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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. I just wish the studio had been involved to dumb down the "experiment" holocaust scenes of episode 8. Maybe added some explanatory voice over for me or shot some extra scenes with James Hurley singing. I would have felt more satisfied then. whaaaaat? ep08, minus NIN, was Lynchian perfection last night's episode almost reached such dizzy heights, the forest vortex, Andy's transportation (the Fool getting dosed good & proper), then Grace Zabriskie's bar scene was the cherry in the cherry pie it still has the comfy vibe when it requires it just not as saccharine-infused as the previous series & tbh the extra heft and surreal imagery add to its majesty and yeah troll away over that....... some of you are clearly unsatisfied for reasons that might fall under the umbrella of as yet undiagnosed Lynch-Deficit-Disorders, its as if someone has shown you this incredible gift and some folks just wanna prod it with a stick drooling "me no like abstract, non-linear story-telling" if this is the case, politely and with respect, get help
  2. have u experienced the original Stone Tapes, Ruben? Jane Asher does her gingery best & its been mined for all kinds of reference points down thru the years, Andrew Liles did the sound design on a BBC remake recently but sound design aside its not got the acting dramatic heft of the original check the audio in the opening moments of the opening scene here (plus the rest) remake
  3. ep13's opening scene with that ketamine-d&b, then the boss death & the accountant type asking Bad Coop if he wanted any money, Dougie walking into the glass door and then Ed stewing over his soup...........tough crowds these days if aspects this good get overlooked by the general public but its not a perfect world ep18 will hit just as autumn finds its feet here, come-down timing is impeccable
  4. aye you'd think someone somewhere in the Derek loop woulda piped up that this wank was in inexcusably bad taste
  5. thats up there among the best British films ever made, its flawless & relentless with it, Derek Jarman did the city set designs & if yer a certain age there are so many British character actors in it the cast cant fail when Vanessa Redgrave gets that burned bone.........ewwwwwwwwwwwww Ken's got a mixed spectrum, Altered States gets all the attention but check "Mahler" if you have time & a series of documentary style productions under the "Monitor" moniker, composer profiles & among his best works. They're fairly restrained in comparison to The Devils & the music is aloud to breathe. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0071797/?ref_=nm_flmg_dr_45 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0259792/?ref_=nm_flmg_dr_55 edit for div theres fkn loads on youlube https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=ken+russell+monitor&safe=off&source=lnms&tbm=vid&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjVmfu8oK3VAhWsIcAKHdeiB7gQ_AUIDCgD&biw=1366&bih=636
  6. council pop & pork/beef & apple sausages w/Branston sauce, fuck HP 60mg/dihydrocodeine as kripplepain won today, just enough to get a mild glow on, which was nice strawberries & olde House music
  7. well, when in Rome gripped a Volcano - solid, easy to use, v v smooth vapour, tastier than expected, cost effective dabbles overall, thought it might be a false economy & hyped flavour/taste profiles but cant believe this took so long 1 bag's worth equals a good pain free walk during & after the exercise which is always preferable to heavy opiates, adjust the quantity to suit your dose, bigger batches & you can go the full Hawkwind if needs must reduced consumption, optimized dosing, vorsprung durch technics
  8. Mourinho could elevate Lukaku's all round game, but its a bit of a gamble & there are more developed strikers/center-forwards @ other title contenders in the top 4/5 clubs If he clicks it could work wonders, but if he's sluggish, hits an early drought etc, not sure he could rise to the standard of title contender consistently enough, prob the most interesting transfer yet though just from the question marks & Mourinho needing a much stronger season to justify the critics The press here have been on & on about Matic to Utd, he's training alone now too, very good technique, physical, keeps the ball moving forward, another one to watch cos if it does happen and Lukaku is consistent enough i might yet have to do your av bet yet Mr Chen.......still dont see Utd in the top-2 quite yet but the Matic deal could edge that in Utd's favour Lacazette (sp?) to the Gooners has surely got to be another false dawn if Sanchez goes & Ozil continues to expect to cruise thru games. Read that Mahrez was possibly headed that way but seems another year of stagnant consolidation @ The Emirates. Souness does a good sunday paper column and slaughters Ozil most weeks thats both proper funny & borderline libelous, but its surely only a matter of time b4 the Wenger reign cracks. Think my Koeman to Arsenal bet has about another year to run. Still think they're a very good fit.
