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peace 7

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by peace 7

  1. peace 7

    Now Reading

    Uncovering the Missing Secrets of Magnetism
  2. Um, there's plenty of ignorant white people involved. The person who physically attacked her was white. agreed, they were all atrocious but some seemed even more ignorant than others, mind their own fucking business. Too late to backpeddle. You're already exposed yourself as a racist, every bit as ignorant as those you think you can safely look down upon. The video footage was merely to record who shall die the next day and how. You don't fuck with the Cobra Commander's daughter and get away like nothing happened.
  3. 420 WRITE YOUR NAME URRDAY (WTF, I hate when browsers are all keyboard automatic shit, cuz I posted nothing so then I had to edit the above nothing to make it relevant)
  4. Fuck, man- I used to rock that track so hard in high school.
  5. Sorry, I'm not saying anything about "you", per se. Just people in general, yo. ...Just people in general.
  6. Yah, well I was half joking, half making serious deep points about how depiction of humanity in popular film can reverse twisted views that've been shoveled into minds by Hollywood. Tons of explosions and sexuality without benefit to narrative-- what the fuck does that shit have to do with anything? A pubez growth 12 year timelapse is bad, but freely depicting violence without benefiting thought/feelings/life/paradigms is good and natural? cwmbrancity-- your post is exactly why I was half serious about my post. If you are male, your penis grew from child ages, and now you have pubez. That shit actually happened to you and is relevant, and viewing such a thing could possibly bring to the surface the innate understanding that you are human, you have grown, and you shall continue to grow; thus adding realization of appreciation to the extensions of yourself in this world. But what about dozens of people being shot up and murdered with no plot or benefit to deeper understanding of life or anything? That violent shit happens daily in this world, but by presenting superficialities of it in film, the deeper aspects are not conveyed. If you saw action movie level murder right in front of your face, you'd prolly puke. Why didn't you puke in a film depiction of it? Because heart is usually not given with such depiction-- therefore, such usages are merely skewing and abstracting death to a novelty of really shitty aesthetics. Yet, it's pretty likely that you've been brought to tears by a film, because the superficialities of such scenes held onto heart (though in recent years, there are more love stories that have no backstory, further attempting to superficialize another sacred theme). Pointless shit in film is like a test of how far skewing of mankind can go. Like in other threads here about fucked up USA cops and murder and militarization-- we see hardcore shit in film constantly since birth with no heart attached, so we cannot see how absolutely horrible it is when tamer versions happen in (indirect) life. So we let it happen to others. And we let ourselves be stupified as modern societal people, who don't give a shit about protecting artforms which have the potential to be divine and highly beneficial to all who partake. By fucking up art, we fuck up society as a whole. So, no- I don't literally want to take photos of some kid's dick until it swells, his balls drop, and his pubic mound becomes a mess of jungle fury, for 12 years straight-- but when the opportunity arose, if I didn't write about a serious topic and view with the intention of benefitting possibly 1 person out of thousands- if even abstractly as I did- then I'd be just as shitty an artist as all the hacks who use artforms to fuck up the world. If you can't see that a timelapse of crotch for 12 years is more real, more relevant, and less offensive than a lot of what Hollywood spews out, then you've lost the sense of humanity that turned your crawl into a walk. You walked because you wanted to explore your world-- not so you could be spoonfed lies by people who don't care about you.
  7. just an advisory note - this might also get you locked up mate This is exactly why Hollywood films are generally shit. It is illegal to make good films. "Yeah, um- if I have to think for more than 1 second in your film, you're getting murdered, and it's gonna look like a suicide."--Hollywood We are at a time in filmmaking- and in a crazy world- where possibly the only way forward is to do 12 year timelapses of penis and pubic hair growth. Seeing such real footage on the silverscreen (preferably in IMAX 3D) is the only way to wake up the general populace to help them realize: "Oh, yeah-- I'm a human being. Life is precious. I should learn how to do things. Explore the world. I almost forgot that being a slut, only caring about material goods, and being selfish are not on the path towards true happiness. I got lost in Hollywood bullshit values determining my life and stifling growth. We are humans and grow, forever. But Hollywood tries to define values as absolute, intending to keep me an eternal child. Thank you 12 year timelapse of penis and pubic hair growth film-- you have saved me from living a life of chosen retardedness."
  8. If I did a concept film like this, the highlight would be the 12 year timelapse shot of the boy's child penis growing to a man's; his smoothness exploding into a wrecked pubic mound of jungle fury. The story would be deep with many sideplots, but the main narrative would revolve around the pubic hair.
