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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. gross it'll be apple, pear & peaches next, although thats probably already been done & dusted in some hipster schweinestall good pizza is almost impossible to source here outside of London & Manchester.....the dough/base is always gloopy in the middle, you can taste the fkn lard in some, none of them can even get the basic tom-sauce & cheese bit on point & to even conjure the idea of buying differently topped slices? c'est impossible, so yer left with either gooey crap of self-made abortions or relying on a chef brother's moods: "Fancy pizza tonight?" - "Fuck off, make it yerself" ".............................."
  2. I even see the differences between Europeans and Americans culture on this site. If I may generalize, the Europeans are more even-tempered, less prone to getting defensive about perceived attacks on their identity. Their criticism is less directed at a perceived "other" and more open to anything - they seem to get more riled up when they think particular things are shite than someone saying their own (or their country's) stuff is shite. They are a bit more emotionally detached in discussions and provide more intellectual and historical arguments to back up their opinions rather than appeals to emotion or identity. Americans do seem generally more enthusiastic/passionate but it's often misdirected energy. Europeans also seem more empathic and less entitled in general; it often seems like Americans eschew empathy when it's inconvenient to their worldview and get angry when you express empathy for "bad guys". The thing about law/government having an impact on culture is a big one too. Sometimes the topic of the social safety net in Scandinavian countries will come up in offline discussions. The people I tend to align with politically will point out how much more happiness and quality of life they report, how their health care and social systems take care of their people. Others will point out that they're taxed 50% of their income to pay for this. Also some of my company's clients do international business and have to comply with EU privacy standards, and whenever that topic comes up I think gee, wouldn't it be nice if we had assurance that Facebook and the NSA didn't get to hang onto our mine-able data for all eternity? the US might be too large a population to match Scandi-models & Republicans would sooner die with their cold dead fingers on rifles than such insane socialist pinko provocation, maybe @ state level although your basic income tax rate is about 30% from memory? thats an awful lot of tax revenue/disposable govt income, at least Barry tried to shift the healthcare paradigm & move funds from the public purse toward those needs (even while perpetuating drone warfare on Pakistan etc) the social security net of specific benefits def helps, particularly when the world is only just recovering from the 2008 crash, and that might play a significant role in shaping US financial logic....it was quoted to me in terms of "why should i pay my neighbour's mortgage?"....how can you counter that kind of entrenched perspective? equally, there is a "benefits culture" that has developed in Britain since the 70's, might not be the most popular opinion & there will be those that associate such an opinion with Tory politics because they've taken a hatchet to our welfare system, people end up getting caught in the middle with benefit sanctions, bs Jobs Club attendances, the rise in food banks being accessed.....its a complex problem because key regions here have been genuinely scarred by post-industrial decline & no political representation has managed to resolve this endemic problem beyond wanky proclamation's like Gideon Osborne's "Northern Power-House" scheme or the uber expensive and unproven HS2 rail upgrade planned for the midlands and northern cities its proper funny though, being cat-called as a nationalist because of a fondness for home & its environment, all because identifying money worship with a specific nation is disagreeable to some, so thank-you for the level-headed & thoughtful sound-boarding on this subject which at least some US citizens can identify with, the youlube tunes were just for the craic ps: trade you a parcel of Bob Evans b&g portions for, errrrr, uggghhhhh, errrrrm, some stale cold fish & chips & a few Coil rarities
  3. everyone around me has the lurgy plus its meningitis season on campus, but so far so unscathed gp's are doing flu jabs, so deffo time for a booster
