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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Brisbot

  1. I was a little Bernie or Bust for a time until I looked at the bigger picture. Bernie looked at it as well and campaigned for Hillary. ugh. Lumping all white people into a group. Instead of looking at all the variables to the loss, they're going with the simple explanation. Oh it's nothing but racism!
  2. This, imho, is the biggest issue. The bernie or bust folk were too worried about their own feelings, and are totally overlooking environmental affects. That's what ultimately made me vote for Hillary. At least she acknowledges Science. If she had made efforts to appeal to Bernie voters, she likely would have won, considering there were so many. She should have reminded them how important some of the issues were. Instead the debates TOTALLY ignored climate change. And now Trump is going to undo the paris agreements, or whatever it's called
  3. I could tell you were joking... er 94% sure anyway. I think only a few people caught on though. Let's face it, text on a screen is much harder to interpret, and at the moment people aren't happy/looking for it.
  4. People are blind. They think they're getting career politicians out of office, but he's filling his cabinet with them. And those supporting Trump will continue to blindly support him, turn the other cheek, and pretend what's happening is anti-establishment. What a fake movement.
  5. For some reason an hour ago I suddenly realized how bad Trump is going to be for the environment. Suddenly my attempt to be positive was shot. I mean, no one was talking about it, when it's honestly a much more important issue than any human issue. PERIOD. Instead we choose the selfish way out. I mean. We aren't as important as the trillions of other living things around us. We just aren't.
  6. Kanye is running for president in 2020. Kanye vs Trump.... .... KANYE VS TRUMP
  7. I imagine this won't be much of an issue. They have many similar interests I'm sure they will get done now.
  8. I had a conversation with one of my friends who basically overlooked those 'faults' as he called it because he thought Hillary's emails made her a criminal. I know he isn't racist. He said it was a lesser of two evils thing. Which I don't agree with. Yeah, my grandparents. Well... When Obama won in 2008, one of them stocked up on guns because he was afraid the 'black people' (put nicely) down the road would feel entitled to steal his stuff now that a 'black man' was in charge. Btw, his best friend is black. It's very confusing. The reality is, there are MANY reasons why Trump won, and MANY reasons why Hillary lost. And the media WILL come up with a simple narrative to fit it. They're already going with the racism angle, which is only like.. 20/30% of it... MAYBE. It's important to put aside your feelings and try to understand other people, why they do what they do, and to not hate on them because they don't agree with you. Even if you are in the right.
  9. Politics in itself makes people hate each other, and becomes a feedback loop. People who otherwise would get along just fine end up hating each other just because of the way their life played out... Man this DMT... It's sad. I am lucky in that I have a family who can help with insurance payments if needed. Not everyone has that. I think eventually Universal Care will happen, there IS a demograpic shift toward more dirty liberals. I am 20 now, I will probably be in my 40s by the time it happens.
  10. Not everyone who voted Trump voted because they're racist. There are MORE demographics Trump appealed too. He appealed to the anti-establishment crowd since (for some reason) many of them thought that just because Trump was a reality TV star and not a politican, he wouldn't be as bad as Hillary... for some reason. 4 sum reason I was a Republican about 6-8 years ago (before I realized how to fact check I guess), and since I am surrounded by family who are Republicans (why I was a republican). They honestly think the economy and everything will become better if a R is in office, and I'd say only one or two are VERY racist, a few more casual racists, but there are those who aren't racist at all, and are very nice/sincere people who were raised republican (and Christian). I mean it's not true, but at the end of the day don't forget that regardless of what party you're in, everyone just wants a better life, and the way their life has played out has brought them to the point they are. There is only so much control people have over what they believe.
  11. lol Considering he has a hardcore republican as his VP... He'll be a simple figurehead, and Republicans will end up passing a lot of things. I honestly do think there will be a flat tax of 15%, in addition to all the loopholes rich people have to lower their taxes even more. Only us plebs will be paying to fix roads. Rich people will become richer. And at the end of the term, the deteriorating lifestyle of the Republican will STILL blame a minority of Muslims and illegal immigrants for all the problems they've caused themselves, even though their lives will only get worse, along with ours. Anyway... what music have you guys been into lately?
  12. What she has done doesn't necessarily break the law. It is simply money influenced, and I view her as a fairly corrupt politician. She takes legal indirect bribes, that she herself pushed for, and which has worked. Off the top of my head: Glass-Steagall (ugh money in politics, there should be very little money in politics, WHY would they push to get this passed when there's no reason for money), voting for the Iraq war, not voting for gay marriage, pipelines, potentially shitty trade deals, voting against (like 60% of) environmental reform that was justified, once supporting universal healthcare, and then after receiving many donations deciding Obamacare is good enough. Uhhh the DNC doing various small things to ensure Hillary's victory, then only the person running the DNC getting shafted because of it, then subsequently getting a job WITH hillary. Super-predators.... uh... ok that's enough. There is a reason companies WEREN'T supporting Bernie. They know Hillary will do good by them. She's bought out. I mean, it's just obvious man. I don't understand why this isn't clearly evident. That's all I have to say. I'm tired of arguing about Hillary. She is in the past now. As I said, hopefully this will be a lesson to the DNC to choose someone who is more respected. Understand, I think things would have remained the same with Hillary as the president and I would choose her over a living spray tan any day. I think the Bernie or Bust thing wasn't rational.
  13. I think what I'm worried about the most is Global Warming. It'll be interesting to see how many more species Trump will be responsible for killing. I wonder if he'll keep his promise to get rid of the EPA... well he called it something totally different I HOPE this will be a wake up call for America, and we will come out better for it in 4 years.
  14. There is an establishment though. I mean, it isn't totally corrupt or anything, but it's there. And it doesn't have the people's interest in mind really. No one can be totally objective. But I think it's important to try to be as objective as you can. Most things have gray areas, of course. I think Hillary is corrupt, however I don't think she will throw America under the bus. Donald however... remains to be seen.
  15. facts only matter for a minority of people who can think for themselves. Feelings are what drive humans. It's apparent that a lot of people FEEL that mexicans are taking over the country EVEN THOUGH ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION IS LESS THAN 1% and they're ALREADY segregated by economic class. But if they're told something often enough they will come to believe it.
  16. I am lucky. I have a nice white family who are upper middle class, so I know I'll never be on the streets.
  17. May this be a lesson to democrats to at least pick someone who doesn't seem majorly establishment next time.
  18. Same here. We're a minority down in the south, but there are plenty of us "dirty libs" down south. Though if anyone asks, I'm a republican and respect Mein Fuehrer.
  19. I am currently playing the world's smallest violin (for myself)
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