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Everything posted by doublename

  1. Damn I remember loving Ubik when I was younger, afraid to ever reread it now.
  2. Rectify season 3, Hannibal Season 3 and I guess True Detective season 2. One of these things is not like the others.
  3. Did anyone read Airboy #2 and actually find it offensive? I'm trying to wrap my head around this.
  4. You can get a month of Marvel Unlimited for a penny right now: http://marvel.com/penny
  5. Netflix and Amazon have both passed on continuing Hannibal. P sure the dream is dead.
  6. That's sure to be insane. Honestly didn't even that Heavy Metal was still around though.
  7. Comixology is adding loads of translated books from French publisher Delcourt: http://artsbeat.blogs.nytimes.com/2015/07/06/comixology-expands-digital-library-with-french-titles/?_r=1
  8. pit bulls just need good socialization. you are more likely to get snapped by some cunt's poorly trained german shepherd.
  9. ^ya no sequels needed Pontypool - I don't quite get the love, but it's a pretty good one. I swear Grant Morrison wrote something with a very similar plot though. The Taking of Deborah Logan - Fell asleep Bout to amp up my Holiday Horror Shitfest with Devil's Pass and assorted other Netflix waste.
  10. Foobar2000 can sort files/create folders by tag.
  11. Comic Zeal has never given me any trouble. Comic Flow is also decent for anything running 5.0 or later. I don't give money to anyone selling DRM'd comics, bruv. It Makes digital such a pain in the ass.
  12. Nearly your whole country's going to be underwater soon lol. G bless America
  13. If I'm following a book from month to month, I buy digital. Otherwise, I buy the trade paperbacks in print, since they are so cheap online. I flirted with using a preorder service for a while, but I just couldn't deal with going back to maintaining a big paper collection again. The reading experience is definitely much better on paper though. FWP I guess.
  14. I read issue #1 and loved it. Haven't had a chance to #2 yet.
  15. I've read the first two in the set and both are pretty good. Have you read The Sailor That Fell From Grace With The Sea? A much shorter, easier and imo better read. One of my favorite books. The only other Mishima I've read is Temple of the Golden Pavilion. I'll definitely check out The Sailor That Fell From Grace With The Sea now though.
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