  4. i'll quote this the next time Inglan are in a footy tournament ;) to refine that line of criticism, most nationalism is based around 3 concepts - land, genetics & language the Nazis were "blut und boden", the US Alt-Right recently quoted those very same lines etc from that you get the obvious divergence between conservatives who are uber paranoid about closed borders etc and liberals veering towards open systems....see Brexit as a classic clusterfuck along these lines just like US repubs love the whole "build the wall" rant the aspect i was trying to tease out thru alluding to archaeology and didnt emphasize enough while batting off the piss taking childrens, was something more nuanced that has nothing to do with nationalism or exclusion = a love of places, of local environments specifically national parks near here, local beaches, nearby mountain ranges, places i try & get into as much as possible to get away from people and de-stress, walk, take the shoe eating k9 out up on the escarpments, climb, equally the drive to & from with some good tunes on, simple pleasures i dont see any issue with that & most mental health professionals advocate similar patterns of exploration as a way to de-stress, a similar approach even cropped up in the "1st world problems" thread when Ms Chaoz was considering moving to Scotland did i see or appreciate these privileges when i was younger? fuck no, i couldnt WAIT to leave and move to Inglan (is a bitch), get that valleys meathead mindset out of my system & acid house def helped there you wouldnt dismiss a 1st Nation indigenous American about their relationships to the natural world, it locations, places, mythologies, archaeology etc, so why is it any different for a European who loves their own environment, its myths and the deep time frames of its archaeology? it really has fuck all do with nationalism, i felt the same way about the Shenandoah valley, Great Falls, Harpers Ferry et al, incredible mind expanding locations, even if i wasnt a citizen of that nation or an indigenous American who'd been separated from it thru European expansion, but get back in the city & you'd be back in the $$$-swamp which was & remains something altogether different & alien to life here Why though? For real people are obsessed with money over here. I talk to people about what they're doing, about careers and it's always, I don't make enough money, I'm trying to get a better paying job, I want to get into an industry with a bigger starting salary. I bought the newer expensiver version of that thing you have, I'm buying the new iPhone as soon as it comes out, I don't buy used, I know riding the bus is better for the environment but I want to drive because I'm better than people who ride the bus, I want to eat where I can take cute selfies of my pretty food and might not even eat it, I need to see every big budget movie that comes out on opening day and I'm going to watch all the previews so I know about every other big budget movie coming out, I need the details of every single big product release, I must subscribe to every digital media service so I can watch a constant stream of new content.Is it like that everywhere? I didn't say shit about imperialism and all that. All's I'm sayin' is I couldn't agree with you more on all of that. But these things don't define "who we are as Americans" or are excusive to america imo. It's a product of where western civilization, technology and globalism is taking us. Because this region we call the US happens to have more money and resources (whether naturally or unnaturally acquired) than most other places on the globe, we see more of what you're describing here. It has nothing to do with our character, nationality, "culture" or identity. People who become absorbed into the whole materialist pursuit will do so no matter what region they live in, where they come from or what allegiance they subscribe to. We've seen this trait since the beginning of history. This is not to say that geopolitical and economic power structures don't have influence over greed and corruption, just that making America (or any country for that matter) the boogeyman or inheritantly "something or another" is an illusion. No. That'd mean the same would the case in EU. Which it isn't, imo. So there is an argument that this might be more an American culture thing than you'd like to admit. Imo, it's more a us-product than a western civilization product. And it's not some sort of inevitable direction the western civilization is moving towards. But I'm afraid that's hard, if not impossible, to see from a US point of view. Because to put it simply, I don't think people from the US are particularly sensitive to differences between western culture and us culture. To most americans its either the same, or something that the rest of western civilization is moving towards. Which is not the case. And to put it blunt, probably a case of us self-centeredness/ignorance. You should spend some time in canada, for instance. Or in te EU. i forgive the non Twin Peaks love, articulate, concise & above all accurate
  5. 22? that explains a fuck load, if u'd said 23 i'd have been justifiably concerned.......see the intro to Cities of the Red Night's opening 'invocation' for an explanation me? old enough to have experienced & compared the function of certain cultures across the world to know the US is an extreme example of collective entitled narcissism to another level besides, its late.....hugs & cuddles cwmbrancity xx
  6. just can't snap out of it, huh? as an archaeologist, no, as individual i quite like my accidental place of birth, even if thats troublesome for someone like you i could've stated the same thing for most nations, but, oh shucks, its past 2am here and essays arent something you really digest without prejudice besides..... how old are you again exactly?