  9. This would be cuter if it was just SLJ. When I think of cuddly cute that makes my body melt and my brain go *aaaaaw~~~*, I think of an unbathed Samuel L. Jackson staring into my face like he's fueled with crack, has a boner, and wants to street fight me.
  10. I finished Sexy Commando anime. That is the most I've laughed from an anime series.
  11. I achieved 1:2180000000000 overunity in LTspice. This is just in time for BTTF day, so I can get my hoverboard working. ~4.8W input, ~10.9TW output IDM as fuck. DL LTspice project file here, to power your Flux Capacitor, Hoverboard, AND Oscillation Overthruster off of 1.5V source: http://nothinggg.com/electronics/
  12. Possibly most publicly influential Snowden interview to save da phuture; in most IDM fashion: Next level.
  13. Just bumping this to say that it's 100% legit, dis vid. My whole life and everything I know has lead to understanding the concepts presented in this vid. Pretty much every post I've ever made on the internet has been about sharing this wisdom, directly or indirectly. YOU ALL HAVE THE POWER, like mofuggin' He-Man on LSD. p.s. The Euglossine release is pretty legit.
  14. Kavinsky wank into a bar, da bartender says, "Why so red?" p.s. Don't wank into bars cuz it get stuck.
  15. Eraserhead is the prequel to Kung Fu starring David Carradine. If you watch both back to back, it makes more sense. You know that bit in Eraserhead where the alien baby thing gets sick and is all of a sudden covered in bumps? That is actually alluding to Kwai Chang Caine going through puberty and getting acne. It's crazy that even a Shaolin monk kung fu master has to deal with the harsh pains of pimples.
  16. I think the "stuff was a dream" for Mulholland Drive would be the most cop-out usage of such a thematic element, with no added benefit to the story-- in that vein, could be taken meta and be like, "Dude, the whole film is David Lynch's dream" (which would be accurate, though). My ultra IDM analysis- I don't actually remember it all, cuz one downside of staying up for several days is bad memory retention- but it was something like... The actress is an eternal one, being reborn generation after generation, and this is a concept that happens with character and actor archetypes in our world, like how every generation is trying to remake "the sexy lady", "the action dude", "the cool smart kid", "the underdog champion", etc. But in Mulholland Drive, it's done more directly by murdering actresses and attaching "the face" (i.e. "the look"; how a group of women can look quite different, but with similar makeup, hair, clothing, they can have the same "look")- but the literal face- to perpetuate a most accurate visual representation of the archetype. And memories are erased of "the new one", and through hypnotism and whatnot, they can become even mentally like the archetype. The upcoming actress has to kill to become the new, or at least witnesses the murder. Also, I think something in my mind at the time was concluding that even the film being made (in the film), is one that is made over and over and over... Generation to generation, the same concepts need to be perpetuated. So overall- if that's what I was thinking, prooobably should watch it again for a more accurate whatever analysis-- the film is about the twisted nature of ritualistic perpetuation of ideas just for the sake of ritual, alluding to Hollywood and its ideologies since the conception of movies.
  17. I somehow came across House Of Fools on YouTube, so I decided to watch it... "Ooh, I love many British series, so let's see waddup..." ...Watch a couple episodes... Holy fuck motherfucker, what an absolute garbage show, what in the hell... But then I laughed at some bitz, which might also mean that my brain is melting from too much jazzercise. So I dunno about "watching at the moment", but I did watch it, for a moment, and now, I, punch myself in the dick. It's like the shit sitcom series in Extras, except it's real?! From that perspective I was tripping hard. Like a newborn on blotter acid hard.
  18. Mulholland Drive is one of those films that is impressive because it's a trip within itself, making you feel like a conspiracy theorist sleuthing inadvertent genius by putting tons of puzzle pieces in your head with loose connections. I've watched it several times, and I've found what I believe to be "the true story" that I haven't read about or watched in analysis of the film. I was gonna do a writeup or make a video about it, but then I realized that the idea of doing so made me want to punch myself in the dick-- I just imagined aaall the absolutely retarded YouTube comments from people who think The Expendables 2 is masterful filmmaking. But maybe what I've found is so straightforward that it's obvious? I dunno-- but I did watch the film on nights when I was up for a few days after weeks of "staying up modafinil experiments", and it got to the point where I was watching the film, and the fourth wall basically vanished. The film pulled me in and became a direct part of my perception, as if I was imagining it or something like that. But there are reeeally subtle hints with stuff on tables, usage of color, shit like that. It's one of those films that's so well directed and put together, that there are separate and meaningful experiences from watching the film with sound and without. Note: at this time, I also spent 7~9 hours or so watching The Lone Ranger, ONCE, and I came to the conclusion that it's a cinematic masterpiece (not gonna give further enlightenment to Buddha, but it's crafted almost perfectly).
  19. I still remember some rhymes I wrote when I was like 10-- they were horrible.
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