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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. Bad Timing (1980) - one of Nic Roeg's most disturbing works, even after seeing it a few times down thru the decades the themes, the way the relationship develops, the chronologically warped editing & juxtapositions, Art Garfunkel (def not Goy) is outstanding in his evolving creepiness & his casting anchors everything together too fried for Don't Look Now as well tonight, but soon lil red cagoules will emerge from everywhere as will Eureka
  2. personal stories like that arent really taken into account by maps, condolences heroin used to rule the roost here, ironically quite a few folks i knew used it for comedowns after marathon weekenders via other substances & then went on to develop 20+year habits as a consequence the same could be said for alcohol, although its still not really seen as a societal problem the way it should be, most British town & city centers are war-zones at weekends from the sheer volume of alcohol consumed which then spills into side streets & worst of all in A&E depts its strange because NW Europeans seem to take pride in the amount of booze consumed that got them slaughtered on *insert boozy occasion here, to the extent a lot of office small talk would dry up completely if you took alcohol related subjects out the mix
  3. good map comparing opiate overdose deaths in 1999 & 2014 (plus however many have check out in the 3&half years since) https://www.theguardian.com/society/ng-interactive/2016/may/25/opioid-epidemic-overdose-deaths-map
  4. maybe this is why olde Carcass track titles work(ed) so well
  5. this local lady's gear is superb https://soundcloud.com/rumblin_cynth_rampo
  6. c.s's, controlled substances, are on a major lockdown here try getting anything stronger than codeine for anything major & you'll be looked @ like a junky, same with benzos in the US summat went drastically wrong, its not just legal oxy & illicit smack, its xanax & *insert prescriptions here* that seems to have escalated beyond anything you might expect from such a nation oxy is quite nice though, but a bit more-ish, 10 days a year annual average leave you could almost be forgiven for reaching toward the warped logic of a sedated chill on a national holiday weekend
  7. i tried to watch the tri-state one on opiates in West Virginia, Ohio et al, but it was relentlessly grim & had to bail after 25mins-ish, summat about needles/sharps and puncture marks down arms reminds me too much of olde school friends who descended into that pit of heroin addiction wish he would do summat on UK issues instead of the proverbial "check out how fkd up things are across the pond", because it abstracts the issues by framing them as US-centric problems
  8. Task Master - someone should tell that tall cunt who hosts this that its fkn pseudo panel show wank & is irredeemable as a show or format *sunday dinner sitdowns with family forced this upon my delicate constitution
  9. Brawl in Cell Block 99 or whateverthefuck it was.... loved the car destruction scene, the initial immersion in sticky life events & then the prison world enveloping everything the last scene was a cop out, but for its relentless levels of face stomping ultra-violence it had a bit of heft, nowt ground breaking but fun when it mattered if broken limbs up close & personal are your thang
  10. cripes, a lot of cunts woulda just kicked them out, at least you had the humanity & patience to see the situation for what is was & did as best as possible at the time someone like this clearly has deep-rooted issues & if this incident shows em that this aspect of their lives needs addressing thats a small price to pay for a messy night of special-fx unless it was H Weinstein, in which case you got off lightly
  11. trying to avoid info on the new Bladerunner b4 watching the damn thing, from various newspapers and the drip drip of info from the radio etc "like tears in stale piss"
  12. to counter the constant horrors experienced in the McDonalds-esque Hipster House thread, a Harvey edit classic from a few years ago this is church
  13. Hitoshi Kojo & Masayoshi Fujita have both created incredible sound worlds, well worth a dig Gianluigi Gasparetti has an incredible catalog & rummaging thru other crap "Beyond the World of Sleep" popped up today, not heard for a while & forgot how sublime it is (if its been listed on earlier pages it deserves another airing)
  14. ps: the BBC is currently repeating a series called Pagans & Pilgrims - Britain's Holiest Places, couple are up on i-player but there are cough splutter other ways to grip all 6 if you can proxy it the main page is here https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episodes/b01r6z2d
  15. one of the better writers in archaeology is Professor Richard Bradley, his "Archaeology of Natural Places" gives a trans-chronological scheme of specific places & typologies of locations which a lot of recent music/culture seems to be alluding to, he's succinct with zero waffle, that text in itself is deffo worth a few shekels & you wouldnt need a time-frame in mind because Bradley is lucid enough to flow through the eras. from Bradley's framework, other writers of a different variety worth a rummage include the occultist Ithell Colquhoun... her books on Cornwall (The Living Stones) & EIre (The Crying of the Wind), are right at the intersection of Mircea Eliade, Carl Jung, travelog and archaeology....it just helps to have Bradleys book as a first call to establish a rigorous chronology cos Colquhoun was writing in the 1950's, but her themes are their own psycho-geographies & Stewart Lee's done the new edition intros. if you wanna go deeeeep down the rabbit hole, The White Goddess by Robert Graves is the definitive text on bridging pre-christian and modern myths, its a hard read but its scope and results are immense.