  7. fat greasy slobs? you must be projecting some sensitivity there because i was singular in my worship of your biscuits & gravy & you mistook humour for petulance if merkin heffers wanna keel over from that, thats their business, i didnt mention fat or slobs once chap & only in this post to impart the essentials never said you were all pieces of shit either, christ this is like conversing with my neighbour who has Alzheimers i stand by every point on the previous page vast sections of your society worship money, the entire US system is built on the notion of financial "attainment" whats the olde cultural model, feudalism, civilization & decadence? well the good ol' US skipped the civilization aspect & went directly to decadence from feudalism great, yer not a part of that, but systemically thats what remains unchecked, i saw it up close and v personal & it left me baffled as to how a nation with so much disposable income couldnt get a viable healthcare plan into action til O'bama & even then if you get cancer it can effectively bankrupt whole families US foreign policy since WWII is a record of shame, pick a continent & chances are the US military-industrial complex leveled it, then sent contractors in to be paid to rebuild, or failing that install a less than benevolent dictator is the UK clear of blame? not at all, like i said virtually everywhere a redcoat bootprint was left, everything went to shit, but your and the pebbles yourself & others brought to the table were mainly just "lol" etc, just look at Eugene's av to clarify his mindset, kinda tragic for what must be someone over 25 at least (and thats a conservative estimate) over to the herd....
  8. but you seem to be crossing the line from this above to clown-nationalism where you take pride in what is essentially a completely random event of you being born in a particular region. in an ideal world, if a New World Order-esque disease so abhorrent to the Alex Jones's's's of this world was to exist, there wouldnt be any nation states, we could, possibly, be one big happy family, but that will never happen because of the lust to attain power nation states = armies = military industrial complex = binary politics, war, genocide, inequality & poverty its down to being a field archaeologist with an embedded focus on NW-European prehistory, archeo-genetics & the deep time of human inhabitation of these islands if i'm part of that, it is an accident of birth, but its still part of our collective & varied national identity, i'm not proposing some uber cool homunculus blob of culture that i adore & fly the flag for, more that there are some timeless qualities to these islands and fuck aye i'll stand up for them, sure you'd do the same about the finer aspects of your own troubled nation added to that, as this is a "how does the world view merks these days", i dont think it was that far fetched to see the juxtaposition between the merkin appropriation of the British empire post WWII and pointing out some of the worst aspects of US society seen & witnessed at first hand, not 2nd hand child-like half wit petulant projection based on never having stayed in the place beyond a holiday & cliched views of the US had the opportunity to stay on in the US and thank the gods i didnt flol, this is some balkan level shit. don't recall such levels of clown-nationalism being exposed here ever (that is besides my own posts about israel from 7-10 years ago, lol). to extrapolate your logic - criticism of merka = bad, liking your own cuntry = bad & "Balkan" it aint like i sleep in a union jack duvet....Britain's crimes are too vast to list, so i summarized, sue me its ok, you're a herd, group mind, half of you couldnt even make up your minds whether you liked Twin Peaks or not, i dont take it personally cos that really would be gimpy, or if you really wanted, why not write some overly long inane tv review that barely gets skimmed past every couple o' weeks, cos thats infinitely more balanced what exactly, criticizing the US, or having some hope for your own place of birth & its heritage beyond its colonial legacy? again, herd tastes, herd minds, herd lives, i see more intellectual rigour in various print tabloids than half the shit that the various Aspergers/Autists flaunt here, yourself included wee birdies love to peck in packs and guffaw at anything beyond your usual remit crack on mate I’m on a phone so I’m not going to break down your post line by line but just trust me, it’s trash so you did have time to answer, quite the contrarian cool, Lane'll be next w/his tightness of jaw & firmness of face imminent
  9. flol, this is some balkan level shit. don't recall such levels of clown-nationalism being exposed here ever (that is besides my own posts about israel from 7-10 years ago, lol). to extrapolate your logic - criticism of merka = bad, liking your own cuntry = bad & "Balkan" it aint like i sleep in a union jack duvet....Britain's crimes are too vast to list, so i summarized, sue me its ok, you're a herd, group mind, half of you couldnt even make up your minds whether you liked Twin Peaks or not, i dont take it personally cos that really would be gimpy, or if you really wanted, why not write some overly long inane tv review that barely gets skimmed past every couple o' weeks, cos thats infinitely more balanced what exactly, criticizing the US, or having some hope for your own place of birth & its heritage beyond its colonial legacy? again, herd tastes, herd minds, herd lives, i see more intellectual rigour in various print tabloids than half the shit that the various Aspergers/Autists flaunt here, yourself included wee birdies love to peck in packs and guffaw at anything beyond your usual remit crack on mate
