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peace 7

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by peace 7

  1. That's pretty good taxiderpy. Yeah, but it was supposed to be an octopus. This is an advanced horrible job at taxidermy. Like if a demolition company were paid to clear a block of abandoned warehouses but instead used the funds to build a zen temple and rock garden in an unrelated part of town. "Your ineptitude is highly aesthetic and well executed."
  2. Yah- nice colors on the colored pencil crab! Thems the strokes and color usage of a painter.
  3. Holy shit- I was gonna start a thread about this. Is that what it's about? Adrenaline? My thread was gonna be about feeling more awake when "tired". It's Wednesday morning as I type this, and WHAT THE FUCK-- I just realized I've mostly been up since Saturday. Dude, what the fuck. Release jer magnum opus and the IDM man will let you rest. You're actually 100% correct on that point. Thanks for reminding me, man. I actually have been working on neeew music, which is basically just pop. I realized that the only way to spread Ultra, is through the masses. There is something so right about condensing pounds of raw vegetables into something that looks and tastes exactly like a roasted marshmallow.
  4. Holy shit- I was gonna start a thread about this. Is that what it's about? Adrenaline? My thread was gonna be about feeling more awake when "tired". It's Wednesday morning as I type this, and WHAT THE FUCK-- I just realized I've mostly been up since Saturday. Dude, what the fuck.
  5. Holy shit, I just discovered this amazing thing. Look at this: Whilst listening to this:
  6. This one is simple. I'd have her join me in my car for a serious chat: "Hey I was listening to BBC International this morning, and apparently local news hasn't been covering a major outbreak in this area of a new virus. It's highly contagious and fatal if not treated, and symptoms include..... Oh, shit. Oh, SHIT. My elbows are getting itchy-- HURRY!!!!! UNZIP MY PANTS AND START LICKING MY ERECT PENIS!!! You first lick it, then you have to make me orgasm in your mouth, it's the only- DAMMIT CLAIRE I DON'T HAVE TIME TO ARGUE- I'M GONNA FUCKING DIE, HURRY!!! BE MORE SCARED AND WORRIED-- HURRY!!!!! ...Yeah, that's nice..... Thaaaaat's nice..... Do it fast and hard cuz there's no ti-- Oh, shit- Claire, your elbows are starting to swell! It's spreading fast!!!!! Hurry, we have to jump in the back seat! WE HAVE TO GET IN 69 POSITION OR WE BOTH DIE!!!!! *tear off her skirt and panties* We have to both orgasm- FAST!!! Our lives depend on dithis s. .s.. mm mm mm mmmm..." 4min37sec later: "Claire- you acted fast and were very smart and intelligent in the matter. Thank you for saving both our lives. Just for that, I'll paint over the rust spot tomorrow out of my own pocket. Our aggressive grinding might have also prevented the spread of sinkholes... I'm keeping your panties."
  7. Smooth as silk, man (5kg silk?). The natto (fermented soy beans) upgrades your bowels to IDM level; enough to extract stardust and particles of light from even a carrot. Like an expensive juicer-- less bulk waste. p.s. If anyone has digestion etc. problems, natto is magic. With regards to efficiency and effectiveness, makes yogurt look like a lil' bitch (plus, hard to find good yogurt for this purpose). Some people hate it, but I love natto. Ambrosia. Like a fine cheese.
  8. All right that's it motherfucker-- I'm gonna IDM so hard and make several million dollars in the next year so I can eat at least 5 hamburgers a day. My daily minimums NEED TO BE: 5 hamburgers, 3 gyros, 2 deli sandwiches (prolly roast beef on rye with provolone), 100g french fries, 3kg fresh fruits, 1 waffle cone of gelato, 5 bowls of salad (mixed greens, avocado, onions, cilantro, broccoli, bell peppers, hot peppers, simple soy sauce/ olive oil/ vinegar/ lime dressing), 500g fatty beef steak, 1 serving red Thai curry, 1 serving palak paneer curry, 100g salmon sashimi, 3 rice bean egg sausage burritos (deep fried), 1 serving nachos, 3 slices of pizza (varies), 3 liters of soymilk, and 150g natto. I'm prolly missing a lot of stuff, but that's the basics at this point.
  9. More vimz: [vimeo]102051605[/vimeo] Some kind of trippay ting that is inadvertently inspirational in an obscure way.
  10. half of peace7's face is the monitor version I've got Bette Davis MadameChaos eyes Subtle narrative aspect of this pic: finger pointing is saying "Look at my knee." Teaching children new drum beats of the knee since 1975.
  11. Irony that you sonically adore.
  12. There is a woman high as fuck, an open drug deal, people unafraid of a video camera, and just general bomb shit. 30 years ago... I moved down the street from that almost 10 years ago.
