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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by diatoms

  1. Murder Among the Mormons This was an awesome doc, which I didn't hear about at the time growing up Use that discernment you always talk about mormon fellas
  2. Fazerin Parhaat https://twitter.com/kirsbander/status/950660363254681600?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^950660363254681600|twgr^|twcon^s1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fforum.watmm.com%2Findex.php%3Fapp%3Dcoremodule%3Dsystemcontroller%3Dembedurl%3Dhttps%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fkirsbander%2Fstatus%2F950660363254681600 Mikä on tämän tutun Fazerin karkkipussin nimi? Yllättävän moni vastaa väärin https://www.mtvuutiset.fi/makuja/artikkeli/mika-on-taman-tutun-fazerin-karkkipussin-nimi-yllattavan-moni-vastaa-vaarin/6256848 Lifestyle > Makuja artikkelisivu Julkaistu 09.01.2017 08:02 Fazerin Parhaat vai Fazerin Parhain? MTV Tiedätkö sinä, mikä tämä kuvassa näkyvä tuttu karkkipussi on nimeltään? Oletko aivan varma vastauksestasi? Facebookin suositussa Äitylit-ryhmässä kohistiin viikonloppuna tunnetun suomalaisen karkkipussin nimestä. Ryhmän jäsen latasi sivuille kuvan Fazerin karkkipussista, jonka nimi oli peitetty puoliksi. Kuvan yhteyteen nainen laittoi yksinkertaisen kysymyksen: Kumman niminen tämä karkkipussi on mielestäsi, Fazerin Parhaat vai Fazerin Parhain? Ensimmäinen vaihtoehto, Fazerin Parhaat keräsi nopeasti satoja tykkäyksiä. Totuus kuitenkin on, että karkkipussin nimi on...Fazerin Parhain. Yllätyitkö? – Se on parhaaaaaaaat, on on on on! Oli pakko googlaa ja voin kertoo et järkytyin, eräs Äitylit-ryhmän jäsen kommentoi asiaa saatuaan tietää oikean vastauksen. Fazerin Parhain on makeisyhtiö Fazerin klassikkopussi, joka on pysynyt markkinoilla vuosikymmenestä toiseen. Sen sisältö on hieman vaihdellut vuosikymmenten kuluessa. Alun perin pussi tuli myyntiin vuonna 1935 nimellä Extra Prima. Karkit olivat tuolloin kääreettömiä. Fazerin Parhaat -nimellä karkkipussia ei kuitenkaan koskaan ole myyty. Menneiden vuosikymmenten Fazerin Parhain -pussi. https://www.mtvuutiset.fi/makuja/artikkeli/mika-on-taman-tutun-fazerin-karkkipussin-nimi-yllattavan-moni-vastaa-vaarin/6256848 https://twitter.com/search?q="Fazerin Parhaat"&src=typed_query&f=live Fazerin Parhaat has changed to Fazerin Parhain Rod Serling, not Sterling - and he was a staunch human rights activist, a real mensch - anti-censorship, anti-war, anti-racist. Finland Matrix Effect
  3. diatoms

    170871 50

    Happy Birthday RDJ Rave It Up:)
  4. Vitruvian Man - Leonardo da Vinci https://www.alternatememories.com/historical-events/art/vitruvian-man https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Stockholm_vitruvian_man.jpg does anyone live in stockholm that can take a full pic of this vitruvian man with six arms & six legs? or know where it can be found in the city can't find any more info on it
  5. Existential Thoughts Prepared by Chick-Fil-A Jeremy Divinity May 24, 2019 https://medium.com/lifes-funny/existential-thoughts-prepared-by-chick-fil-a-ddff413884ad The thought of a reality, where there is a possibility of infinite realities might trigger existential angst. I say that because this happened to me. For an entire work-day, I questioned my existence. And what I knew about reality because the way I remembered and have identified the spelling of a restaurant all of a suddenly changed. This restaurant happens to be the controversial, yet tasty, fast-food chain, Chick-Fil-A*. What if I told you that if you also know and remember the spelling of the restaurant without the ‘k,’ for example, ‘Chic-Fil-A, that there’s a possibility you’ve been sliding through different realities…would you believe me? If this is you, and as you begin the process of also questioning your existence, I’ll send some comfort to let you know that you aren’t alone. I vividly remember the franchise at my university spelled, Chic-Fil-A. Besides, I was stuck in this dilemma. There’s no way it has always been spelled Chick-Fil-A I told myself, so I had to know if I was alone on this issue. So I went searching for proof because I couldn’t be crazy! I wanted a consensus from the people themselves, so I opened an Instagram Stories Poll. The people agreed with me, 73% of respondents remembered the spelling as “Chic-Fil-A.” Although these were the results that I hoped for, it made question reality even further. Could we all be wrong? I took it a step further, so I asked co-workers. The results were even more shocking! Either they remembered it as Chic or Chik, but none remember or knew it as Chick. So now things really go strange. I began to question my being, the world around me, was everything real? Or we in a simulation? Is it glitching? How is reality constructed? As well as what’s our purpose in it? Which is when I stumbled upon this strange phenomenon called the “Mandela effect.” The Mandela effect originated after the death of Nelson Mandela. After Mandela died in 2013, millions of people around the world were in shock. In shock not because of that fact that he died, but they all remembered him dying in prison almost 20 years before. Next thing you know, down I went wormhole of the Mandela effect and parallel realities. Could Nelson Mandela and Chick-Fil-A prove the