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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. wait what? I have to prep stuff? I just wanna take the lil nugs and put 'em on somewhere and fire it. ah got it ok. cleanin right? hm. this is a good tip. Danke The Air is slick & the Solo gives a solid format, both are wortha punt, but the Solo's battery is a pain to change & the Air can pass for an e-cig on the street walking Air just edges it, charge it, turn it on once to evap any factory residue, then add a pinch of special fx to the glass stem, inhale, exhale, bosh, mosh cleaning em is proper easy, plus they do a black ceramic stem that increases yer schmooooov
  2. just try n keep the stems clean (iso alcohol, salt, bag, soaked overnight, then a hot water rinse) stealthy as fk
  3. Arise Arizer (Air or Solo) https://arizer.com/
  4. the irony, eh 50+years of indoctrination during the Cold War against anything remotely socialist in practice doesnt help as for a narcissist like Oprah being touted....wtf, woman is lost in a hall of self perpetuating mirrors, Xi Jinping & Putin would publicly ejaculate if she got in
  5. thats ok soak up with a hearty breakfast brunch, sorted, plus any excuse for bacon https://www.womenshealthmag.com/health/microwave-popcorn
  6. poor education + lack of political agency x the square root of sketchiness divided by gun rights bs = latest US conspiracy
  7. Disaster Artist - if a wig & a "ha ha ha" justifies some form of impersonation, then its a success, if the first 1/4 where the broski's bond together over their common goals is the foundation for a story, its a success, but the other hour+ is a Franco vanity project taken 1 step beyond this human's patience. Misses the character actors of other spoofs like Ed Wood's Martin Landau.....i couldnt wait for it to end. 4.75/10 Three Billboards - it deals with the subject of grief intermittently well, Rockwell's arc was decent, but then it meandered all over the gaff. W/out Frances whatsherface, it would've sunk more quickly. John Wyles is usually well cast & shines in most things seen so far with him in, but he barely gets a look in. 6.5/10 Withnail & I - my brother coaxed me into this. Still a riot, still funny as fk, Uncle Monty is still adorably creepy & Danny is just Danny. Reminded this human how shite constant hangovers are, but the squalor, the incessant rain & the old ex-military alcoholic landlord's "A crack at the Mick"....timeless. Twelfty/10
  8. Britannia - equal measures of cheesy cliches & intrigue after 2 episodes, fk knows where its going but blame the edible
  9. Time to watch a few Rodney Dangerfield clips just to rinse exposure to that brat out the Eagles are 1 game away from the Superbowl, so y'all better be ready for an army sized horde of NJ drunks
  10. intrigued who the Democrats may summon to smash this heathen in 2020 skim reading about Oprah in the Guardian was a cringe-fest, a large demographic will never vote for an African American woman, her narcissism just makes it even more futile Bernie is getting on, but they're all cunts arent they?
  11. Momma pimps the entertainment & modelling industries must be chock full of parents like that
  12. the finale was proper wtf, dunno how to do spoilers but did not see THAT ending coming
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