madness
  13. Think this might be the single dankest page in the thread
  14. Just about everything on this page has been absolutely beaut, special shout-out to aefx though, those are mind-blowing!
  15. Discovered Kvelertak thanks to this thread, so fucking good
  16. Pretty sure I posted this in another thread at some stage but the 'Mr.X' essay by Carl Sagan is an insightful wee piece about cannabis use: http://marijuana-uses.com/mr-x/ Main reason for posting this is that I was looking for similarly insightful/lucid writing about weed, please post that sort of thing if you have any ideas!
  17. I had a Dr Oetker pizza once and it was comfortably the worst-tasting pizza I've ever had. Like a wee plastic pizza made by someone who's never seen an actual pizza. Granted this was a good few years ago so maybe they've shaped up since then but man, it was rank
  18. Google sez: "The activation process requires almonds to be soaked in water for a period of 12 hours. Advocates believe this deactivates the enzyme inhibitors and brings the nut to life. Once the almonds have been soaked, they are then dehydrated at low temperatures (40 degrees) over a 24-hour period."
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