existence of parallel realities? Could a simple letter change of a restaurant that sells terrific chicken sandwiches be further proof of our ability to slide through them? Who would’ve known that the most minimal, subtle variable changes in our current reality could assist in proving the existence of parallel realities? And the fact that we have been subconsciously shifting through them our entire life? As the construct of reality began to fade away for me, I began to ask myself the following existential questions in which I think we all should ponder: Did our universal collective consciousness intentionally choose to switch to this current reality in the present based on our energetic frequencies? Is there reality without consciousness? If parallel realities exist, does consciousness have the ability to jump realities at any given moment? Were we born in a different reality than the current one we are conscious of? How do we conform to the idea and possibility that there are other versions of us making the same mistakes or the changes that we have failed to make? In an infinite universe, are we endless with unlimited possibilities? Can we switch to where we are a better version of ourselves? If I had the answers to these questions, you wouldn’t be reading this article. But here we are. After careful consideration, I came up with the following conclusions. Yes, there are infinite realities, and we always shift to the one that is most in tune to our per se. We also can shift our consciousness to a parallel reality by raising our vibration. This whole existential exercise, prepared by Chick-Fil-A, has made me believe that life is malleable. We aren’t creating our reality, but more so, we are shifting to the reality that is most aligned to where we want to be. My mom always told me that you could do anything you put your mind to. Looking back it, I’m not sure she was aware of the metaphysical power behind that saying. …wait, but how does she remember the spelling of Chick-Fil-A. Ah, this isn’t settled yet!
  6. Dwight D. Eisenhower's farewell address excerpt warning of the military industrial complex "A vital element in keeping the peace is our military establishment. Our arms must be mighty, ready for instant action, so that no potential aggressor may be tempted to risk his own destruction. Our military organization today bears little relation to that known by any of my predecessors in peace time, or indeed by the fighting men of World War II or Korea. Until the latest of our world conflicts, the United States had no armaments industry. American makers of plowshares could, with time and as required, make swords as well. But now we can no longer risk emergency improvisation of national defense; we have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions. Added to this, three and a half million men and women are directly engaged in the defense establishment. We annually spend on military security more than the net income of all United State corporations. This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence-economic, political, even spiritual-is felt in every city, every state house, every office of the Federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society. In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together."
  7. Thanks for posting this i keep thinking about the journey heading slowly towards the clock tower everyone swirling around close calls but not one accident
  8. i thought simulacra & simulation was only good for storing hacker bytes, benjamins & easter eggs the matrix put a band around old time IV what reason? Independence Hall - Philadelphia IIII & upside down roman numerals IV & upright roman numerals independence hall timed out of the matrix but left some major residue up IV ya
  9. diatoms

    170871 50

    happy 50 user18081971 here's my selection of aphex but went well over 50 so i settled on 71 picks for 1971 (grouped some variations of the same song together) wild there's hundreds more i could easily exchange and list no one comes close acid rave wizard Tha Soundlab20 T69 Collapse pretend analog extmix 2b,e2,ru syro u473t8+e [14198][piezoluminescence mix] abundance10edit[2 R8's, FZ20m & a 909] Fenix Funk 5 Synthacon9 m Love 7 42DIMENSIT3 e3 CHEETAHT2 [Ld spectrum] Vordhosbn oberheim blacet1b #3 4x Atlantis take1 Analord 158b T165 MADMA with nastya 16 fresher + cleaner Windowlicker Untitled cottage4 af 1 Wet Tip Hen Ax airflow dark overlord acid+7 minipops 67 [1202][source field mix] forgotten life path Luke Vibert - Spiral Staircase (AFX Remix) Alspacka ∂ƒ∆ [rough mix] Yellow Calx 28 organ epic (with alien babble - user48736353001) Acrid Avid Jam Shred prememory100N pt2 DJ Pierre - Box Energy (Remix By AFX) Flaphead Phonatacid end E2 On The Romance Tip human rotation Audax Powder CIRCLONT6A [14198][syrobonkus mix] original chaos riff sams car 27 leaving home-bradley ZT01 [sketch1] Jynweythek tuning seq1 ph2 piano un1 arpej Polynomial-C cilonen Flim no stillson 6 cirk track 19 [side 5, track 2, omitted from CD's] PAPAT4 [155][pineal mix] Taking Control Alberto Balsalm Xmd 5a Halibut Acid .000890569 tnodvood104 last rushup 10 M umil 25-01 MARCHROMT30a Edit 2b 96 Avril 14th SallyVingoe Mangle 11 (Circuit Bent V.I.P. Mix) m11st lon AFX Acid 04 Ziggomatic 17 Beetles Steppingfilter 101
