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Everything posted by doublename

  1. Michael Flynn Offers to Testify Before Congress in Exchange for Immunity - https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/30/us/politics/michael-flynn-congress-immunity-russia.html?smprod=nytcore-iphone&smid=nytcore-iphone-share
  2. Dead Reckoning - A 3-part PBS doc about war crimes investigations around the world. Overall excellent, but I wish it had covered fewer cases and taken more time with lesser known ones.
  3. I actually do wonder what would become of Bannon without Trump. Why would anyone with any legitimate political experience want him around? Especially if the stories about his disastrous healthcare 'negotiations' are true.
  4. "The House just voted to wipe out the FCC’s landmark Internet privacy protections" https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-switch/wp/2017/03/28/the-house-just-voted-to-wipe-out-the-fccs-landmark-internet-privacy-protections/?utm_term=.d0ca84e2e791 House Republicans voted overwhelmingly Tuesday, by a margin of 215-205, to repeal a set of landmark privacy protections for Web users, issuing a sweeping rebuke of Internet policies enacted under the Obama administration. It also marks a sharp, partisan pivot toward letting Internet providers collect and sell their customers' Web browsing history, location information, health data and other personal details. The measure, which was approved by a 50-48 margin in the Senate last week, now heads to the White House, where President Trump is expected to sign it. Congress's joint resolution empowers Internet providers to enter the $83 billion market for online advertising now dominated by Google and Facebook. It is likely to lend momentum to a broader GOP rollback of Obama-era technology policies, and calls into question the fate of other tech regulations such as net neutrality, which was approved in 2015 over strident Republican objections and bans Internet providers from discriminating against websites. And it is a sign that companies such as AT&T, Comcast and Verizon will be treated more permissively at a time when conservatives control all three branches of government.
  5. Fleabag - The first episode was p lol. Does feel a bit er... familiar though.
  6. ^ "One 'patient', Rajee Narinesingh, accused Morris of making her 'into a monster' after she received several procedures from the 'doctor' in 2005. Narinesingh, a transgender woman, wanted fuller lips, cheeks and chin, but could not afford an operation by a licensed plastic surgeon, using medical silicone. She said she had heard about the 'fake doctor' by word of mouth through the transgender community."
  7. ^Indeed (edit - about Babado' being complete shit) A Call Girl - V simple, but effective. Reminds me that I used to watch movies and actually like them.
  8. There's a reason the fairy tale spinner Reagan annihilated Carter in 1980. You'll get nowhere speaking truth to the American ppl.
  9. It was an lol and this whole page should be deleted.
  10. We have to rape this continent while it's still here.
  11. He called NYTimes too - https://nyti.ms/2nO0Kwd
  12. Master negotiater at work. Could sell water to a whale. The second coming of Lyndon Johnson.
  13. Florida fire started by book burning destroys at least 10 homes - http://www.nbc-2.com/story/34982007/florida-fire-started-by-book-burning-destroys-at-least-10-homes (CNN) -- At least 10 homes in Nassau County, Florida, were destroyed in a wildfire caused by a man who was burning books Wednesday. Only a few minor injuries to emergency personnel have been reported in what's being called the Garfield Road Fire, according to the Florida Forest Service. But it has burned an estimated 350 to 400 acres near Bryceville, about 20 miles west of Jacksonville.
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