  10. aka constructive criticism Britain's no angel...there are all manner of social problems here, inequalities, injustices, cunts, ffs we're subjects not citizens, have no constitution to even be amended, aristocrats STILL exist so our lisping inbred ruling classes tend to cluster around certain fee paying schools hence get university places tied up far more easily which in turn guarantees a cushy life for those concerned... BUT, people are generally more grounded, we can laugh at ourselves and our comedy reflects that, we dont worship at the altar of £$ like so many Merkins do, our culture has been built up over approx 40,000yrs+, our music is listened to globally, our literature & its heritage is something truly golden & as a nation we've given the world legal frameworks that are solid today as when first formed we've raped & pillaged just about everywhere a British redcoat bootprint was left, but we've also bailed out entire continents from numerous threats by totalitarian regimes & never asked for fuck all in return i'd take this cuntry over the US every time in almost every field of life, cos *y'alls are some seriously blinkered peoples *excluding the Grateful Dead.....maaaaaaan, what a band
  11. William Burroughs & Thee Temple Ov Psychick Youth would confirm this vehemently
  12. now now no need to get nasty, our media is the widest covering so naturally everyone just hears about it more, doesnt mean we as people think our deaths are more important than anyone elses. just like your infrastructure/govt/administration/history didnt define you as citizens and your culture is the same way our backwards as shit shouldnt either. yes, we're fat greasy americans, but there are fat greasy british ppl too :D hating on america cuz its fashionable is like a thirteen year old girl hating on her favorite emo band cuz they appeared in a hot topic ad. get over it. lives are lives. and why talk like that when innocents have died and the nation is mourning. i hate trump and mcdonalds and walmart and backwards ass hillbillys too, doesnt mean we cant have a day of mourning for the largest shooting spree in modern us history. i have friends who are still waiting to hear from loved ones and friends of friends who were shot, so fuck off. ps this was for you and godel btw, i know everyone likes to jump in on the pissing contest on who can be more howard zinn / noam chomsky when the time calls for it. maaaaan, grow the fuck up, you have no fuckin idea what a douche move it is to try n take emotional ownership over some cunt on a shooting spree yeah i bet the *insert x number of facefuck acquaintances you have are in the middle of all this i've lived in the states & personally if i'd stayed i'd DEFINITELY have procured a weapon, because Merka is uber violent.....fuck off yourself with yer douchey "only emo 13yr olds hate on fat yanks".....that says a lot more about you than it does about someone putting things in a global context US, just build that f-ing wall around your beloved country and stop bothering the rest of the world. and keep your sugary/fat/salty fastfood there as well. kthxbye it's not personal A wall would do fuck-all at keeping aircraft inside. Just sayin'. Like Lane Visitor said, no need to be a snarky prick. I'm aware of the shit that's going on in Syria, CAR, and Myanmar. But that doesn't make the topic at hand any less tragic. You never know if someone on here happens to be among the bereaved. see above mass murder like this is clearly the result of an imbalanced mind, but pick any number of location across the world, and we're all humans right, there's slaughter on an entirely larger scale occurring day in day out, but how often do you see it discussed here or anywhere else that curtains off your world from the nightmares elsewhere? if you think i'm pissing on the freshly deceased, fuck off as well, its about context, not yank baiting, you length some people here dont half like to get their precioussss on Chill out man, why are you so angry? Ill admit i was having a shit day at work and a bit disturbed about the events that had unfolded.. I just found it in poor taste to essentially yell abt how much americans suck, what youre gonna tell me britian's shit doesn't stink? Lol who do you think we inherited all our oppression, greed and ignorance from? Thats all im trying to say, Come at american culture/citizens from sweden, haiti, mexico, fine. But fucking uk? Get outta here lol your brought the hysterics to the table and they were dismissed, get over it re-Britain - what language are you typing in? i tend to take a precious Euro-snob perspective over so many "lol"s.....its lazy English & thats coming from a region which has had 1500 yrs of mistrust of our duplicitous Anglo-Saxon neighbours Britain has