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About nerver

  • Birthday 02/16/1977

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    United States

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  1. ive been uploading all the random synth stuff i have been just jamming on here for years. a lot of step sequencer madness. all hardware except for computer doing midi and all that shit. moog phatty stage 2 with outs. ipad. emu planet phatt. volca fm. field recordings. m audio venom. sq1 here and there. fx. etc. much love to dan who makes the m185. very out there. not sure how to describe it. very fun to make. randomly it all comes together. enjoy! ARTSY AS FUCK! xo https://prefectart.bandcamp.com/ i think this is the last track i put on here. enjoy? https://prefectart.bandcamp.com/track/prefect-100-bpm-monday-nov-2019-ctt
  2. i have been getting a lot of use out of those guitar pedal reverb lately https://digitech.com/en/products/polara easy to use. sounds good. i believe it is all lexicon reverb copies or some shit like that. good pedal.
  3. this song playing right now totally sounds like boc.
  4. that fucking second track is amazing. hard to do big bass with massive reverb. great sounds. fucked drum stuff i dig.
  5. no love for shure? i am sad. i have a pair of shure SR840s that are flat as fuck and super comfy. they were my only for mixing headphones forever, but i just listen to everything on them all the time. very flat. great for mixing. great cans for live sound also. live sound guy rant here. if i hear steely dan or that fucking deftones song again i am going to strangle a puppy
  6. i think they are always changing how they do things though. if you have the time, read the massive thread about them. they spill the beans here and there. but one thing they never do is show pictures of what they have set up :) always evolving!
  7. i heard rpeg way messed up on bong rips. and then i realized relistening at home that this song makes my chihuahua howl like a mother fucker. its great. the beat just falls apart so perfectly after the "intro" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQDbk_nY_48
  8. nerver

    draft 7.30

    the drums are so fucked. i love that and hate it.
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