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Everything posted by doublename

  1. Someone should remake The Face of Another with B. Frasier.
  2. Oy... I'd have either of the first two Terminators over Die Hard. edit - didn't even notice I was literally talking to keanu
  3. Yeah it seems pretty rare to hear about a cop killer being taken alive.
  4. I still like Silicon Valley, but it's always a let down after Veep.
  5. correct ... have you seen the movie or did you solve it from the clues and doing (re)search? I saw it ages ago, so I still needed the clue to bring it to mind.
  6. "height stagnated among children in the United States for several decades beginning in the 1950s but continued to increase among Europeans." http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/08/12/AR2007081200809.html Doesn't seem like the average American got any taller in that period.
  7. Pregame festivities: http://mediadownloads.mlb.com/mlbam/mp4/2016/07/04/890721983/1467598747797/asset_1800K.mp4
  8. Literally the British Empire's greatest crime.
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