  10. pretty polly tights established 1919 symmetrical union jack option to pay in asymmetrical jack sterling
  11. Smoke from Siberia wildfires reaches north pole in historic first Occurrence is first since records began and comes as Russian weather officials warn blazes are worsening https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/aug/09/smoke-siberia-wildfires-reaches-north-pole-historic-first Mon 9 Aug 2021 15.15 BST
  12. global warming's terrifying new math has been adding up for some time
  13. Almost 40% favour legalising cannabis for recreational use, over 90% in favour of medicinal use New polling by Red C on behalf of The Journal shines a light on the nation’s views on legalising cannabis. Rónán Duffy May 17th 2021, 12:05 AM https://www.thejournal.ie/cannabis-ireland-poll-5437751-May2021/ ALMOST 40% OF Irish people believe cannabis should be legalised for recreational use and there is an overwhelming support for the medical use of cannabis. New polling by Red C on behalf of The Journal shines a light on the nation’s views on legalising cannabis, with only 4% of people opposed to the medical use of cannabis. At present, the use of four cannabis-based products is allowed in Ireland in strict circumstances and under a pilot scheme. There is near uniformity across different age groups in believing that medical use should be legal, but opinions vary on whether recreational use of cannabis should be permitted. A majority (56%) of 18-34 year olds believe that cannabis should be legalised for both medical and recreational use while this drops to just 21% for those aged over 55. Among that age cohort there is still a large majority for medical use only at 70%, meaning that 91% of those aged over 55 feel that cannabis should be legal for medical reasons. There is not much regional variation across the provinces, but in Connacht/Ulster 7% of people do not feel any legalisation should take place, a small but noteworthy increase on the national average of 4%. Men are also more likely to be in favour of legalisation for recreational use, with 44% in favour of it compared to 34% of women. There is also an urban/rural disparity with 43% in urban areas in favour of recreational use and 29% in rural area. The polling is based on a survey of 1000+ adults taken across the country and weighted to be an accurate profile of the population. The fieldwork was carried out between 6-12 May, a number of days after the College of Psychiatrists of Ireland (CPsychI) warned that cannabis represents the “gravest threat to the mental health of young people in Ireland today”. Much of the focus of the group’s concern was due to the increasing potency of the illegal cannabis on sale across Europe, with previous analysis finding that potency had doubled over the period 2006 to 2016. Overall, the Red C research suggests that there is support for a move towards some form of greater legalisation, with 93% of people surveyed in favour of the medical use of cannabis. In Ireland, legalising cannabis for medical use has hit a number of roads blocks in recent years and legislation has failed to get enough support in the Oireachtas. In 2019, cannabis-based products were made available for medical use through the Medical Cannabis Access Programme. The five-year pilot programme currently allows listed products be made available to a patient when a consultant determines that they have not responded to standard treatments. Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly told the Dáil earlier this year that 2021 funding for this programme had been secured and subsequently said that commencement this year is likely in June. Currently four cannabis-based products have been assessed as acceptable for use by the Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA). The programme is only available to patients with a number of conditions including spasticity associated with multiple sclerosis, nausea associated with chemotherapy and treatment-resistant epilepsy. The Medical Cannabis Access Programme is not available for people with chronic pain, with the Minister for Health previously questioned in the Dáil about whether such conditions should also have access. The HPRA has previously said that, while the use of cannabis for chronic pain “is acknowledged”, there are “diverse” causes of such pain and “subjective factors” that make difficult for a doctor to assess treatment. In its 2017 scientific review of Cannabis for Medical Use, the HPRA also said the use of cannabis for chronic pain could lead to greater misuse of cannabis in the wider community. “Chronic pain is common and the potential use of cannabis-based medicines by a large number of patients raises concerns about misuse and diversion into the wider community,” the HPRA says. https://www.thejournal.ie/cannabis-ireland-poll-5437751-May2021/ someday soon
