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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. yes & no, depends a lot on who your benchmarks are & what their values are/were music isnt a paint it by numbers art form, if you fancy fucking around with some tunes i'd be right up for seeing if something could be done in terms of exchanging ideas on anything yer working on & whats under wraps here, 4 ears better than 2 etc although time is an issue
  2. The Herbert track & Avon Sparkle's release are avinit,but the rest are pretty standard/boring record crate filler listing a bunch of tunes with a 4/4 tempo is confirmation bias, you're bright enough to know that so i get "the point", but a track has to have bit more gwaaan on surely? i listened to the last 2 a few times & they're pretty empty, particularly if you compare them to Herbert, but that Akufen was the most annoying of all with that cram as many samples per bar system that Jacob London & all that jacking wank replicated.....i'll spare you a list of youlube comparisons but there are much more rounded AKufen productions than the one cited cheers for the Herbert flashback, will have to incorporate some of his tracks from that release into a new mix, but your quality control is lacking so 6/10 for that micro-mix cross section cos that'll never hold a dancefloor nevermind the ADHD of most people today
  3. .....meanwhile in House music & to the childrens who are gonna mope, get some
  4. you seem to see this as a nostalgia fest & age related, that its about whats fresh and cool now, that some of us are clinging on by our fingernails to lost memories if you wanna keep spanning, see even google recognizes it as a verb, feel free, but dont talk the talk if you dont know the subject to begin with just look at the nu-metal bs abortions you've outlined in this thread, havent you got to jell your hair and go buy a bike chain to hang from those badly fitting jeans or summat? i cant even take you seriously as a metal lover, nevermind what you think about House so, do your worst chap, its a short life
  5. stumbled on a bunch of British z-list semi-celebrities doing a shrubbery tour of the US on itv last night, if Christopher Lukewarm Biggins is in it you know its gonna be shit however, ex pro dart player Bobby George, all fake gold jewelry but who seemed a genuine bloke, toking on national tv, was worth all the other toss & wankers seeding British baby boomers with the idea that decriminalization can work must be some Land of Smiles plan & a half let it be
  6. i just think the record sleeves are gaudy, a cheap aesthetic to draw in the male gaze, nuffink particularly spiritual or exotic about cliches & remember Ibiza was a hippy enclave b4 commercialization ran roughshod over the gaff thats not shitting on your specific tastes, more the design ethos by Migs & co have you had a dig around Still Music out of Chicago? some meaty beasts indeed: https://www.discogs.com/label/41471-Still-Music
  7. if yer looking for production inspiration you could do a lot worse than A Man Called Adam (zero bikini shots on their record sleeves doe) or maybe have a rummage through some older Alfredo mixes? https://www.discogs.com/artist/113-A-Man-Called-Adam its summat that Naked Music & Miguel Migs kinda got trapped by, finding a template & then replicating ad infinitum, dodgy ladies lying on beaches themed record sleeves, never ends well, add the attached Ibiza bandwagon which isnt even authentic Balearic, thats why Alfredo is such a good source cos of all the Italian disco etc Larry Heard's label Alleviated isnt as busy as it used to be, but his mixes still shine brightly, loads online, the one with Kenny Dixon Jr is a blast
  8. admit to being slightly dazed by the direction of things here, cripes is my only honest Boris Johnson euphemism for the above line if its true pass this man a Carcass lp asap cos i had to google Untouchables anyway, House nation..... Cabaret Voltaire & Richard H Kirk are well worth including in a House thread, this pitched down beast is my favourite off the Plasticity lp RHK's aliases are so diverse & varied, but he put out some schweeeeeeet gear early to mid 90's Sandoz's "Digital Lifeforms" has a bevy of beauties https://www.discogs.com/Sandoz-Digital-Lifeforms/release/47103 Electronic Eye - Closed Circuit has all kinds of genres including House: https://www.discogs.com/Electronic-Eye-Closed-Circuit/master/112616 favourites are Aquamarine Sheen & Bush Channel Stepper https://www.beatport.com/track/aquamarine-sheen-original-mix/4331450
  9. Dancecult have done an article on Derbyshire & her legacy : "Delian Modes: Listening for Delia Derbyshire in Histories of Electronic Dance Music" https://dj.dancecult.net/index.php/dancecult/issue/view/97