  13. WATMM film tagline from the trailer: WATMM..... Half bearded, half thick black glasses'd, half female, half bedroom electronic geniuses, half film buffs, half stoners, half grandparents, half children, half digital, half analog, half internet, half pubic hair..... *DUN DUN DUN* AAaAaAAaAaaall WATMM. Coming this Summer to a Winter near you. (featuring Whoopi Goldberg as Joyrex) p.s. I pronounce "WATMM" as "waaah-tummm". p.p.s. I posted my most recent pic in this here post, but it's faster than light- so you might only remember it after not seeing it. Also, not all browsers are compatible with my faster-than-light-image-format-that I'm trying to make a standard (peace-7.ftlift) And just so there is no GIF JIF pronunciation type confusion, .ftlift="fat lift" Yah, the "that" is part of the format, because without it, merely typing it out tends to suck it out of immediate existence or skews it to another dimension, etc. (also, IE 5 bugs)
  14. well, yeah... I guess is the only way. Well, I'll use my earbuds (which sound good) for on the go and get some of those famous yellow monitors lel for home. But really I'm amazed... Dude, wtf. A bass that sounds and feels "good" in my earbuds sound like fucking ass in my speakers (which are like 8 years old and obviously not for musix making) :( I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the "XB" in the name of your earbuds implies that they are seriously far from neutral monitors and are emphasizing a shit ton of bass/mid bass, and you really should not use them for mixing purposes if you want your music to sound decent on anything without a fucked up emphatic EQ curve. NEVER EVER EVER mix with earbuds, unless that is all you have. Laptop speakers are better. Unless you can mix with your eyes- reading freq waveforms- earbuds are gonna result in some bass crazy treble crazy no-mid crazy garbage. Or just any garbage. To hear how your earbuds are lacking, though, you can run a sine wave through and range up/down the freq to see where the tone goes out. Or, just goto manufacturer website, and they might have a chart posted. But, "fuck her right in the pussy", is correct.
  15. "Better artists" should be felt as inspiration, not competition. You are only competing with yourself, to most sincerely manifest your heart into the world. When you get to a point that is even close to "being real and you" with your artwork (drawing, music, whatever), nobody else's output will be intimidating. When you think of others as competition, it stifles your own creativity and expression of self, because such mental context makes it easy to forget that "sincerity" is the highest form of output. Plus, being "the best" never exists. And if it does, it's akin to being in a room full of mentally handicapped children. It's a crass example, but that's what it'd be like. With music, I think a turning point for everyone is that time when one can play their tracks for others, without having to have 20 disclaimers before or during the playing of music. That, is confidence.
  16. Well, if you recall when Deadpool came out, TONS of Spiderman-eyed characters came out- Marvel, DC, and Image released a butload. All inspired by the genius McFarlane Spidey eyez. So yah.... They are pretty similar, cuz they were developed during the same time with same vibez.
  17. Getting guitar finger calluses sucks. I rarely play nowadays, but I still have reduced touch-sense on my left hand. When I used to play for hours a day, I couldn't feel shit. And it made me think that I'm basically trading being a guitar virtuoso for never again being able to feel a woman's body with my left-hand fingers. That is a huge tradeoff. I could very well be using too much strength, though. When I watch classical guitar player videos, they don't look like they're using any strength and have perfect posture and hand positioning. I guess I should stop playing like a punk/blues style, with basically a monkey grip.
  18. what track is that?? shit is bugging me, i should know this! All right- the ambient track was posted. BUT THE BEST TRACK IN THE VIDEO IS OBVIOUSLY THIS!!!!!: Also, I'm not even gonna quote the vid, but.... 2-step is more laaate-90's and 00's than "90's". Also, it's sad that 2-step became such a pop sound, that electronic producers didn't use it much, even though it had/has mad potential to be next-level. I suppose My Red Hot Car was in that vibe, but still.... Da whooole 2-step, garage shitz, churned out so much pop bullshit. So sad, so sad..... But I guess there is Towa Tei's Mars. I dunno. Fuck, man. HOT WEATHER MUTHAFUCK. Brain...... melting.
  19. I've been making friends with park cats, and I finally got to pet this one cat that has a Hitler mustache. I'm sorry- a Chaplin mustache. It was a social accomplishment. Felt good, brah..... Felt good.
  20. Did you utter: "I'm going to forcibly jam my erect penis into your un-lubricated asshole."...? Yeah, cuz that sounds rapey. Don't say that.
  21. Yah, that's about right. Seriously, like 65%+ of us seem to have similar glasses. That is actually what I look like with glasses. * face fucked in monitor 4lyfe *
  22. Aww, man..... That breaks my achy breaky heart. It's sort of like what Tom Hanks' son said: "Here's what it would say in my obituary: 'Chet Hanks, son of Tom Hanks, came up with the cure for cancer.' ”
  23. I thought this poster was good... But in general, poster art, dvd/br box art, and film internal concept/art direction, are handled by separate studios. Film posters are especially bad, when they use actor heads on generic bodies; using photos that weren't even taken for the poster.
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