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Everything posted by doublename

  1. non-knob twiddler addendum to the above: http://injectioncomic.tumblr.com/
  2. The first issue of Warren Ellis' new Image book Injection came out this week. Looks like we're off to a really promising start...
  3. She's tasty, but that looks wretched. Also she was definitely just going to let that plane crash if her friend hadn't been on it right?
  4. I loved Ex Machina, but every movie written by Alex Garland has the same third act.
  5. directed-energy weapons will disintegrate them bitches though.
  6. Infinite Jest actually reads pretty well as an eBook. You can treat the footnotes like links, instead of flipping back and forth 5-6 times on a single page.
  7. Damn my half finished copy of House of Leaves has been on the shelf for years now.
  8. Nike has a contract with FC Barcelona to make the shirt, Barcelona has a separate contract with Qatar Airways wear their name on the shirt. FCB took a lot of flack for changing shirt sponsors from UNICEF to QA a few years back. Nike doesn't choose what company's name goes on the front.
  9. The thing that upsets me most about world twerk center is the fact that you can see the actual 9/11 Freedom Never Forget Tower in the background.
  10. It Follows - Just about everything that I was hoping for. Top flick/10
  11. Cavs are deep dicking on Chicago and fucking up my early evening entertainment.
  12. The library has added way too many 3M Cloud Library books, which requires downloading a piece of shit app and no Kindle compatibility.
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