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Everything posted by doublename

  1. Which books do you enjoy most? I have just finished two weeks leave and realised I haven't finished Pynchon's Vineland (only half way through). Gonna finish it and probably speed read it again to smooth out the gap. Even as a Pynchonite that book does my head in. Not Tom's finest hour.
  2. I love Capullo's art, but I've never really warmed to Snyder's writing on Batman. My eyes tend to glaze over as those massive walls of text obscure the lush artwork.
  3. I'm about half way through Brandon Graham's King City after one sitting. Absolutely loving it so far. Getting strong Otomo & Moebius/Jodorowsky vibes throughout. This might be even better than Prophet. Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
  4. Bleeding Edge is lush, bruv What do you think of Doom Patrol? I think it's second only to Animal Man as far as Morrison goes. My wife is reading it presently and likes it quite a bit. From what she's said about it I'll prob check it out when she's done. Cool, I'll add it to the list. this was really good. it's like a victorian mystery novel with an intriguing presence of the mystical. her prose is very cool and detailed, which combined with the very long first half of the book may feel somewhat plodding. however, the pacing is very deliberate and as the book starts to gets moving one is grateful for her cool, clear writing. this could easily have been botched by a heavier hand, one more easily tempted to indulge in the fantastic. definitely recommend it, it's quite a compelling story, very tightly woven and there is just the right touch of un-resolution throughout. the structure of the book really lends itself to a quick reading, despite its length. lush/10 Excellent, I'm already up 110th on the library waiting list for this! It'll be my fav read of 2015.
  5. How can they not deliver the second issue of a bimonthly title on time? It's like early 90s Image.
  6. But is the pussy in there? I'm surprised anyone can still work up the energy to get upset about the confederate flag shirt or anything else he does. His entire existence is an adolescent pisstake.
  7. If you were an MI5 agent who had to use IDMz to torture a possible terrorist, whose music would you use? Oh, and thanks for the many years of wicked tunes.
  8. this post has zero scientific merit This post is peer reviewed.
  9. That's insane. I'm thinking I might wait for the hard cover collection. I've only read up to book 7 of the original series, so I'm in no rush. The preview pages are beautiful though.
  10. Oh My Lush dat's gorgeous. *camps out in front of comic shop*
  11. Can't stream videos from Al Jazeera English since Al Jazeera America launched.
  12. Is there way to handle the Mandarin that wouldn't piss off fanboys? He is a ridiculous racial stereotype, and Marvel can't risk having a film banned in China.
  13. Flol, that reminds me of that asinine AlcoholEdu program I had to take freshman year. You have my sympathies.
  14. Waiting for the bus is shit everywhere. But yeah, that looks a bit grim, even for a cold weather person.
  15. To be fair, I'm not sure Copenhagen's gang violence would seem all that shocking to Americans even if it made the news. It would be hailed as a miracle if most large American cities were as safe as the more dangerous cities of western Europe. Even London has enviable crime states compared to places like Chicago, Baltimore, and Philadelphia.
  16. My wife is reading it presently and likes it quite a bit. From what she's said about it I'll prob check it out when she's done. Cool, I'll add it to the list.
  17. Has anyone read The Luminaries by Eleanor Catton? I've learned to ignore the Booker Prize lately, but this actually sounds decent. Life is only so long, you know.
  18. I suspected as much, don't think I'll be finishing the first series.
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