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Everything posted by doublename

  1. Even for GOP reps that budget is radioactive Bit more on th' handshake -
  2. lol Michael B Jordan deserves better edit - I'm actually surprised it's taken this long though
  3. He's a man of the people, except he can afford care for the hypertension and heart problems.
  4. Federal judge in Hawaii freezes President Trump’s new executive order 'A federal judge in Hawaii has frozen President Trump’s new executive order temporarily barring the issuance of new visas to citizens of six-Muslim majority countries and suspending the admission of new refugees.' https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/social-issues/lawyers-face-off-on-trump-travel-ban-in-md-court-wednesday-morning/2017/03/14/b2d24636-090c-11e7-93dc-00f9bdd74ed1_story.html?utm_term=.507c1d5898d4
  5. 'The U.S. military has drawn up early plans that would deploy up to 1,000 more troops into northern Syria in the coming weeks, expanding the American presence in the country ahead of the offensive on the Islamic State’s de facto capital of Raqqa, according to U.S. defense officials familiar with the matter.
The deployment, if approved by Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and President Trump, would potentially double the number of U.S. forces in Syria and increase the potential for direct U.S. combat involvement in a conflict that has been characterized by confusion and competing priorities among disparate forces.' https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/checkpoint/wp/2017/03/15/u-s-military-probably-sending-as-many-as-1000-more-ground-troops-into-syria-ahead-of-raqqa-offensive-officials-say/ Edit - 'the new contingent of U.S. troops would initially not play a combat role, they would be entering an increasingly complex and dangerous battlefield' lol don't fall for this one again
  6. I'd get this on cd if it came in that big condom wrapper. Still preorder worthy though.
  7. It sounds kinda bad anyway though. edit - all of Marvel's Asian characters are laughable 1960s stereotypes and/or inscrutable mystics, so they're always going to end up pissing someone off.
  8. Green Inferno - As terrible as it set out to be, I guess. Lorenza Izzo vaginal blood/10
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