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Kennylogg Bubblebath

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Everything posted by Kennylogg Bubblebath

  1. favourite moments from the past 20 years of my afx fandom... - discovering rdj after seeing the come to daddy video on the channel 'Q' and it blowing my tiny brain to bits - the tuss whodunnit saga - not afx-specific but his music introducing me to the world of warp/idm (boc, autechre, spusher - the whole blimp/syro rollout - soundcloud dump (this one is at the top! it was by far the most exciting time to be an aphex fan) - field day 2017 (first time seeing the phexmeister general)
  2. beastly track and video would love dan to tour this record with a small orchestra
  3. told myself i'd chuck this on for 20 mins and watch the rest tomorrow... nah son, 1 hour in... fucking crispy
  4. better than 2015? (soundcloud dump, ccai pt2, deejay selek, marchrom 12") 1995? (icbyd, hab, donkey rhubarb, ventolin) even 2017? (bleepstore launch, field day lp, first live 'tour' in ages)
  5. am i the only one not feeling the new singles? it's all a bit 'dreampop by numbers' to me... hopefully i'll enjoy them more in an album context
  6. while some are obviously better than others, there's not an opn album that i didn't enjoy, so yeah i'm definitely looking forward to this!
  7. aye, i sold my field day tickets in favour of forwards never been before but... the lineup seems a little better, the tickets were cheaper, bristol itself is cheaper and a way more laidback city than london. also it's the final show of the aphex tour so it should be a mental set!
  8. pic of matriarch on soundcloud updated to what i assume was this...
  9. friendly reminder to everyone that hasn't listened to shadow's preemptive strike: listen to preemptive strike it's essentially a comp of endtro bonus tracks that are just as good as anything on that record
  10. decided to sell my FD tix and stick with bristol instead. no brainer choice for me. regardless, i hope everyone has a blast at the phex hoedown tomorrow! don't forget to take some vids and rip some records for the rest of us
  11. 99% sure they're closeups of the collapse deluxe edition artwork https://i.discogs.com/m2tr0c8MWStDyMJu8atgt9f1sCo-pVz6oEnof60MGds/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:600/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTEyNTEy/NTAwLTE1Mzc4NjI5/MDEtNzQxOS5qcGVn.jpeg
  12. fuck yeah! pretty sure he played this one live a while ago?
  13. is that weirdcore on the right?
  14. first impressions: bblr 21f - kinda mid... not a bad tune by any means but production is messy and melodies feel a bit uninspired zin2 - drums are way better here, less cluttered... feel there's lots of potential in this tune but never really gets going room7 - this fuckin bangs, no complaints ? bblr 22 - (see 21f) overall - it's ok. def not an essential afx release but fills a gap until the next one. it's a shame much of his unreleased stuff from the past 5 years couldn't make it on here, but i predict some of it will make its way onto a 12" at field day in a few weeks.
  15. some lovely stuff going on here. rolando never misses! i'm still totally hooked to the music packs, has some of my fav tunes of the decade ?
  16. i know this is all hypothetical, but i'd say there's more chance of rdj making a banger semi-unobtainable rather than a dud. just compare his unreleased live and soundcloud stuff over the past decade to the stuff that gets widely released via warp.
  17. i genuinely enjoyed kai's half of the recent mount kimbie record, so i may waltz over for his set. never got into bonobo sorry. all his stuff sounds like it was made for an apple ad campaign. i'll check out the rest this weekend. thanks folks!
  18. yeah it ain't great. other than the first episode, and maaaybe the third, i struggle to find how the season is relevant to the entire premise of black mirror. feels like it should've been marketed as a different show.
  19. help me out WATMM fam... unfortunately this year's lineup isn't exciting me anywhere near as much as 2017, but i can't tell if it's my ignorance or if it is actually shit. can you guys vouch for anyone here that may be worth seeing? i've already got the tickets, but debating whether to head down early or swing by in time for the phex spectacle
  20. this is why the voucher system they've adopted since printworks was a genius move
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