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Everything posted by doublename

  1. Yeah it only came out back in '15, but I swear these kids listened exclusively to Drake and Migos back then. edit - actually they still listen to migos and still won't stop dabbing
  2. I think the whole seventh grade just [re-]discovered To Pimp a Butterfly, cuz dem man keep shouting 'I got a bone to pick' every time they enter a room. and goddamn now they're talking about Kodak Black's legal troubles.
  3. Annotated: Trump's Executive Order On Religious Liberty - http://www.npr.org/2017/05/04/526840823/annotated-trumps-executive-order-on-religious-liberty 'This section calls on relevant government departments to draft new rules that will presumably allow any employer with a “conscience based” objection to birth control to avoid providing such coverage, even indirectly, to its employees. Under the Affordable Care Act, workplace insurance plans are required to include coverage for birth control with no out-of-pocket cost to the employee. Churches have always been exempt from that rule. And after protests, the Obama administration developed a workaround for religiously affiliated schools, hospitals and others that didn’t want to play a role in offering birth control. After the Supreme Court ruled in the Hobby Lobby case, this workaround was also extended to certain religiously motivated companies. The workaround allows employers that don’t want to offer birth control coverage to issue a notice to that effect. In those cases, their insurance company will provide the contraceptive coverage itself. Some employers, such as the Little Sisters of the Poor, which runs nursing homes for the indigent, are not satisfied with this as they feel it still makes them complicit in the provision of birth control to which they have a religious objection.'
  4. Margot Robbie in a bubba baff. edit - I think I watched The Big Short back to back with Margin Call, which I remember liking v much more.
  5. http://www.urdesignmag.com/technology/2017/05/02/audi-lunar-quattro/ edit - Audi claims this shit is actually going to the moon on a privately funded lunar jaunt.
  6. Trump Says U.S. Needs Government ‘Shutdown’ - https://nyti.ms/2ps6lZ4
  7. I don't know shit about US politics, but isn't he supposed to answer any kind of question? I mean, he's there for the people, right? So isn't this technically illegal? ...or am I being beyond naïve? Nope, a TV reporter doesn't have any power to make him answer.
  8. I get so wild on my motorbike I get so wild on my motorbike I'm breaking loose on this moonlit night I'm breaking loose on this moonlit night I cut the road like a sharpened knife I cut the road like a sharpened knife And I'm in love with myself And I'm in love with myself There's nothing else but me There's nothing else but me And an empty road And a cool cool wind makes me feel so good I'm moving too fast, I'm moving too fast I'm moving so fast that I can't control the wheels I'm moving so fast, I'm moving so fast Yeah, I'm going for a tree, yeah it's going for me, yeah My head is dripping into my leather boots. imo
  9. What if the engineers are Kryptonian and the acid blood was was designed by David specifically to kill them? Could there be some sort of self-replicating kryptonite molecule in the blood?
  10. Trump has already shown a tendency to fold at least sign of resistance, so idk maybe if someone sits him down with some brightly colored markers and explains what a republic is, he'll quit bitching like he did after that history lesson with Master Xi.
  11. Can't even watch the shit with a vpn anymore, it's tragic.
  12. How much synths can a white man buy for $12k?
  13. http://www.spin.com/2017/04/fyre-fest-billy-mcfarland-magnises/
  14. This just keeps getting better
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