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Everything posted by doublename

  1. Fucking draft lottery bullshit reverse fix fuckery
  2. Lol rubin, the world loves H-Town Rap. Scarface, Bun B, Devin, all quality. Rap shows are mostly dorky college kids anyway.
  3. T-Mobile has some bullshit content guard on my plan that I keep forgetting to turn off. Unable to browse dank memes without wifi.
  4. Who doesn't love a nice biker gang shoot-out: http://nyti.ms/1Fs8G9Z
  5. Damn late-night porn in the US is dry humping and horrific implant scars. This fucking country sometimes.
  6. FWP&S - Spotify app on playstation is dope, but holy fuck my TV sounds atrocious.
  7. Would you rather die at Waco or Jonestown though?
  8. ^Damn, I watched Enemy last night too. Totally agree. Plus Jake G. is totally dreamy.
  9. ^The Horror My FWP: I'm too lazy to pick a place to meet this broad.
  10. Gonna cop Fatal Frame 1&2 for the weekend, I think. So sad about Silent Hills still.
  11. the self is like, totally an impenetrable miasma of fear and uncertainty. im giddy as a school girl.
  12. Box of sex toys just arrived on my doorstep from Amazon. Thank you based Bezos.
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