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peace 7

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by peace 7

  1. Shit, too late and couldn't add this one I made after: I've been looking at tons of classical artworks recently, so I could make a million of these- but then I realized it's more dank to just study them cuz "WHEN YOU REALIZE ART TECH WAS BETTER SEVERAL HUNDRED YEARS AGO" ...More like IDM, dat.
  2. Haha... reverb sandal. I'd buy that shit. OC:
  3. Holy fuck this is incredible. I'm gonna steal this and make it into a t-shirt.
  4. Con Cumsequences That kid who played Anakin stars as Inmate #5478509. He's in prison for an armed jaywalking he didn't commit, so he starts to masturbate daily to make prison wine from his semen. His Chinese bunk mate (played by Michael Jordan with tape on his eyes) always says after the ejaculation ritual: "Ooooh, you do daaat?" Eventually they get saved by a cool helicopter. Rated G-X (for general audiences but shows real ejaculation footage)
  5. Spy (8.6/10) Yah, I was impressed by this film. Good flow, good laughs throughout (that didn't mostly rely on shitty fat jokes), pretty original story and take on the genre. Overall, was a pretty rare work for Hollywood, so kudos to everyone involved in executing the project.
  6. Pretty good, man. This might inspire prison inmates to start scratching into the walls: "PRISON IS SCHOOL"
  7. That's not really dank, man... That should be in the "The Way The World Works" thread, if there was one.
  8. Yeah, nooooot too good... Piercing needle chh ain't helpin' nuffin'. I can see if the tribal-esque vibe was pushed a bit more this could be something, but instead it's almost nothing.
  9. HAHAHA This is pretty good. It'd probably work and inspire people to quit facebook, starting a trend in quitting facebook.
  10. OK, I'm setting up a kickstarter for this one right now. Wait a second- isn't this a film already? Except the film I'm looOOooOOoosely remembering had an 80's hair metal dude. The one-direction concept is pretty next-level shit, though.
  11. Maize In The Pooz Most every frame in this film is looking up from the toilet bowl at a man's shitting asshole (but the toilet rim is also in the shot for composition-sake). He always shits pooz with maize. We follow this man's phone conversations on the toilet (and conversations immediately before/after sitting/shitting; camera stays in toilet), throughout the course of a single day, and what starts post-breakfast as a casual argument with his girlfriend about not wanting to attend brunch the following day, slowly unfolds by evening into a who-done-it mystery about a corpse that appears in the neighboring stall. The girlfriend seems to know the dead man... How did they know each other? What is made very apparent is that no matter how much drama is going on in life, we all gotta take a shit when we gotta take a shit. ...How can everyone at this man's workplace who uses the stall with the corpse, react so nonchalantly about it? What is the secret of the man with the maize in the pooz, and the corpse, and the girlfriend, and the brunch, and the stall, and the workplace, and the toilet?!?!?! Twist ending:
  12. This is totally pre-dank dank circa 2007, when I was onto some next-level shit (NSFW):
  13. Free Home Delivery All right, free delivery to Tokyo! Within 1 and half mile radius Shit.
  14. Heart Attack Grill is great, mang. One of the few burger joints that I want to visit (most everything looks/sounds quite tasty!). Plus, overall the concept is genius. They're not hiding behind anything or trying to deceive customers-- they're straight up saying: "This shit is delicious, and it can kill you." On the other side of the coin are places that are less delicious with more chemicals and crazy shit like McDonald's, that are trying to appeal to children, which is some fucked up shit.
  15. Yah, I was working on a hover board to commemorate BTTF Day, but then I forgot about it. I did not have enough power, though. I suppose I could make it work plugged into the wall, but that defeats the whole purpose. Plus, it was like every other hover board made, that depends on aluminum/copper surface, which also is retarded. -1 Doc Brownie point for me. Jobs--- Watched this Ashton Kutcher film a couple weeks ago, and it was pretty good. He felt like Steve Jobs. The whole thing played out kind of like an inspirational YouTube video, but for what it was, it was good. Perhaps helped kicked me in the ass slightly, to make me realize even more how much I am not trying hard (unlike those who work for da man, my destiny is truly in my hands, so I gotta level up, mang). "Make shit that doesn't exist, motherfucker!"- Steve Jobs ... 8.5/10 Newtons
  16. They own Kraft who bought out General Foods in the 90s, and General Foods owned Maxwell House. So yeah. You have passed the test. You will be contacted by a man hanging from a helicopter at midnight. Be prepared in front of your house. Naked, holding a loaded sawed-off shotgun.
  17. Just hung out with modey and his gyal in Shibuya like 2 hours ago. 'Twas fun, mangz~~~
  18. I had some inception fucking once. I met a girl at a club a few months ago, and due to her being a hobag, we went to a love hotel (which is where you go in Tokyo to sexing). Anyway, after doing some lines of near-pure charly from IDM hookupz, my member is all of a sudden knee deep in her vagiznaz (took awhile to get it up, but I poked at it like checking meters in a jet). As I'm pumping her furiously with coke sweat splatting on the walls, I put her ankles by her head to get in deeper. And then I realized...... What the fuck. "Is that..... Is that another vagina?!" "...Yes." TLDR: I fucked a girl who had a vagina in her vagina, and in that vagina was another vagina. It was the first time I've been in 3 vaginas simultaneously, and I'm now humbled and find myself watching sunsets with can beer, crying, remembering the Native Americans. Sidenote: After the fucking, she queef'd with all 3 vaginas, which made a G major chord. So now every time I hear G major I remember her. Haruki Murakami pls. btw u still never ever showed me ur acid beats on my acid synth I got new headphones after working out most of the track, and it's taken me like 2 months to learn them. Also, the track had a lot of mixing issues, which I need to sort out. I might work on it tonight. Whatever the case- it's really good, yo. Haha... I will finish it and post it!
  19. That's not bad, but I don't think it's the one I remember (thanks, though, wanna read more later!)... I suppose I gotta read them all, though. The one I remember and cannot find, is similar aesthetic, same kind of ridiculousness, but using more photos. Buuut anyway-- I was suppose at the "pre-dank" times, there were a lot of people who were doing it. Also: IDM price: ~$116, street price: $175
  20. Was this uh... posted uh... here?: [youtubehd]icN6rblqYRg[/youtubehd]
  21. Before "irony" was everywhere, memes barely existed, and hipster shit was in its infancy, there was a "dank meme" esque comic/homepage/series that was fucking hilarious, that I can't find anymore... It was shittily drawn/PS'd, had stories about a "Bevan", and used "krem" often, or something like that... Like one of them had, "then I LOL, which means 'leaning on the wall'".... I think there was one about a battle with ninjas. Stories were written in that "9~12 year old" style. ...Uh. Maybe my memory has melted and this is all inaccurate, but maybe someone remembers it from like 10 years ago. Anyone?
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