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peace 7

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by peace 7

  1. you look like a fuckin legend congratulations,your bird is well fit I echo this sentiment, nice one mate. Sweetness. So I guess all the drinking paid off... THE WONDERS OF LIFE. Congratulations sir. You are now a man.
  2. Every single one of my shroom experiences has been something like: Oh, fuck- everything is becoming metallic... silver golden sheen and overexposed... Somewhere around here is where things can get fucking hilarious. Oh, fuck- sooo beautiful, wooooow..... Oh, fuck- ..... All of a sudden, before me lies an ancient landscape, highly technical, yet highly organic. The newest tech, simultaneously the oldest tech. Finally- I have returned to "the place", where I always have been since the spark of Consciousness before time- where I will remain until it repeats again. I ALWAYS return to "the place". Obscure, yet the most familiar place I've ever been. All is Love, all is One, we are but silly people doing silly things. Immense beauty. A normally imperceivable veil has been lifted, and my physicality and mentality are now bare and raw. I am but a vessel for flowing energy. We are but specs of seeming insignificance, but specs which each contain the whole of all Existence and Consciousness. Afterglow of pearly iridescence is the glow of all, as vibez return to "normal state". Warm fuzz. See you next time, Self. Sometimes in the deep parts there, there are moments of eons that consist of infinitely expanding geometric landscapes that cover a field of view far wider than possible with regular binocular vision (especially with closed eyes), but those times don't really contain emotion, unless Zen can be considered an emotion. Sometimes there is intense and very clear music (some of which I remember and have recorded, but I need to record the main themes more fully sometime). Sometimes I go in manual mode and perceive any scene I wish; far more real than what I see before me now. Glitches in the playback of projected reality, straight up skewing of space and time, the lifeforce of trees and plants becoming very apparent like roaring flames, fake people becoming instantly identifiable by sight, etc... etc. When I am on shrooms, it's the rare occasion when I get to visit home.
  3. This album has its moments. But then you hear a track like Ease Up V.I.P. from a couple years prior, and it's like... hm. I think one of the problems as an album is that it feels like most of the tracks are in the same key, using similar elements. But actually, I just noticed this now on the planet mu release page. http://planet.mu/discography/ZIQ190 Play track 1, skip to middle, track 2, skip to middle, track 3, skip to middle, etc.-- first 10 tracks- if not all- are in the same key and almost sound like remixes of each other. So during full album listening, subconsciously, a feeling of general blandness could be perceived, despite some standout tracks.
  4. What the fuck. That's cool that you can login to WATMM from outer space.
  5. My latest YT upload was text: Chalybs recommended the vid. I recommend it as well, if you need that final pancake in the face moment to push you ever the edge. It's so fucking ridiculous.
  6. Hasty Boom Alert negates cynicism and bullshit fuckery in this thread. Just because you are not yet Ultra, does not mean that you are not on The Path.
  7. Amazing- communication can work over long distances and time and other shit, sometimes... Yah, man. I thought you'ze Japarneze or something, mang. So uh... bad rapping gives you hope for humanity? Ahaha... Fuuuck this thread is kind of sad... It's like some dude's girlfriend like, "I'm so happy that you love me...", with a punch to the stomach as a reply by the dude; cherry on top is whisky poured on her head yelling "Leeeroy Jeeenkins!!!"
  8. AHAHAHAHAHA..... Fuck, I laughed pretty loud at this. I just got into work, and it's 12:50 AM. Midnight Ginza, empty streets, and my loud ass laugh echoed through the building. This is my life. lol yeah i do this every day You... go into work at midnight and laugh alone?
  9. AHAHAHAHAHA..... Fuck, I laughed pretty loud at this. I just got into work, and it's 12:50 AM. Midnight Ginza, empty streets, and my loud ass laugh echoed through the building. This is my life.
  10. Yah, really- about 90% of Japan could use synth+jet ski combos. Buying a gasoline generator? How about 10% off guitars when buying a generator! Japan has a lot of companies that do tons of shit. For example JT, Japan's main tobacco company, also makes canned coffee. Imagine if Phillip Morris made coffee... People would be like wtf.
  11. Oh fuck I drew a face that I saw in my face in the mirror, from 1995 8th grade, except I might've thrown it out, cuz it was scary and I was lil bitch. Yah I thiiink I remember folding it up... And looking into others' eyes ting-- a similar tech called psychic window that I learnt in 1995 (coincidentally), where 2 people sit in chairs opposite each other, off center, so both right eyes are looking into the other, and the left eye is just... there. Then greys come out.
  12. Upon the foundation of Ultra and IDM- respectively but also wicked quick when joined harmoniously- everyday we Live our Day. Upon the foundation of True Vibez and Infinite Spark in an Instant, everyday we Live our Day. By removing resistance, goals become a matter of Willingly expressing sincerity; amplifying the Light that beams this projected reality; amplification achieved through Focus. Resistance is removed by letting go of the handles of fear. Where you arrive is where you will find Yourself, always. If you forget this you will become lost in Youself, always.
  13. really not cool... that also means it was probably someone close to you then, huh? sorry to hear that.. fuck So sorry to hear about the unfortunate news. I hope it all works out.
  14. Sweet space, yo. Reminds me of when I used to live in Egypt. Love da vibez~ ...of like, clunkiness, yet open and spacious, new yet old, dirty yet clean, etc...
  15. Jesus christ youve just reminded me Rubin Farr was somehow in my dream last night What was it like to sex WATMM member in dream?
  16. that's some heavy dosage adieu, you should be watmm's resident shaman seriously all in favor say 'aye' (or 'high'?) Psychedelic machismo ≠ good shamanism telling someone to take 4 grams for their first time on shrooms and that they just need the right 'headspace' to trip right is imo terrible advice. i wasn't basing my nomination on his high dosages but rather just his general shaman-ness it was a bit of a non-sequitar that i should have clarified and yeah first-timers should prolly just take like 1/2 gram (in my imo) 1/2 gram used to land me on the ground laughing for 3 hours until my face and ribs hurt Well this isn't exactly my first time. When i was 16 i did shrooms three times. First two were just body highs, cool but a little disappointing cuz i wanted to trip. Third time I went balls to the wall and had the lions share of a bag me and my friend had. Didn't go into it with the right mindset, didn't do much research on psilocybin, went to an unfamiliar location. One thing led to another and I ended up in a hospital bed with nurses telling me I was streaking in public. This might seem weird that I want to try shrooms again but it's 5 years later, I'm 21 and I feel like I'm in a much better headspace and I have the opportunity to go into this trip with good set and setting. I just really wish i knew how much i took last time and what sort of species it was. I know I must sound stupid for trying it again but last time I was 16 and had a "I wanna get fucked up" mentality. Fuck, dude- I will GIVE YOU TWENTY GRAMS of dried shrooms, if you let me film the results. I'm making a documentary about an electronic music board member, who freaks out in thought provoking ways, all at a glorious 24 fps. You might fit za biru!!!
  17. Man, I've been watching you fold these intricate shapes for years, and now you're getting into CAD rendering... I feel like I'm watching the unfolding of a breakdown/enlightenment ala π, except instead of the story being connected with cracking the stock market, it's centered around cracking folded paper. "Maaax, you need to take a baaath, Maaax....." "But what if this folding paper is A SIGN! What if there's a pattern, and I can crack it?!" "It's just paaapurrr Maaaaaax..... But once when I was studying origami, I came across a 3127.25 folded shape that is later going to give me a heart attack." "On, snap!"
  18. In a few hundred years, perhaps raccoons will be domesticated. Then we'll see what's up.
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