  9. currently the odd food porn show, which are deliberately watched when a chef sibling calls round & where the recipes are a bit tricky default action equates to "oh thats a piece of piss, i can do that tonight...." 1 hour later, food of the gods tv has its uses & my own inability to do transcendental sauces/stocks justifies such cynical & icy manipulation
  10. I'll definitely check The Ascent, it looks interesting. I like Soviet films, so you're welcome if you have any more recommendations. You probably heard about Mikhail Kalatozov? Not exactly as unforgiving as the above mentioned, but nevertheless excellent storytelling. 1 of me Soviet-era favourites includes Kalatozov's "The Cranes are Flying", seems ageless & if you consider the political climate it defies explanation how some of these ever got made/released From the same region, Sergei Parajanov's "Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors" (1965) is utter perfection. Proper *mind-blown*. Its got tragedy, comedy, Georgian/Caucus myths, mint characters, a spellbinding story, surreal technical angles of filming (wait for the falling tree!) that make you wonder at its age. Absolutely indispensable. You can see these influences, eg the agricultural melee/anarchy of squawking geese etc, in later works by folks like Kusturica in the Balkans, specifically "Time of the Gypsies" (twelfty/10) & "Underground". Would recommend Parajanov's "The Colo(u)r of Pomegranates" (1969) too, but check Shadows first as its such a rewarding work. *Kusturica factoid - Borat ripped Goran Bregovic's soundtrack from TOTG What Come And See did for war films isn't too far away from what Zulawski's (ok Polish but Soviet era nonetheless) "Possession" (1981) did for the genre horror, ie elevated to completely immersive experiences. Seen it mentioned here a couple of times, but like a large dollop of lysergic acid its not for the faint of heart, although Isabelle Adjani is @ her schmokin hot best.
  11. its solid enough but a lot of cliches ie the Thames embankment strolling/mumbling mentioned in a prior post, having said that it managed to get to a place where trauma/madness/occultism merged in a way that few have managed & anything that lances the origins of the East India Company, the civil service and European royalty in one fair swoop is doing history a favour. Mark Gatiss is outstanding as the King and his main pvt secretary is a gingery malevolently evil delight too. thats half the rub doe cos Gatiss does Sherlock, which if you add it to Poldark and some other wank means that our taxes continue to fund this level of atrocity, so Taboo doesnt quite balance the books although it does its best to attempt to alleviate the fully loaded excrement tanker....i'd rate it above Peaky Blinders for coherence
  12. Come and see is by far the best war movie ever. There is no political ballast, it's plain reality. That droning recon plane, the families in the marshes, the sinister partizans... I've seen it once and the images were literally imprinted in me. edit: the SU authorities didn't want to release it at first. Int it, the corpses piled behind the one village you get the barest of glimpses of, that droning recon (acoustically unnerving as fuck), the paratroopers in the woods, the rape of that magnificent blond, the marshes (<<<<<big ptsd trigger) jesus christ its full on and thats b4 the SS-Regiment even arrives in town, from there it gets even better. I read once Kilmov (sp?) wanted to call it Kill Hitler.....it might've even been on the dvd extra disc bits, interviews with cast & crew that in itself was immense given the politics of the SU at the time. Something to be watched every 5 years or so as a reminder that cinema isnt all super-hero bs and also because its designed to lurk in your psyche for periods afterwards. Watching it should be part of every school curriculum somewhere. If you love this and havent tried The Ascent yet, its equally evocative but more metaphysical, asks so many unanswered questions and leaves you with the fate of these 2 partizans and all their hopes at the intersection between terror and transcendental rapture, not quite as muscular as Come And See, but just as visceral and haunting.