  10. 96% of House is toss & the rise of digi-only labels & releases diluted things even more severely in terms of quality control during the noughties, but, and its a big but, in among that 4% are some juicy juicy tunes its the same with most genres, but to dismiss House wholesale means some1 hasn't really been exposed to that much good House to begin with & their perspective is mainly predicated on skewed ignorance....thats the only issue & in the big scheme of things it doesnt matter anyway meanwhile & nearly 30yrs old, when Manchester rivaled any city in the world for music production & night-life: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=emDEFtJIjy0 and across the Pennines:
  11. this is weirdly spot on, at least as an outsider looking in via various nebulous media outlets is the US left (and the US left is mainly middle of the road compared to other western versions of left wing politics) a significant problem? doesnt seem so, seems more like a Cold-War hangover in terms of scare-mongering from right wing sources, particularly with healthcare thats one thing i still cant grasp about a country like the US, which has so much disposable income, that the whole healthcare sector is still an abortion eg: cancer kills, but should it bankrupt individuals out of chance? surreal.....not a judgement call, more how this is still an issue
  12. @ spanner - if 1 of modern music's more timeless genres doesnt register or resonate with you, thats your problem friend, go buy the latest DJ Boring banger or whatever other disposable guff passes for cool n the gang bs you pass yer time with there's no point outlining anything to some autistic child who doesnt wanna learn what they dont wanna know, so i'll keep it to the tunes & let them speak ease-e!
  13. i know this is an electronica forum, but House is in that area & thats what irks, that theres so much incredible music available, volcano vape helps New York like you say & New Jersey too have bred top notch producers and jocks who can nail a 12hr set, its one reason to love American music in this realm cos at its core it never compromised, there are always 1 or 2 egos, but a lot of these folks are still going strong....check Jovonn from NJ, fkn bumping, just organs, a signature semi-gospel male vocal loop (they layer them well too) and just enough compression to bring up the thump on the bottom end (fkn youlube quality) Classic get a fist-bump for the boompty boomp Losoul's Peter Kremeier has demolished huge rigs with his take on what some of those hipster tracks seem to be aiming for somewhere some how, but falling short, loads of gems, https://www.discogs.com/artist/1531-LoSoul Since the millennium Melchior Productions has kicked on, productions that are always worth a delve into https://www.discogs.com/artist/20115-Melchior-Productions even Laid's Punch Up is 16yrs old, savagely scary as it still feels relatively new, bounces through a decent rig too House nation!
  14. and thats why your opinion is irrelevant
  15. Its not limiting, its a focus on not buying into sell outs & their wanky, plastic, disposable art....just see the Hipster House thread for a new invigorated take on "nu-wank" With Sasha, the popularity explosion ran parallel to a huge drop off in quality, so there was and is a specific relationship with "The Man Like...." If '99 was your Sasha pick up point and you havent listened to early Sasha mixes to hear just how good he could be, then maybe you'd be better off un-limiting your own chronological focus & dig a lil deeper, so his post 92/93 heresy can be put into some kind of understandable context. That Xspazzder tune is dog shit, nuffink personal, but prog was & isnt House, see Dave Seaman & Digweed as primo examples. The mid 90's transition includes a lot of names to be shamed, people who played wank because they were chasing coin, not for the love of the music. The entire House scene was better for it...cleared out a lot of trash & let the impoverished sheep follow the herd.....happened again w/Trance, or to put it another way chances are the whole EDM nightmare wouldnt have evolved as such if these pillocks werent as busy as they were selling their souls. i wasnt panning Deep Dish, they had their shit together for about.... all of 18months, then sold out, voila...another example. if you want producers from DC who really maintained a level of quality control (that Deep Dish could never hope for), check 95 North's Doug Smith & Richard Peyton for grooves: https://www.discogs.com/artist/6847-95-North One name to illustrate how good House music can still be is Lord Sabre himself, Andrew mf Weatherall. Someone who can weave thru acid House, headfuck electronica, Fila Brazilia style chilled goodness and cosmic disco without recourse to insipid, McDonalds-esque money chasing lameness. His mixes are as good a gauge of where House is & the cunt is still rocking it @ 50+ yrs of age. A Weatherall gig is still something to have faith in and the music will be immense. Zero hipster bollix with this cat & thank the gods for it.
