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peace 7

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by peace 7

  1. Nice! Yah, holy fuck. Reminds me that I still need to do the writeup for the exhibition I produced like a year ago... Fuck. Anyway, some solid pieces in there, man. One note: If you put masking tape around the edges of your sketchbook (and maybe put the masking tape on your pants first to make it less sticky), it will leave a clean border on your pieces which allows for framing with a mat. As is, your pieces need to be mounted for framing, which is fine, but makes it so you might have to use more adhesive tape on the back to keep it flush, which is more potential for damage and can also cause more yellowing over the years.
  2. Because with super tight vinyl or leather pants, you can see the puffiness of the diapers.
  3. Buy 10 of each, sell them for profit back home, use profit for PCP.
  4. No, uh, article bout the uh, boy making a clock, uh... ting. But I suppose "the reaction" to that is more "how America views America these days"... The uh... amurkah... um... yah.
  5. I had some inception fucking once. I met a girl at a club a few months ago, and due to her being a hobag, we went to a love hotel (which is where you go in Tokyo to sexing). Anyway, after doing some lines of near-pure charly from IDM hookupz, my member is all of a sudden knee deep in her vagiznaz (took awhile to get it up, but I poked at it like checking meters in a jet). As I'm pumping her furiously with coke sweat splatting on the walls, I put her ankles by her head to get in deeper. And then I realized...... What the fuck. "Is that..... Is that another vagina?!" "...Yes." TLDR: I fucked a girl who had a vagina in her vagina, and in that vagina was another vagina. It was the first time I've been in 3 vaginas simultaneously, and I'm now humbled and find myself watching sunsets with can beer, crying, remembering the Native Americans. Sidenote: After the fucking, she queef'd with all 3 vaginas, which made a G major chord. So now every time I hear G major I remember her.
  6. The legend of Rocky Dennis and his super powers; fighting crime and saving the girl. Slapstick zaniness and explosion packed comic book action. Starring Jim Carrey, Cher, and Jackie Chan. 1/10
  7. Why only 186 tracks? Holy fuck, dude. I think I've never gone over 20 or 30, wtf. Anything above 100 tracks is training for Sony or some shit. Damn.
  8. Man, that Casio keyboard aesthetic is so tight. Makes me want to tape it to my arm to rock it like the Power Glove.
  9. Pit Fighter for Atari Lynx intro music: [youtubehd]Pp_2ZUj4Wc8[/youtubehd]
  10. Every green screen I sell I'm both terrified and fascinated at what they're potentially being used for. You sell green screens for a living?
  11. Since it didn't exist, I had to make my own video so I could watch it: [youtubehd]Pp_2ZUj4Wc8[/youtubehd]
  12. Dude, I can't believe you put a hairy anus on YouTube. What the hell.
  13. It's because dank is a state of mind; a level of consciousness. A paradigm shift. Once the decision has been made, you perceive from dankness.
  14. The Mask Friend recommended this Jim Carrey film (for high-watching). Haven't seen this since Thanksgiving break 1995... And holy shit, this is a masterpiece. It is extremely well shot, performed; all around great execution. For what it is, it's solid (high or not). 9.6/10
  15. If only everyone's lives could be this romantic.
  16. Up until about 10 years ago, I could actually smoke casually. Like I'd just have a massive nug on my desk, surf the web, make music, and just have nugs on my desk; wouldn't even care to smoke. Somewhere along the line- and I just realized this now- smoking up went from being a wholly social activity, to being a solo activity. After that shift, I leaned towards going into permastone mode when I've gotz. Even if I smoked socially after the shift, it was still in permastone mode, where we'd all smoke all day long. So now it's actually somewhat painful if I haven't smoked but've just run out, or if I'm gonna pick up in a month, that whole waiting time can hurt. But then sometimes it's like, nah iz cool without. Makes me realize how powerful simply not being "bored" is. (this is why storytelling is so powerful) But as mentioned by others-- if one's personality can handle it (responsible with life and all that shit, not gonna start sucking dick for spliffs, etc.), then it's definitely great to have an infinite supply. BUT, I know people who smoke regularly but not often, so it can work. It's hardcore training for me, though, and to me, that's some ninja level shit. I believe the ninjas called it... "DISIPRIN" My grandfather used to grow, and my father started smoking it at 8 (EIGHT was it?, fuck that sounds ridiculous...)... so if DNA has anything to do with anything, then well- my DNA definitely understands the plant. (funny random sidestory- my dad smoked ganj before tobacco, so when moving to Cali from Hawaii and first trying tobacco- smoking ganj the only smoking he knew- he reacted, "Hey... This doesn't work." ...Rest In Peace, you crazy literal motherfucker.)
  17. agreed, this show is incredible! I need to start watching it again too. But it's fucked up, cuz you have to know tons of pop culture references... It's like if you didn't grow up in the 80's, you can't enjoy this series to its fullest. (Same with old school Family Guy, I suppose.) So it takes some 25~30 years of life experience to actually get this shit. I started watching this when it first aired, and it was genius from the start (and just got better and better). It's the kind of series that I wish I could share with friends who don't know about it, but it's almost like if they don't already know about it, they're not gonna get it. It's some sort of destiny series in TV, where the people who were meant to watch it, will. Are there deeply hidden messages in it for the chosen ones? Is The Venture Bros. animated series some sort of guide to reveal a world that only those who can perceive it will be able to realize? All right, enough. Anyway- SOOO GOOOD~~~
  18. Yah, so this is a Japanese... uh, "Mexican burger". Cuz it has guoc and salsa on it, I guess. Burger+beer lunchspecial approx 11usd/ 7gbp. Of course I could finish this shit in 1 second, due to size. Also, due to good beef being expensive, it's uncommon to get burgers done anything rarer than medium, so of course at that price this was done in the standard Japanese well done. Totally fucking standard. That being said, it was like an 8, cuz it's a burger. Sort of like pizza- gotta fuck up pretty bad to get below 7~8.
  19. One thing to note about depression, is that the negative/boring/etc. feelings of depression shouldn't be used in determining one's value in this world, or state in life period, or even actual life quality. Western medicine would have you believe otherwise, though; implying that one's life quality should be determined by how one feels at every moment. If this were true, cocaine and heroine addicts would have the best lives of all. And I know that depression is just brain chemicals, because I have a pretty good life, yet, I also feel depressed at times (telling from my parents and how I've felt growing up until now, it seems in my DNA to be prone to sometimes feeling fucked). But since I've been at this shit for eons, I do know that my life is good, and I maintain contentment and a sense of happiness that is beyond mere emotion. This is one human strength that other animals rarely possess, and this ability to act in a way that doesn't directly reflect emotion is one of the ways in which humans can spread goodness through the world, even when feeling like shit. Emotion is everything, but it is also nothing. We have to really have a solid foundation of values, and with these values in place, everything else can be determined as "real" or "not real". So no matter how much my brain tells me my life is shit due to some hormonal imbalance, I know that it's wrong. Even my brain telling me I feel like shit, that is also wrong. I feel good, even when I can't perceive it euphorically. And in some sort of irony, making oneself sort of feel like shit through hard physical or mental effort, generally sorts out hormones to make one feel pleasant during waking hours. So basically, push to some hard limit, rest hard, and in-between during casual times, things will be good. The greater the gamut of effort and rest, the better overall life quality seems to be. This is why lazy hedonism does not work as a life concept. Everything is out there just spattered in the ether all willy nilly, but we're fortunate to have the ability choose how we want it to "actually be". Your whole life is in your head.
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