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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. They called them hoagies when I lived in Jersey 20+ years ago. At any rate, that looks bitchin'. South Jersey is false thats where the hoagies i had were sourced from, south Philadelphia/Camden i think, tbh the "dressing" plot with the oregano plus the meats & lets be honest here the only proper bread ever really experienced beyond wanky gear in Wholefoods.....type of grub you could just plough into, Mr Plough, infinitely better than any greasy cheese steaks, keep you fueled til late evenings btw what is it with merkin bread culture? with all the waves of immigrant contributions, getting decent bread took the piss, in France its the stuff of dreams you can eat every day & even Britain holds its own They called them hoagies when I lived in Jersey 20+ years ago. At any rate, that looks bitchin'.South Jersey is falseWell there were still plenty of raging assholes so that must imbue it with some authenticity. from memory this one stood out some serious warped narcissism in merka, but certain sarnies whether labeled grinder (only a Spurs fan could......*wink*) or hoagies & pizzas are done rrrrrrrrrighteously now i'm hungry due to all this instead of disgusted
  2. re-watched Dreams That Money Can Buy after an enforced Twin Peaks hiatus & DL's stated love for the makers shows that you dont always appreciate things more fully as a youth, the Marcel Duchamp/John Cage "Disc thingys" & the Max Ernst sections take some beating, but the former is almost an intermezzo in among these conjured visions Blue Velvet lighting/10 and...
  3. aye Hoagies too...they're so simple & basic but pack a massive punch and not just in terms of volume (even though 1 good one was enough for 2 lunches) i had 1 in Reading Market in Philadelphia many moons ago that i still remember far more fondly than the company i was with lolol, plus said company's in-laws would fetch a few back from the city's other hoagie outlets occasionally and they were ALL fkn banging so yeah, any decent pizza and hoagies franchises planning on going trans-Atlantic should get their arses in gear and pineapple as a topping? thats just minging + lazy.... chorizo or andouille sausage + peppers and easy on the congealed cow udder juice
  4. cunts who complain about this unseasonably warm British summer, some of whom dont seem to understand the concept of using deodorizer or showering more too its hot for what, a quarter of the year & even then this is a bit above average, i'm in hog heaven "jesus i wish it would just drop a few degrees" - "are you kidding? yeah well i'd like to drop you in the fkn face, cunt, fkn enjoy it while it lasts etc etc" not enough idiots are violated by violence in this cuntry, its the only language they understand, in fact i could run a whole govt dept specifically for that purpose, but then you get called a psychotic fascist by hippies who cant use underarm roll-on and dont go into specific Bristol pubs for the above reasons, 200 veggies with dreadlocks, all riper than a dog's arsehole, all complaining about the weather amazon doesnt stock flame throwers either, just checked, they'd purge those unwashed locks
  5. getting any good pizza in the British & Irish Isles is like the quest for the grail those super-thin, blast furnace cooked classics yanks (& Eye-ties) take for granted are the only thing i genuinely miss about the US and ordering said slices individually &/or in smaller batches of 2 or 3 slices.......mein gott, fuckin bliss face last pizza i had in London tasted of *lard, the tomato sauce was all wrong & the stodgy middle area sagged like a granny's tit, fuck off cunts its not rocket science *hopefully chef brother is gonna remedy this via a lesson next visit home
  6. TSHOTP gives a sideline in the esoteric battle between Illuminati types, the Masons & the Indians of the Pacific NW, but combined with the new series it opens the Jungian interpretation up to staggering levels keep in mind Lynch's foundation for world peace, his meditation mantras dispelling negative emotions/thoughts and, conversely with the bomb detonation in s03e08, a new level of fear archetype symbolized as Bob being established in the collective human psyche that faceless white spewing creature that projectile out Garmonbozia with Bob in sealed the deal, but only after the nuclear detonation theres an interview on youlube with DL and some eejut cunt interviewer about the director's work and its meaning. Toward the end of the interview said cunt asks Lynch if he believes in angels and cites examples in his works......and Lynch 100% poker face replies "yes" go to 40mins20secs for the sequence outlined above: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIlmdLPUdpg
  7. ep8 was immense, wtf w/NIN, but forgiveness is warranted + not knowing the spoiler function that was an i.v. injection of archetypes & the subconscious, Marcel Duchamps, Max Ernst, Tarkovsky, Dreams That Money Can Buy allusions & Jung, those inter-dimensional tramps mein gott the slow zoom in on the bomb detonation = Kubrick is gurning in the heavens
  8. not to desecrate the dead or detract from that big friendly death seared across the mind as less of a tragedy due of ethnicity, or killer dogs on the rampage & possible rabies shots, but there are no kitkats in the fridge although dogs are better than cats and jack russells the best of them all, if *you ever have to immobilize a dangerous dog quickly you pull both its front legs apart until they snap *:
  9. all the lamps & lampshades all have that particular light effect, reminds me of the moods in Blue Velvet @ Ben's & @ Dororthy's gaffs and "i thinK I'M HIIIIIIIGH"
  10. you're addressing Frank Booth, something some where is going to get horribly gory
  11. i have a dislike for cats thats already cost me 1 particularly kinky ride said lass had a creature that would pounce and tear at your face while you were asleep in bed together, only to have to shoe the lil cunt away did this w/out her waking a few times, then the 1 moment of slightly louder "fuck off you little cunt" and swipe to dispatch back on the floor, only to turn round and see said kinky lady eyeing me with deep distrust like i just Auschwitzed an entire colony of cats cats are the Ayn Rand of the animal/pet world
  12. Umberto D. (1952), De Sica's best filem & rewards future viewings, its got so much fkn heart i dare any1 to watch it and not wanna cuddle up to a jack-russell. Not as earnest as other neo-realist works like Bicycle Thieves or Paisan but the better for it, twelfty jack russells/10
  13. Fingers crossed it'll be on this: https://boomkat.com/products/twin-peaks-limited-event-series-soundtrack saaaaaaaaaafe ta
  14. the Long Strange Trip for a Pigpen-era Dead fan looks a good prospect, talk about a band who deserve and serious anthology, my thesis supervisor is on the official archive caucus, theres so much material to sift thru just hope it delivers proper musical archaeology, hopefully, as was the BBC's Beatles anniversary Sgt Pepper musicology blurb, somehow the presenter does his job v well cos it opened up the craft in much more depth than was expected and theres masses of gear on this lp alone, succinct and fun without cracking the magic of the album detrimentally
  15. tangent - any1 here own a Volcano or Arizer Extreme Q?
  16. i dont know if more British police forces are ignoring certain legislation currently, as it seems a few cities recently visited in Inglan were metaphorically rolling in the stuff its morphed to another dimension in the last few years to people being v v specific about which strain of sativa and/or indica or hybrid is which, you anticipate & expect bs on that front but its gone to almost a wholesale replacement of US style strains, a lot of the old Dutch steadies are almost unheard of now shatter & butter are everywhere in the south east/London, cant speak for elsewhere but every cunt has a dab there these days, cannabis clubs run semi-openly and there hasnt been the level of busts you might've expected if they'd been compromised
  17. avoiding the Twin Peaks thread and spoiler cos your terrier dog dug down a good meter at the end of the garden guy next door died recently & now i have to go and knock his door too & 'splain to his son why there is mud scattered over their property the ways of the terrier, no instagram anthropomorphic weirdness included
  18. re-viewing of ep's 1-4 revealed just how futile language can be trying to describe this show the co-ordinate numbers come through more, the symbolism of archetypes is almost tarot-like, the role of the subconscious, as well as Lynch's sound design being mint as fuck.....the casino scenes with that quiet melodic drone composition is sublime and hope that gets an official release somewhere down the line as trying to rip it via software produced mixed results the scenes in with Lynch himself run smoothly you'd almost be forgiven for forgetting thats the director in the frame, especially when he quips about not liking the course of events and the Cooper doppelganger interview even the waiting is welcomed
  19. It's not mean. I'm not reviewing the book. If I wanted just the 'content' then I would've read the book. Trying to make out that the visual look of a TV show doesn't matter is reductionist. In any case, my opinion about the show (and the rating I gave it) is subjective. Just because I don't love it as much as you, doesn't mean I'm wrong. if you think it looks wanky, i'd disagree on that front....there is more than enough scope to enhance the tones & moods with the black, grey/slate colour schemes & the puritan-themed scarlet/reds of the handmaid's themselves surely thats part of the adaptive process, to try & create this cloak of distempered dislocation? so yes, imho the visual elements work in its favour rather than against it, particularly when the chronologies switch between before & present time-frames or maybe people want jazzymatazzz graphic colour schemes slapped across their screens to hold their attention if you dont like it, well theres plenty of wank out there to dissolve into these days, i was just a bit surprised to see such a low score, you can dislike it all you want no-one's gonna interfere with that so much as challenge your perception a tad
  20. aka Mr Style Over Content The Handmaid's Tale rocks, i could give a fuck about Trump and analogies to contemporary US politics/circus, its real strength is that its underpinned by a novel that was ahead of its own time when written does it justify the hype and probable guardian blogging? possibly not, but then there will always be contrarian commentaries to something solid regardless, so pro's/cons 5/10 is just plain mean, i love the original score, not the pop shit, the droney dissonant string sequences & Ann Dowd is the kind of lady who is a credit to her industry, its easily as good as anything else wanked over in the last 30-odd years (disregarding Twin Peaks as that occupies a universe & style unto itself)
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