an imperial legacy, no doubt, but its been however many hundreds of years since you declared independence and sank our fuckin tea...and fuckin with our tea is like fuckin with our emotions, sooooo i'd sort yer own house out before casting aspersions, besides, France your oldest ally was dismissed as a bunch of fags renaming French Fries "Freedom Fries" etc, so there's a shallowness that mindless patriotism bestows on nations who supported & delivered your indepence on some bs whim More than that, as the new Rome, America clearly appropriated "The British Empire" after WWII, fact. So, you live on the city on a hill built upon generations of sorrow sown by countless failed foreign policy interventions, wars & propping up foreign dictatorships, but you still sleep soundly at night. If yer not part of the solution etc Certain aspects of American culture are backwards to say the least, thats not Euro-snob bs, its a fact: guns <---insert countless case file here education & the waste of so much talent that isnt allowed to realize its potential...who knows if you had we might've cracked the cancer nut by now your nation's comical attitude to health-care your nation's prisons & the disproportionate internment of African Americans, year in year out your nation's insipid money worship, across vast sections of society & the entitlements of ingrained narcissism supported by low costs of living and high living standards good ol' "American Exceptionalism" the rate of veteran suicides and thats just the veneered surface Britain might be a lot of things, but it aint the manifest outlined above, not by a huge margin again, hysteria gets you nowhere in life, not now, not ever if you lived with ptsd, you'd have had a similar nauseating reaction that i did to the events in LV, but America isnt the world and every day far worse events happen globally which barely get a look in within your nation's focus. Even mentioning that got your knickers in a twist, so notions of context etc. How do i know what goes on in terms of the US collective perspective of the rest of the world? Cos i spent enough time in the US to see the place for what it is. Can you say the same about Britain? Case closed. honestly, it was like reading Limpy Loo Lite, you're a grown man so you'll manage just fine when you learn how to put events into a global perspective & appreciate gallows humour for what it is and conversely for what it is not and biscuits & gravy should be exported promptly, we could take that back as the interest on all our tea you dumped, or we'll sail up the Chesapeake & Potomac & burn your Whitehouse down again like we did in 1814
  13. its a sparkle-fest that even constant chronic pain wouldnt stop me from diving into, not to leer, but, mein gott, what a derriere
  14. Oh you poor thing, is that all you know of biscuits and gravy? Please come visit our great nation before the orange cunt completely bans international travel. You can stop at damn near any greasy spoon off the freeway and risk cardiac arrest most deliciously. maaaan, my biscuits & gravy checklist would be enough to get a Green Card already nevermind a 90day tourist visa: Cracker Barrel does an immense sunday breakfast, folks hate on the Dolly Parton twee facade, but their B&G are the real deal Georgia Brown's in DC, prob the most ridiculously huge but tasty breakfast buffet i've ever encountered, there was even a gravy "bath" for want of a better description & their biscuits you could fly into the atmosphere from......about 15 pieces of bacon didnt hurt either unless you discount the impending heart failure (see yer notes above) Bob & Edith's in Arlington.....now THIS was a behemoth breakfast of kings....4 biscuits and a bowl of gravy that i demolished pronto, free refills for tea & coffee cos you know us Brits and our tea fetish the list could go on but my memory is hazy and its been a while the thing about a tragedy like this are the horrors that lurk just outside its focus: guns deaths in general - the drip drip drip effect across states, which a brief google search shows as an approx 13,000 in 2013....and this is year in year out the US opiate deaths crisis.....nearly every1 i met under 50 who was professional had access to some kind of opiate + xanax ruled many a friday night, how many deaths have there been now, but does anything of substance get done about it? does it fuck & a lot of this accumulated under O'bama the failed narco-state of Mexico to your southern borders, where tourists flood in & out, but where however many tens of thousands have been killed while coke goes one way and guns & cash go the other........responsibility is a nebulous creature and the US has played a key role in the escalation of this problem Canada - just kidding then there's the horrors of US foreign policy since WWII, however many dictators installed, however many tons of bombs dropped and the escalation of drone warfare since 9/11.....its a legacy that cant be ignored by any right-minded person that puts the British model in the shade by a significant margin equivalency just brings the "you snarky prick" jibes, but think how lucky.....and lets cut to the quick here....how entitled & narcissistic large sections of the US population are....if yer white & have a college degree you wont want for v much or have to worry about certain concerns compared to other sections of the population say what you like about Britain & its imperial legacy, but there isnt the money worship here that there is in the US, & if you analyze it Merka effectively appropriated large sections of the "British Empire" immediately after WWII, just look at a map of British military bases pre-WWII to US bases post-WII......they're 90% identical. As PKD said it, "The Empire never ended" being half Brit/half Irish and having seen at first hand the monstrosities sectarian violence brought thru the 70's/80's/90's, i'd be grateful that for most white merkins you're not running the gauntlet of avoiding being caught up in mass bombing campaigns, state collusion with internal terrorist organizations and monthly traumas of losing loved ones within your own nation's national boundaries.....and on this side of the pond some of us havent forgotten the legacy of NORAID and the whole (but largely forgotten episode) of US nationals funding the IRA and its domestic terror campaign here in olde Albion and across the Irish Sea in Eire itself but yes, biscuits & gravy rrrrrrrrock, its been so long but i'll never forget those fluffy white buttery biscuits heaped with sausage gravy, now THAT sir is national treasure and i havent even touched on the legacy of the Grateful Dead, this being a world view of merka thread as much as for discussing the tragedy in Las Vegas
  15. and that right there is the fuckin point I LOVE BISCUITS & GRAVY and would open a franchise meself if it was possible, Bob Evans rrrrrrrrrocks it was a pro-merkin statement
  16. now now no need to get nasty, our media is the widest covering so naturally everyone just hears about it more, doesnt mean we as people think our deaths are more important than anyone elses. just like your infrastructure/govt/administration/history didnt define you as citizens and your culture is the same way our backwards as shit shouldnt either. yes, we're fat greasy americans, but there are fat greasy british ppl too :D hating on america cuz its fashionable is like a thirteen year old girl hating on her favorite emo band cuz they appeared in a hot topic ad. get over it. lives are lives. and why talk like that when innocents have died and the nation is mourning. i hate trump and mcdonalds and walmart and backwards ass hillbillys too, doesnt mean we cant have a day of mourning for the largest shooting spree in modern us history. i have friends who are still waiting to hear from loved ones and friends of friends who were shot, so fuck off. ps this was for you and godel btw, i know everyone likes to jump in on the pissing contest on who can be more howard zinn / noam chomsky when the time calls for it. maaaaan, grow the fuck up, you have no fuckin idea what a douche move it is to try n take emotional ownership over some cunt on a shooting spree yeah i bet the *insert x number of facefuck acquaintances you have are in the middle of all this i've lived in the states & personally if i'd stayed i'd DEFINITELY have procured a weapon, because Merka is uber violent.....fuck off yourself with yer douchey "only emo 13yr olds hate on fat yanks".....that says a lot more about you than it does about someone putting things in a global context US, just build that f-ing wall around your beloved country and stop bothering the rest of the world. and keep your sugary/fat/salty fastfood there as well. kthxbye it's not personal A wall would do fuck-all at keeping aircraft inside. Just sayin'. Like Lane Visitor said, no need to be a snarky prick. I'm aware of the shit that's going on in Syria, CAR, and Myanmar. But that doesn't make the topic at hand any less tragic. You never know if someone on here happens to be among the bereaved. see above mass murder like this is clearly the result of an imbalanced mind, but pick any number of location across the world, and we're all humans right, there's slaughter on an entirely larger scale occurring day in day out, but how often do you see it discussed here or anywhere else that curtains off your world from the nightmares elsewhere? if you think i'm pissing on the freshly deceased, fuck off as well, its about context, not yank baiting, you length some people here dont half like to get their precioussss on
  17. b-b-b-b-but......biscuits n sausage gravy meanwhile in various hotspots around the world, larger numbers of folks are continually slaughtered, day in day out, b-b-b-b-b-but.... biscuits n gravy
  18. lots of peak-era Weatherall Balearic madness https://soundcloud.com/nickjsmith/summer-1990-mixtape
  19. pretty much the personification of Premiership overindulgence, money wasting & false flag attacks 1 half decent world cup goal = fortune accrued part of me despises modern football cos of cunts like Joe Cole
  20. "If the temporary cap breaks off, call the reception number asap" - "fnnnnssssllllllllllerrrrrrrmmmmmmmmdribble, in the sssshhhhhhlllllllllllffffffffff, oh sssllllfuck ittttttssssggggggllllllll, ta" £250, and it doesnt even taste like chicken
  21. they might already have done a collectivized Graham Bond by putting their magic on you envious face
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