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Everything posted by doublename

  1. Michael Mann double feature of Thief and Heat Both flix were stylish as fuck, but Pacino is awful in Heat, which felt way more dated despite being the more recent film.
  2. Masters of Sex - Not as good as season 2 yet, but still quality.
  3. Columbine by David Cullen A really rigorous look at the shooting, the piss poor media coverage of it and the lasting impact of both on the community. Quality stuff.
  4. It's the brain parasites. Soon you'll have a whole pack of them devils.
  5. DC is publishing some decent comics again suddenly The Omega Men, Grayson and Prez are worth checking out amongst their newish launches. Bonus random panels/pages that caught my eye:
  6. Oculus - I've officially watched all the good horror movies on Netflix. This was wank and Karen Gillen is massively overrated.
  7. For a rich kid I understand the appeal of guns, sports cars, drugs and women with low self-esteem, but who the fuck wants all these exotic animals?
  8. I basically agree with Moore. I don't think he's against the existence of escapist pop culture at all (he still writes League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and a bunch goofy ass Lovecraft inspired comics) so much as crass corporate nostalgia that only sells our childhoods back to us in a louder, more expensive package.
  9. Alyce Kills - A by the numbers American indie horror jawn. It's got some neat gore effects going for it, but totally unremarkable otherwise.
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