  13. part of it is the bloke's age, 3 score years & 10 plus loving cigs, but its not nostalgia, more that right after a Trump presidency you have something in popular culture thats poking a stick where there seems to be avoidance, ie death seems to be a taboo subject that TP taps into there are a LOT of cop show with the typical misogynistic dead women plot & even the Dougie brain prolapse was starting to irk a bit, then e08, its pulls it all in tight nevermind the propaganda coup of showing nuclear weapons in a way that lets be honest was unique, that bug thing also hit a nerve.....the timing is the real miracle sponsored by Volcano, new improved regressive brain impairment where you're too senile to work out its a lower dose, a lot lower
  14. For war films Come And See as a possible contender for transcendental, plus The Ascent (1977, think the 2 directors might have even been married at one point) They both have such force and subtlety, The Ascent is maybe the better film & story, the kind that stays with you from that point on, cinematography like The Passenger (1975) although thats an identity war Come And See, even with the political baggage its relentless in a way i dunno if the west has ever really matched, 2-D bs like "Where Eagles Dare" cos you get Burton & Clint & skullduggery & millions of dead SS, or Zulu cos guns vs animal hide-shields & local regiments slaughtering thousands of human beings is fair do's, childhood morality is obviously naively elastic
  15. for (f)art's sake, seriously doe what gives? the mean characters? the style/moods? Washington state? Naomi Watts (come to Butthead)? even at its most linear its still worth the plunge for 50mins, surely? the alternatives arent great unless you're knee-deep in Tarkovsky & everything else seems futile, i could just about get the latter surrealism like Twin Peaks doesnt come around too often & Marcel Duchamp's been dead a while, give it another go, it'll repay you for it either that or its a Top Hat fart to establish both the passing of wind & snobbery status symbol You seem to be too much into art brands, no offense. How about Duchamp was a charlatan, Max Ernst liked to talk bullshit, surrealism was a literature nerds having childish circle-jerk, Tarkovsky wasn't the chosen one - and all that has no connection to Lynch's style. "Brands" is a fairly pejorative expression so i'll treat is as such Enjoying surrealism & its obvious links to Lynch are invalid because this is indicative of tastes dictated by schools of thought or labels? Duchamp gets a pass Why? "Dreams That Money Can Buy" & "Rotoreliefs" (the John Cage collab anyway), just watch the former and see how many elements have been "borrowed" by said director, case dismissed, that film still trips up balls, is that right? If you think Max Ernst talked shit, well thats obtuse enough, but his later era art takes your opinion and urinates in its mouth a la Max Hardcore after a 3 day crack binge & a hotel room bill to negotiate. Europe After the Rain, The Robing of the Bride, mythical searches & alchemy might not be your cup of tea, but Ernst has already Max Hardcored that titbit & we want to avoid confusing you. If you think surrealism has no link to Lynch's style yer talking out of rectum, see above I dont worship @ the alter of surrealism or any alter, but with cinema generally, just like music & literature, there are icons who deserve respectful recognition, praise & citing allusions to them in Lynch's work seems common sense given its a Twin Peaks fred. Tarkovsky WAS the chosen one, scientific fact, its not science or a fact, but still a scientific fact No offense but dismissing crap & referencing classic cinema doesnt invalidate much beyond wasting my own time typing it out, and i watched 2 seasons of Sons of Anarchy PLUS the 1st few eps of The Strain so who's the joke really on edit - aNo offense but dismissing crap & referencing classic cinema doesnt invalidate much beyond wasting my own time typing it out, and i watched 2 seasons of Sons of Anarchy PLUS the 1st few eps of The Strain so who's the joke really on edit - apologies to the spirit of Max Ernst for using your name & legacy in the same context as a certain pornographer, Mr Max Hardcore. We cool? Safe
  16. its the BBC's fault for promoting shit like Dr Who & Sherlock while trying to convince any1 who cares (the viewer, the world @ large) that the BBC remains culturally relevant every few years you might something half-decent, its clearly a communist conspiracy, apologies world
  17. Volcano vape purchased, ooh la la its lush, but a bit too lush, like a psychosis that you can curl up in & get all cosey n snuggley, then it pounces creepier than Mr Creepy on Creep Island during the feast day of St Creep, pace yerself son
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