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Everything posted by doublename

  1. Any 15 year old bro would pipe down, even if he knew her colorful history.
  2. 1. More on Nick Cave's kid: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-sussex-33533530 2. I'm reading r/asianmasculinity for some reason.
  3. O I know, it's just a crap name. I had a massive shitpost about how much I hate Chicago rap ready, but I cooled off in time.
  4. when you say government property, are you thinking of just state capital buildings or do you include museums and memorials and cathedrals and all the other historical sites that litter the south that would be defined being 'government property'? And what about the american flag itself, it flew when there were slaves around, some of the founders owned slaves, shall we tear down their memorials, remove them from the coinage. Many people around the world curse that flag for all the misery that it has brought them, should we ban the old flaggy. Tear down all symbols and signs, root out anything that might lead to a sense of national identity, free the minds up to join the global colony. There are contexts where it can and should be displayed, particularly museums and sites that have educational value. When I say it should not be displayed on government property, I'm mainly referring to court houses, capital buildings, public universities and other places that are meant to serve all members of a given community. Memorials and preserved/restored historical sites, I feel, should be maintained in a historically accurate way, not for people who cherish the flag, but in the name of honesty and communal memory. I think the flag should be displayed in these places, since they aren't democratic institutions per se. I'm definitely not advocating for "safe spaces" or any white washing of our history, I just don't think the people who consider the flag a symbol of their heritage should be catered to by state government. So if a kid walks into his lit lecture at State University X with a flag patch on his jacket, he should be allowed to wear it, but not with the assumption that the university respects anything about his choice other than his right to that form of speech.
  5. The thing with the Confederate flag is complicated, but ultimately I think it's a good call for it to be removed from government property, it's not the state's responsibility to honor anyone's ancestors and I think flying it over the state capital is more alienating than not doing so. Individuals can display the flag all they like, but they don't get to be upset that other people legitimately interpret it differently than they do.
  6. You laugh, but the rest of us are definitely trying to fuck the white race out of existence.
  7. Nowhere to post this, but it sucks that Nick Cave's son died.
  8. If you speak Spanish and have hands, you are welcome in my country, poble'. Many exotic turtles.
  9. Also, being snarky because someone is against (even if it was ironic and you misread it) mass illegal economic immigration is the strangest thing in the world to me. Really bizarro world stuff. These people are already not the type of people you want in your country from the get go, they're queue jumping naked opportunists who probably won't give a shit about you or your precious values once they're in the majority. I like cheap vegetables.
  10. We are losing our country and heritage to bean eating savages. Honest, hard working Americans are being sold up the river so the people who press '2' can get free health care and make billions selling drugs to our children. We are in the midst of a heroin epidemic because of these people.
  11. Got me hands on a used copy of In The Spirit of Crazy Horse.
  12. I thought Nightcrawler was just aight, but the fact that the Jake G was so palpably creepy goes in the win column, no?
  13. About the environmental and human cost (and engineering achievement) of getting water to Los Angeles.
  14. She probably had his poster on her bed room wall in middle school. Weird shit.
  15. I feel like I shouldn't support those shitcunts, but there's no way on Earth I'm missing MGSV.
  16. Never read much King, but the synopsis of Roadwork sounds like a JG Ballard novel. lol if DD has secretly been ripping of Stephen King this whole time.
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