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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. far better than was expecting, but not quite as gritty, Gosling was the weakest link even if his expression when told he had no soul was v well done its a feast for the eyes, sure there are bits folks might change or aspects that people might feel differently about, but for a sequel it more than holds its own
  2. a week is a long long time in MIL terms, thats 604800 seconds, you could even lob a few zeros on the end it'd make no real difference to your unendurable suffering get her in the B&B, that way she cant inspect every aspect of your home, decor & relationship with her offspring, plus those awkward meal times stifling
  3. Mourinho's baiting is old & boring, at least Fergy would lay the head on someone rather than moan like a fkn kid as soon as JM arrived @ Chelski it was "Rafa this...", not shaking hands with Wenger & countless other morsels of bs biggest lol recently was Leeds getting done by our Div2 neighbours Newport County in the cup, Spurs are next, see how many Soul-Crew idiots infiltrate that game for the olde ultra-violence, tempted to go but it'll be carnage
  4. the drugs edition was mint too saw CM directed a few Veeps, but maaaaaaan the world needs this bloke now more than ever
  5. McMafia - cliched Russians & shady, untrustworthy eastern Europeans, Asians, Jews & Arabs, vodka (obviously, cos they're Russians & Czechs), a square-jawed dead-eyed lead, allusions to international levels of crime that probably enlighten the baby boomers watching, but weak moments of tension, clunky as the new slick, you get the rest. as if the Night Manager wasnt stale enough, BBC tv seems lost these days, endless panel shows, every one of which i wish ISIS would storm in live & slaughter the Tristrams who flood broadcasting with this river of sewerage, at least their radio can still hack it looking forward to Britannia in a fortnight both for archaeological reasons & cos an ex-Prof was their Druid expert/consultant, although that'll probably end up being about Brexit too
  6. older IT boffin head mates are all over it, but i'm not prepared to risk my hard earned equity for anything currently, worked too god damn hard to get a foothold but still get regular updates, "wanna invest?" emails but the only people who i've seen profit to an extensive extent so far were laundering from shenanigans anyway its a seriously interesting subject though, so cheers for the links, but 2018 has enough on its plate
  7. if a cat had snuffed those mice it woulda fallen into the WATMM cat love feels get a jack russell, my own got a rat from the drain last week and shredded it proper jack russells, man's answer to vermin & unwanted furry infiltrators, cheaper than guns, not as lethal as SWAT call-outs & less autistic than cats
  8. trim or rip, its a man's grooming world just wait for the fuzzy ear hair growth, especially if yer black haired
  9. 1 franchise i'm very grateful was never fully exported over here, Cracker Barrel doe, now thats a deal that would truly be considered art that SWAT vid defies belief, interesting difference between the ultra aggressive US interventions & the last one with the British old bill casually & calmly inquiring whats the problem my Ma lives next door to a police marksman & theres a running joke about when & how he'll eventually go postal, secret stashes & cached stockpiles what a wonderful world
  10. classic lols, just look @ the chinless gimp, ffs, he boiled my piss by allowing Neil Hamilton a platform in local politics, but this is quality a golden shower, particularly if yer not into it not seen Lucky, but "Paris, Texas"? c'mon Ewwwgenie. Plus his scenes in Wild @ Heart had some serious chutzpah
  11. or, if you've been consuming high dose cannabis edibles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UcKhas3HCk
  12. lobbed in the documentary fred, but'll repost here, a wicked & well balanced exploration of Carcass, from evolution to demise and stacks more. dunno if Earache were behind it, but cracking good fun in 4 or 5 parts, plus those fkn chugggggggs
  13. Carcass bio in 4 or 5 parts, all involved seem like very humble, funny, witty blokes who've managed to stay grounded & genuine mates thru various tribulations, although Mike Amott keeps preening his quaffed dyed hair story of their drummer's strength of character in the face of monumental health adversity is staggering, just add Bill Steer talking guitar techniques/tuning, differences in band styles between 1986-1988, the converging & diverging scenes at the time, the influence of Death & Repulsion on Carcass's's''ss early guitar sound evolution, plus how they conjured those classic first few lp covers
  14. innit, the 1 night of the year fun always feels forced, everywhere is a rip off, so better to keep it @ home with a small clan of mates & chill no stress with taxis, keep the numbers down to 10-12 so every1 brings an assorted range of munchies, good company & good food is enough the only rule is everyone gets to play one tune @ a time to rotate back2back tune selections, plus the reality that we cant be in work on tues & weds obliterated on behemoth comedowns these days, shudder @ the very thought of it for those that do indulge, stay safe
  15. try to reframe this: if its a good meal you get to enjoy the flavours a second time, mmm-mmmmmm
  16. getting through Christmas without killing anyone, yet
  17. oh these are lush, ,love this kind of sound. never heard of this label, will have to venture in. thx for sharing. Ed the Red's label, bloke spent his early years in the USSR, then a bit like Kevorkian (<----a true legend) got to NY and booooom, you can hear his keyboard work on a lot of these Bottom Line releases have a nose for "Sample Minded", Tammy Banks, Passion in Fashion, Groovement & Jerzzey Boy...fkn gems you can still find tucked away in crates, plus Discogs vendors these days for production licks 95 North's Richard Payton has some vids up on youlube about composition, production, how ideas for grooves are learned from other records etc, top geezer with an incredible catalog right up your street ie: soulful vocals plus chunkeh b-side dubs (where would we be w/out b-side dubs eh), vids 3, 4 & 5 from this list https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=95+north+richard+payton
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