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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. theres always gonna be a few contrarians punt in the dark, does anyone know the music that plays during the casino scenes? it pops up from time time elsewhere, but have no idea if its on official releases, or been left out (eg: Sub Dream, Dream Recall) really dont wanna pirate this composition & ripping it from video has proven a right cunt due to v few dry sections where no other audio is in the mix
  2. in a pub in Bristol earlier, young lady with a bambino tucked up snug in a rucksack/baby carrier thingy on her back Kill-List flashback in full effect
  3. there couldnt be a better example of American cultural imperialism than living anywhere except the US & knowing who Alex Jones is
  4. meanwhile in Bristol http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-bristol-41167296
  5. outstanding Claudio Rispoli interview.....one of the original originals, without Italo Disco you wouldnt have had Balearic & w/out Balearic..... https://vimeo.com/29956313 not fan of corporations like Red Bull mainly cos their "drinks" are intensely gross, but Daniele Baldelli is a connoisseur in the truest sense, if you ever see him playing out locally every tune selected will be transcendental magic & he makes folks like Harvey look constrained and tame......a fuckin immense jock, : http://www.redbullmusicacademy.com/lectures/daniele-baldelli-elevator-ride
  6. as a whole with all episodes put together, it seemed like the surrealist's Supreme-Point "life and death, the real & the imagined, past & future, the communicable & the incommunicable, high & low, cease to be perceived as contradictions" - Breton the only conclusion i could draw was, as the Fugees so succinctly put it, "Onetime!"
  7. it was so overtly preachy, i couldnt weather it (no Katrina jibe) the facile characters glazed over any good tunes & if folks want music from New Yawlins, theres a whole universe to explore w/out these wanky stories Celebrity Masterchef - where else could you see Ulrika Jonsson (sp?) nearly cry over an undercooked rack of lamb, nevertheless i wont get those 10mins back on my deathbed
  8. Ignoring the MD & IE diss as indulgent & boring, TP might push the limits of your patience dont know if its the kind of material you can binge on although not tried tend to find its something best suited to watching each episode with the lights down low nr dark, decent speakers/headphones, then rewatch a few days later....a lot will emerge that you might have glimpsed the surface of with re-experiencing its David Lynch which means it wont ever be to everyone's taste, but, if you take your time, its a sublime island of experiences in a wasteland of stale, saturated tv inanity Hail praise Lynch!
  9. this is a beast and this has some heavy deepness https://soundcloud.com/cwmbran-city/an-archaeology-of-house-vol-1 olde rickety hips https://soundcloud.com/simonannaly/diy-dj-dk-jul-94
  10. Don't Take Me Home cos we shoulda won the Euros Robson-Kanu wunderbar goal/10
  11. some of the Hornes are a bit like the cast from Deleuze's Capitalism & Schizophrenia, just not the full Frank Booth look out if he writes you a love letter, not Deleuze doe, he's far more convivial
  12. Log Lady's scene was perfect in tone, it could so easily have defaulted to sentimental wank, but her courage to even complete it and the dignity shown in the handling of its completion took next level bollocks Bad Coop's trip to the convenience store was v well done too, there's something about the eyes & shuffling demeanor of those sooty tramps thats v disconcerting, then Jeffries turned up "in person". At that point i thought just go with the flow...... And never fuck with an eastender in rubber gloves, unfortunately the last time i had a rubber glove on like that it was wrist deep in a young lady's derriere (at her request), so personal allusions forced a laugh where there shouldnt have been fisting/10
  13. The State good intro.....idealistic verve abounds, intrigued to see how far it pushes things regarding what's broadcast, really appreciated the discrete translations for specific religious terminology, the rare moments of humour are well timed like the 2 British muslim protagonists mocking their "Paki Rambo brrrrro" instructor, but oozes tension and that sense of an unfolding crimson tide hope it doesnt waste a quality start and goes full throttle at a subject other dramas have avoided since the cinematic success of Four Lions by the almighty Chris Morris
  14. grilled sardines with mixed salad + green beans, lemonade, 10mgs diazepam & a scoop of ice-cream to finish
  15. Here's what the law says: https://www.loc.gov/law/help/peaceful-assembly/us.php and I'm sure back before electricity, torches were the defacto method of night time lighting, but they became a symbol of racial intimidation, along with burning crosses thanks to the KKK. Supposedly they had a permit to protest, and if it hadn't gone violent, were they breaking any laws? I believe hate crimes laws are a more recent development in American law, but the ACLU has taken up the cause of these people somewhat, so who knows WTF is going on. It also has to do with public vs private property for demonstration locations, i.e. pro-life protesters, Westboro Baptist Church, etc. I noticed this at the bottom of the page which might be relevant: "The First Amendment does not provide the right to conduct an assembly at which there is a clear and present danger of riot, disorder, or interference with traffic on public streets, or other immediate threat to public safety or order. Statutes that prohibit people from assembling and using force or violence to accomplish unlawful purposes are permissible under the First Amendment." link doesnt work for me. :( the assembly thing seems covered, i guess, because they had a permit. what i don't get is that it's allowed to have an armed assembly and collectively shouting hate speech and having lots of signs of aggressions towards groups of people (kkk and nazi symbolism and all that). to me that looks like something which goes beyond free speech. yeah people should be allowed to be able to say what they think. individually. but collectively and basically armed and in a uniform, that's another level in my books. that goes beyond free speech of an individual. that's basically threatening and bullying other us citizens. acts of aggression. ultimately leading into an actual act of terror with the car thing. imo, the free speech didnt end with that guy using his car as a bowling ball but way earlier. as far as i'm concerned it ended the night before when the protesters were threatening those people in the synagog. even without any physical violence, the threat must have been real/palpable enough for it to have been illegal. imooo ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ thisfuckinguy.......only teasing..... it looks very blurry where the lines between something constitutional and an ultra-right convergence merge and then completely take the piss with an onslaught of organized abuse as for the police, as a foreigner if this had been a domestic incident, where some cuntish foolery ultra-right group like the English Defense League/EDL had targeted anything Islamic/Semitic or whatever their unflavour of the month was, the filth/police here would have been lining up as an excuse to A) kick fuck out of everyone and B) get paid double time for the privilege. i also dont quite get the whole open carry militia presence, these "Light Foot" (you gotta chuckle at the old military allusions) brigade militia blokes, guns sprawling, that adds a powder keg element if they perceived a threat on their members at some moment of madness the thing that made another impact about Charlottesville (sp) was the age of the vast majority of these cunts, all looked like they spent their teens online/20's online, reaching ideological cul-de-sacs where the ideology demands action from its membership....more violence the DC march lined up soon could be nasty with so many black residents who will mos def make their presence felt
  16. maaaaan, there are some beasts here, Solaris (if it aint Clooney), Eraserhead, A Prophet, Kill List, Citizen Kane, Dune, Ichi, Haxan, Svankmejer's Alica, Import/Export (immense but dark as fk)......get em down you
  17. it may prove impossible for America to transcend race, hegemony & money not for lack of desire, far from it, but from the depths of the roots of its foundations, Trump is a symptom thats not casting pearls before swine bs more that unfortunate recent events, beamed globally, obscure the better angels of your nature & nation Trump's press junket today should be his political death sentence, equally if any president was gonna get wacked since Kennedy this must be the candidate, not advocating violence, but, shit happens
  18. take it as you see it, for one it wasnt directed at you personally chap series 3 is a marvel of contemporary culture & in such barren times i'm just enjoying the ride....we'll all be on a collective comedown when its finished soon enough
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