  16. ps: if you want a mission out around southern British Neolithic monuments, i'd recommend doing Wayland's Smithy chambered tomb, then south a few miles to Avebury, Silbury Hill and West Kennet tomb Avebury is probably more cosmic than Stonehenge due to its sheer scale, its fkn enormous & thats one of the few sites where you actually get in touch with how the ancients worshiped a stone's throw away from there the West Kennet tomb has an acoustic range thats stayed intact since its construction, so if you play drones in there they reverberate like nothing else every now again you can go in there & encounter a bunch of *new-age types doing this choral sound healing thing, well-worn multi-coloured woolly jumpers, dreadlocks & bits of feathers in hair-braids are de rigeur *new-age travelers didnt die out as a species here, they just settled down around Glastonbury & opened tatty crystal shops
  17. Chris Issak was uber-wooden in FWWM, with a lot of scenes i've tried to focus in on the other characters & dialog, rather than let his lack of presence distract from all the good gear, the deleted scenes showed sequences that in my humble opinion should deffo have got a look in during the final editing, this one being a prime example everyone has their own tastes with art, so to each their own
  18. 2 weeks until All Hallow's Eve and 20/23/20degrees this weekend and today, plus the amber sky all morning was v v strange not that i'm complaining, its just surreal being at considerable altitude walking the k9 y'day in shorts n a t-shirt when, for this time of year, a serious attention to sensible clothing has to be taken into consideration if you dont want hypothermia or get the mountain rescue crews called out & a helicopter hovering over your short-sighted arse not a problem so much as weird as fuck, climate change perks dont really cut it
  19. *dons archaeologist cap Stonehenge was indeed done in phases, it even has previous Mesolithic (hunter-gather/middle stone age) deposits that suggest the area had a significant chronology b4 its Neolithic (tethered mobility/agriculture etc) inception, from then on it got altered fairly regularly every few hundred years until about 2500-2000BC which is whats evidenced today the Blue Stones did indeed arrive first, from Pembrokeshire of all places, imagine transporting those hundreds of miles a millennia before the Pyramids were built **see Mike Parker Pearson's work on Stonehenge for a deeper synopsis of chronologies, use and sequence of alterations: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=mike+parker+pearson+stonehenge&oq=mike+parker+pearson+stonehenge&gs_l=psy-ab.3...201275.212821.0.213312. the intriguing aspect is that in indigenous British mythology the Preseli Hills are associated with Annwn, the "otherworld" of Welsh mythology, ruled by Arawn who pops up in all manner of stories and mischief these hills are just over the Irish Sea from the Neolithic complexes @ Newgrange & Knowth in the bend of the Boyne in Eire the metaphor of using stone is universal in these realms in representing the lands of the dead these "Western Lands" of Preseli, Stonehenge, Avebury, the Brittany alignments/stone-rows, the isles of Scilly & the Irish Neolithic monuments in the bend of the Boyne might have a further archeological association with the Egyptian concept of the lands of the dead, their "Western Lands", that you traveled to upon dying, with tentacles that stretch out as part of a network of prehistoric worship evidenced in Egypt, the Mediterranean, Iberia, Brittany, as well as Britain & Eire far out maaaaaaaaaaaaan
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