  14. Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Stand Off Map is Causing A Mandela Effect The Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War community is divided over a big, yellow Russian sign featured in the classic map, Stand Off. By Joseph Docherty Published 3 days ago https://gamerant.com/call-of-duty-black-ops-2-stand-off-map-mandela-effect/ The Mandela Effect is a phenomenon that makes people question even the most mundane memories from the past. For example, in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back many remember the iconic line that reveals that Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker’s father going as, “Luke, I am your father.” But this surprisingly isn’t the case, although thousands would contest based on a differing memory, all Darth Vader actually said was, “I am your father.” Now, this same sensation has struck the Call of Duty Black Ops 2 fan base. Discovered in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, player Indervir ‘iLLeY’ Dhaliwal sparked the passionate debate in the community over a single image. The photograph shows the remastered version of the classic multiplayer map, Standoff, which was reintroduced as part of Season three Reloaded's content. Yet all is not as it seems, with many players just only now noticing this yellow sign that is hung up on a streetlamp, across from the town's large monument. The response to the Tweet is extraordinarily varied. The usual pattern seems to be that many Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War players deny Stand Off has ever had the sign there, whilst just as many Call of Duty veterans assert that they clearly remember its existence. This was reinforced by some who maintain it was a common tactic in the CoD sniping community to use the sign as an angle advantage on incoming attackers. This mixed response caused numerous players to return to Call of Duty Black Ops 2 to check out the original Stand Off map. Jumping back into the original map players can find multiple SDC tanks scattered throughout the town as well as multiple shops and building barricades vandalized in Russian. More importantly, near the center of the town is the large yellow sign in all its rusty glory confirming it has been present in Stand Off since it first arrived back in 2012. Overall, this trip down memory lane has led many players to consider if there has been any more Mandela Effects in the long and winding Call of Duty's franchise. Fans have started debating if there were always names written on the mailboxes in Nuketown or the map Hijacked always took place during the daytime. Either way, a lot of users have seemed to agree with one user who simply put, "The simulation is glitching. Mandela effect is in overdrive." https://gamerant.com/call-of-duty-black-ops-2-stand-off-map-mandela-effect/
  15. IV upright on wallpaper wallpaper with upright IV
  16. Shaquille O'Neal would make a 'Shazaam' and 'Kazaam' team-up movie with Sinbad: 'Always for the kids' May 11, 2020 https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/shaq-shazaam-kazaam-teamup-movie-sinbad-163915450.html Back in 1996, Shaquille O’Neal brought some of his on-court magic onscreen in the kiddie comedy, Kazaam. In recent years, though, a certain section of the internet has convinced itself that the NBA superstar wasn’t that era’s only PG-rated genie. On Reddit and other message boards, ’90s kids have insisted that they also grew up watching Shazaam, a kids-and-their-genie movie that supposedly starred the comedian Sinbad. Never mind that no information — let alone footage — of this other film exists, and Sinbad himself has denied ever playing Shazaam or any other cinematic genie... though he did mess with peoples’ memories further by appearing in a fake April Fool’s Day clip produced by CollegeHumor. Speaking with Yahoo Entertainment, O’Neal says that he hasn’t followed the ongoing Kazaam vs. Shazaam debate. “Never heard of that one,” the retired Los Angeles Laker says on the phone from L.A. Maybe that’s because he only gets his Kazaam news from actual kids, not the overgrown kids on the internet. “Kazaam was a movie that was supposed to be for kids,” O’Neal says. “It’s not for adults — it’s for kids that are from 2 to 7, because when they see me, they think I’m magic. As long as they think I’m magic, who cares what adults say?” And if today’s kids want to see him and Sinbad teaming up as Kazaam and Shazaam in an Avengers-style team-up movie, he’d put back on his ‘90s costume. “Of course I would. Always for the kids.” https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/shaq-shazaam-kazaam-teamup-movie-sinbad-163915450.html
  17. oh shit forgot about the tinfoil when i had mercury fillings bizzare electric feeling in the teeth a little bit would've stuck to the hersey's bar have to chew on some cotton wool now and find out
  18. i ate nerds as a kid and that statement just made my teeth crawl itch like two eggs rubbed together on the shell medusa scratching her nails down the pillar as she fell
  19. yeah watched/raved to about 9 hours of this stream day 1 some really awesome sets, some ravin' acid looking forward to day 2 BRAINRAVE 2:)
  20. "You can actually meet aliens whenever you want to," he explains helpfully. "You just need to ask, and they'll appear. I know, because I've done it once, and it was totally fucking scary. I'm not ready for that yet. I've got other things to do." -Aphex Twin, Q Magazine, November 2014
  21. i've smelled my beard for the first time because of this post neutral smell but now i feel i'll always give my beard a smell every once and a while
  22. if i remember correctly there are different versions of the game that's why its known in some circles as Boards of Canada
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