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Everything posted by doublename

  1. Entire U.S. Senate to go to White House for North Korea briefing - http://mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSKBN17Q1LR 'All 100 senators have been asked to the White House for the briefing by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats and General Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the aides said. While top administration officials routinely travel to Capitol Hill to address members of Congress on foreign policy and national security matters, it is unusual for the entire 100-member Senate to go to such an event at the White House, and for those four top officials to be involved.'
  2. Erin Moran's death is incidental to trolling Rubin. You're coming at this from the wrong angle.
  3. Not trying to distract from Apple's many fuckries, but the Youtube TV banner ads in the regular Youtube app are becoming v annoying.
  4. Oh man I use amazon photos and turn off iCloud photo library altogether. Apple photo backup solutions have always been a nightmare. Edit - mama's photos R still in the Recently Deleted tab for 30 days lmao.
  5. I wonder that about Young Thug, who people I know seem to love. DAMN doesn't sound very trap to me. Then again I don't really know anymore. Thugga unlocks flows like a fracking well.
  6. Outlasted 12 American presidents, but the hard stare of some shit for brains Hoosier oughtta set those commies straight.
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