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Everything posted by doublename

  1. After taking a break from it, I'm like a third of the way through The Savage Detectives. I'm really at a loss trying figure why this was so praised. It doesn't even compare particularly well to the other Bolaño I've read.
  2. Yooooooo... Those are really good 'blysk. Especially that last one. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. We are very sensitive about our subforums, m8. No one who debuted after the Clinton administration has chance.
  4. Really good doc. I've been going through a lot of HBO's older drug documentaries on HBONOW lately -- lots of good stuff there. If you can watch PBS shows in Canada, I'd also recommend the Frontline episode "Chasing Heroin".
  5. in one of the other threads I made the point that hardship/adversity does not always instil nobility but can instead make one grubby/selfish/unconscientious. immigrants who have succeeded in a new country with new lives and newfound peace/prosperity will sometimes be the first people to shit on others trying to do the same, because they, coming from the same situation as them, are keenly aware of limited access/resources and will therefore feel like they gotta fight to protect their own. even against their fellow 'countrymen', using that term loosely. there is an undercurrent of this many international diaspora-type communities as well. Realest shit you ever wrote, mayne. I have to hear and see this shit every day.
  6. i think it's more hilarious he was the most popular republican candidate amongst hispanic voters. the guy that wants to build a wall to keep out hispanics, is most popular with them. Hispanic voters for the republican party?? That's gotta be a small number of people.Hispanics are usually conservative in their social values and the GOP are usually closer to their values in that sense. But the overt racism might make them re-think it. Shhhh... My greatest fear is that republicans will discover how much they have in common with abuelita.
  7. "I go down on a dyke, I go up on my price"
  8. lol. What are the odds of it actually happening anyway?
  9. Thugger and Future are blessing this Earth tho
  10. I can't believe they are really adding one ep per week though. Really annoying.
  11. These employers that want applicants to do a prerecorded video interview need to fuck off.
  12. Is Final Fantasy X:2 the most camp game ever? Playing the HD remaster right now. Combat and character development are both p lush at least.
  13. How do you feel about weasels? Of the one eyed variety? Is that some sort of fucked up Canadian euphemism for penis? Not appropriate, you Calgarian bastard. A couple more weeks of this and I'll be handling those too. PM for Snapchat and Kik deets.
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