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Everything posted by doublename

  1. I'm generally a big fan of his. I reread, The Road and All the Pretty Horses Last Year, and found they were even better than I'd remembered.
  2. really?! (ha\ven't seen it, assumed it would suck) Yeah, maybe it's because I went in with pretty low expectations myself (a friend wanted to see it for her birthday), but I thought it was good fun for what it was.
  3. The Kindly Ones by Jonathan Littell Finished in the last month or so: Whatever and The Map & The Territory by Michel Houellebecq - I'm definitely a fan of his now. What should I read next? The Hot Zone by Richard Preston - Even though it's nonfiction, it was so enjoyable it felt like junk food. This sounds really interesting. *downloads*
  4. http://youtu.be/zOAnoMRHruQ Canadians rolling coal
  5. Shamelessly reposting this Lucy interview since I put it the wrong thread before:
  6. Plaid - Double Figure (8.5/10): Why haven't I been listening to them all these years? Burzum - Filosofem (4/10): I am warming to grotty old school Black Metal, but this is wack juice. Blut Aus Nord - Ultima Thulee (8/10): Still trying to wrap my head around 777, but this is excellent and accessible. EOMAC - Spectre (8/10) Plastikman - Ex (7.5/10): I think some have been unduly harsh about this record, really immersive for me. WIFE - What's Between (8/10): Almost makes up for the end of AoP. I wouldn't have thought there was much mileage left in this sound. Krallice - Krallice (5/10) Krallice - Years Past Matter (8/10): Dense, disorienting, a bit wanky. Auroch - Taman Shud (7/10) - Feels a bit slight, but I look forward to hearing more of them. u-Ziq - Duntisborne Abbots Soulmate Devastation Technique (8.5/10): Enjoying this a lot more than I recalled. Not Mike P's best work, but quite good. Woods of Desolation - Torn Beyond Reason (7.5/10): Not the most distinguished band doing lush BM, but it ticks all the boxes. Dalhous - Will to Be Well (7/10): I expect the rating to rise with more listens, but their influences are a little too near the surface for me.
  7. But if he sawed the wheel itself, what the hell are they going to do with it? How is it even useable? Man that's some petty shit. My only guess is the thief think they can sell it for scrap. Whatever the case, the wheel is nigh on worthless now.
  8. Some fucking cunt stole the back wheel off my bike. The lock was undamaged, so I assume said cunt sawed through the wheel itself. Fuck this gay earth.
  9. The injury is no loling matter, but it looked like even the medical staff thought he was faking.
  10. I had absolutely no hope for Constantine, maybe I'll check it out.
  11. Description box: "these chat up lines should help you get the gash/Men good luck"
  12. He's married to an American supermodel, flies helicopters for fun and lives in California. How much more American can he get?
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