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peace 7

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by peace 7

  1. Yah, 70's speaker. And prolly everywhere in the world, when companies buy newer systems, you can buy all their older systems for like $1 (or dumpster dive). With Macs, Logic has built in farm processing ting, which is how I got the idea in the first place. But as concluded, any new system can run a DAW quite well, without latency or hickups. Basically if your track skips or whatever, you don't know how to use da ting efficiently! For this, I'm grateful to my old school PowerBook G4, because I had to learn efficiency on that thing like a mofo. Learn how to get good with "shit"-- go ultra with some new system.
  2. So from ultra hi-tech Tokyo, a couple weeks ago I went out ze booniez of Japan, fuckin' abandoned houses and population of ~50 kind of town... Pretty badass. Land is cheap, so I'm thinking about moving someplace like ze Japan booniez- cuz you can buy a massive house with farmland for the price of a Tokyo closet. Anyway..... Some pics!
  3. Laptop studio... So basically if you have enough laptops like mah herr' studio, you can connect them all by ethernet (or upgrade to fiber optic) and do a mini render farm and cloud platform to get several teraflops from shit old school shit. The only problem is latency, which is not a problem if using custom code "borrowed" from ILM for CGI usage. So basically, work for ILM, modify custom software used in Jurassic Park attained by hooking up some dude with OG Kush, buy several dozen laptops that can only run up to Windows XP, install custom Linux build based on Debian, write custom DAW soft based on publicly released early branches of Reaper-- if all goes smoothly, you have a workstation system capable of squelching acid lines that doubles as a house heater. Cost: Indescribable. Benefits: Retarded. Conclusion: Buy a Mac Pro.
  4. Film..... so.... lush....... choking on..... pointlessly high aesthetic abstract shots..... must..... contain...... spitz......... gaaaaaaagh..... .. . . .. . . Processing photos- will post something soon. p.p.p.p.p.p.p.p.p.p.p.s. RONG RIBU FIRUMU AESSECHIKKU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. thanks shea.. i've never looked better Yeah, man- that's like Squarepusher 3.0.
  6. Fiznuthian..... I dunno if it's sleep deprivation or what, but your face looks like a liquid soap dispenser.
  7. and listen to this, but have audio on for both: When it syncs it's like good times! Reminds me of watching windshield wipers sync up... or blinking car lights... basically something with cars.
  8. Cool steadicam looking car footage. I was watching it when listening to a Fujiyama Mama video posted in another thread (seriously), and the snares of the Desolate vid sync'd in and out with the Fujiyama Mama track. Pretty cool. (seriously, it really does sync! and when it does, it's Fujiyama Mama Desolate POWER! )
  9. Starts from 1:22... The groove on this is so tight..... and the direction of the shots and the choreography--- just all around groovin' tight execution. Really speaks of what "music" is: [youtubehd]E77HpMMbDYc[/youtubehd] But also this: [youtubehd]zXuauPokp3s[/youtubehd]
  10. What- if Syro sells more than Thriller, that would make Dali's surrealism look like clocks are supposed to be floppy on stuff. BBC News International: "Aphex Twin's Syro- the master's first proper release in over a decade- has sold 3 billion copies on the week of release. In other news: there is no other news."
  11. Terpentintollwut Yah, mang. We could maybe Syro 40th anniversary it if we're both in Tokyo for some reason.
  12. because it's a record label Given the amount of shit that WARP's released in the past 10 years, it's understandable how someone could mistake a "record label" for a "feces producer". Also, I think even "record label" is confusing, because you wouldn't believe how many hours of music I've sent to record labels in the past 15+ years, only to later find that 90% of those were actual, labels for records; made of paper with glue on one side. Like I was sending cassette tapes, MDs, and CDs, to postal addresses of round stickers.
  13. do you know if they already have the bags? ”なおタワーレコードではオリジナル・クリアファイル、HMV、diskunionでは、それぞれオリジナル・デザインのロゴ缶バッヂ、amazonでは、オリジナル・ロゴ・マグネット、その他の対象店舗では、オリジナル・ロゴ・ステッカーを先着でプレゼント。さらに、9月21日(日)までに対象店舗で、アルバムを予約すると、エイフェックス・ツインのオリジナル・ショッピング・バッグをプレゼント。” The limited custom goodz tingz (limited, to the first buyers): Tower Records- clear file (plastic sleeve) HMV, diskunion- respective designs, metal pins Amazon- logo magnet other shops- logo sticker The shopping bag is for pre-ordering before Sept 21st at the select shops. --As for Tower releasing Syro early, I thought it might be a typo, but Japan has had a lot of electronic releases come out first worldwide (and maybe choosing Tower, because it is the biggest and most popular record shop).
  14. Also, some other shops in Japan have their respective custom badges and other shiz. I'll be going to the Shibuya Tower Records, which is the same Tower that I bought RDJ Album at in high school. It feels good to be excited about a physical release again... Here is me when I was 16 impersonating the RDJ Album cover ~1.5 years after release: AHAHAHA... Here is the accompanying quote from my Geocities page at the time: In this pic, I kinda tried to impersonate the cover of Aphex Twin's "Richard D. James Album", with a slightly evil look. Very good album, by the way. I would recommend it to anyone that's into electronica. This is also the first pic that I took with my new frames. (added 5-24-98) I lost that exact pair of glasses when moving back to Tokyo ~1.5 years ago. So it's AAAAAALL COMING TOGETHER!!! Anyway, fuck..... SYRO.
  15. Yah, defo gonna be at Tower Records in Tokyo on release morning to get the limited special shitz. Maybe get an extra or 2 for investment or whatever. Anyone else here gonna be in Tokyo at the time? We could meetup and sleep outside like Syro is a new iPhone, and then I can steal your copies and run away. "ALL THE SYRO IS MINE." The "color on front/back clearfile" is this (except with... color and looks opaque):
  16. Play this: Here: But actually don't even play it. Just have it set up and stare at the TV screen that is not even on. Be in the trance of the subtle humming of the lights, which is only in your head cuz everything is LED.
  17. kaini- Yah, that is a lot of oysters, now that I look at it... Happy belated birthday! Er- oyster day. Did you use sriracha from your avatar? Oysters with lemon and hot sauce, oh man..... Fuck, my mouth is watering. delet- Looked for blimps in sky, did not find. This thread is some frightening shit, man. Getting older, getting older..... Well, I do tend to get younger, but the point is that time is passing. THAT IS THE POINT. TIME IS PASSING!!! Age is irrelevant. Lifestyle, sort of is. I have about 3 more years for casual sex. That is an incredible thought. After 35, it will be retarded for me, unless I base my whole life around it, which I won't. Or I might. I don't know.
  18. At the end: "This game is a teaser. It has no direct relation to the main title." Silent Hills will be a graphical and conceptual clone of Excite Bike, R.C. Pro-Am, and Double Dragon for NES.
  19. So I actually closed my eyes to imagine that, and it was pretty serene. Not a care in the world. Feels the best when the seahorses are glowing pink/purple, the cloudless sky is sprayed with a jillion sparkles, and the moon is full. 360 degrees, not a landmass in sight. Water still. It's especially good if I don't have to tread water and can rotate without having to do swimming movements.
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