  16. The Hypnotist was a golden age indeed, spanned loads of genres & styles, worthy of a thread itself you could pitch a lot of those tracks to -2, -4 on a turntable & they'd work wonders, not forgetting the ol' joker Caspar died way too fkn young had to actually get in a record crate to find the title & subsequent links for this, when hardcore was aaarrrrdcore to add to mixes Manjushri, have a rummage around Mickey Finn @ the Eclipse (aka the Edge) in Coventry circa 1990-1993....there are acres of digitized mixtapes available these days, guaranteed tracklist searching wormhole if yer on this lick https://www.google.co.uk/search?ei=odQJWs2kJcjHkwXpg5eABA&q=mickey+finn+the+eclipse&oq=mickey+finn+the+eclipse&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i22i30k1l2.2050.8808.0.9033.
  17. Hall is from Detroit so you can expect some variation across the 4/4 spectrum in terms of mood the irony is for a few years between 1989 & 1992 Sasha's gigs were quality, there are masses of old tape conversions online to prove the point, then the commercial wave broke, he saddled oop with Digweed & the rest as you suggest was unadulterated toilet water.....here's one mix just b4 he got drunk on fame however, if the gimps you've outlined are your yard-schtick then i feel sorry for you, cos yer being lazy, clearly not digging deep enough in the crates & are missing out on some timeless music, your loss maaaaaaaaaaaaaan being spoon fed music is a laggard's modus operandi
  18. chuckle vision, thos lp's were like a rite of passage, if you were experimenting with guitars and down-tuning gotta luv dem chugs Repulsion had 1 or 2 moments, although not as heavy as Carcass imho
  19. you could do with losing a few pounds, maybe film the floor while cycling
  20. Ovum's catalog is summat else, one thing for JW to break through commercially as a name jock/producer, something else to push through so much other talent, a label where nigh on every release is worth an attentive listen Europe is constantly creating producers who keep things fresh....Belgium, Holland, Norway, Sweden & Germany always represent, Todd Terje, LIindstrom & Prins Thomas cornered the disco re-edit market & Jesper Dahlback/The Persuader has an enviable deep House catalog b4 he went down some bangier tangent going through crates of olde Playhouse, Perlon bits, random 12"s bought from Rush Hour records & the genius that was Svek recently.... their quality control was/is up there https://www.discogs.com/label/5-Svek?page=1&genre=All&limit=100 plenty of good new gear coming thru, Nachtbraker's releases are sweet as fk, this takes a few minutes to transition, but when it does
  21. Yeah it's a good time to be a beer drinker, just the fact I can go to a couple of websites and have world-class German and Belgium beers delivered to my door within a couple of days is nothing short of a miracle. Being sort of middle-aged I remember having almost zero access to nothing. I thought I was seeing things the first time I found Theakstons Old Peculier in a supermarket. That was a big deal. I have the camra beer almanac from 92 and there's only a couple of hundred UK beers in it. The whole industry was hanging on by a thread. theres a pub in Nottingham called The Lion thats a real ale/local beer shrine to quality brewing & distilling, their cider & perry list alone is a thing of wonder (summat about chilled cloudy cider/perry on summer weekend is divine), but its their a&r for want of a better description for scouting local & small batch British brews thats miraculous, always changing weekly casks & prob my favourite pub in England cos its actually really chilled & a human zoo of punters....a must if yer ever north of Brum the internet has changed access to scouting, like you said if you rummage delivery is a piece of piss, prob cheaper too as a pub pint these day must be £3:50/4 quid odd? giving up booze just as the US & British quality beer range exploded was typical fkn timing
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