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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. Sumac by Jonathon Coleclough & Andrew Chalk,,,,, v much like Coil/Time Machines meets Julian Cope/Breath of Odin rich analog depth of tone with a growing malevolent undercurrent is clumsy language trying to describe it, ace/10 https://www.discogs.com/Jonathan-Coleclough-Andrew-Chalk-Sumac/release/326928
  2. aye only Hamburger Lady is a fully fleshed out piece, the rest is giblets
  3. Sweet, some author mentioned this on her reading list at the AV Club recently and sung its praises too, do you need to know much about folk? I have a fairly decent knowledge but fear this may be too niche. link http://www.avclub.com/article/elizabeth-hand-her-5-favorite-books-about-music-234658 plow into it, its immense as a provenance filter for all manner of themes, from myths & religions to sounds to the deeper melodies tucked away in lost songs
  4. Andrew Liles - Animal Magick...... the man is an unheralded genius, this is bonkers Brian Eno - The Ship...... first track is the ace in the pack & for a vocal piece special hand gesture pose too a special binge diet of Colin Potter/ICR & Sun Ra in all mumbled jumbled cases & sleeves, if only they'd collaberated Whitehouse odds n sods for blitzkrieg adrenal injections, details are hazy
  5. Haunted Weather by David Toop - so far so engrossing & immersive Electric Eden/Unearthing Britain's Visionary Music by Rob Young - same author who nailed the history of Warp Records works similar magic from folkier realms, bought for reading more on The Incredible String Band's back story. Still 1 of the best bands to emerge from these islands.
  6. Prince anecdote a school mate was working as a local crew hand on a Prince tour of Britain a few moons ago. All these old crew heads were stoners & were knee deep in something overtly stinky, to the extent that His Purpleness sent his security head down to have a word. Instead of "sort it out" & a few hidings handed out, it was "who's holding?". copping it in your 50's is still relatively young in the big scheme of things
  7. cheers C, funny, insightful & having an ex who had a serious Nordstrom addiction brought some not too serious flashbacks Purple Music is a rare Prince track reworked and edited via various folks over time, proper groover https://www.sendspace.com/file/1m0g4w
  8. I get this number crop up constantly in life, i hate it especially when ive been struggling with drug aditction since the age of 13(now 28) that's shitty man.. i stopped the drug because i was addicted too. now im trying to channel 4/20 in something more special and less addictive, like hitler's birthday it is shit, it took a hold of me like a junkie now i try my hardest day in day out to not do any type. i have been everywhere for professional help but they would prefer to deal with hard drug use. everyone is different and some people can smoke then not smoke but i am and still am going further down the gutter until the obvious, currently i am destroying myself with legal shit. I FUCKING HATE IT. the only thing that distracts me for a short time is aphex twin, mike p venetian snares etc but not a long term solution. sorry for the shit posts but i i just type whatever comes into my head and it's not bullshit to me. (in advance, please dont take what follows the wrong way) 1 day @ a time,,,,,, due you notice periods when cravings are strongest? music is incredible therapy,,,,,, push the boat out and try n create some things just for you to listen to (not necessarily the world) try n channel the frustration - i bought a punch-bag about 18months ago for personal reasons and am now on my 3rd after annihilating the previous 2 to smithereens. When shit is on top, i go up in the loft and beat hell out of it for 20-30mins. I'm knackered as fuck after that & the things that might've built up prior to this will then (mostly) be smoothed over & dissipate. But what works for me isnt necessarily appropriate for you) if you're in therapy maybe look into a process called EMDR (its saved my ass big time): https://www.google.co.uk/search?site=&source=hp&q=eye+movement+desensitization+and+reprocessing&oq=eye+move&gs_l=hp.1.0.0l10.579385.581168.0.583070. thanks for the advice i will actually try all of the above sounds like a real good plan if you'd like a heads up on owt to do with EMDR, just shoot us a pvt pm. its not an easy path, but the results are beyond anything CBT can root out and stomp out for good. it is available through the NHS, but you'd have to talk to your GP 1st and be direct about the efficacy of this form of therapy (GP's can be notoriously dismissive). most pvt options range between £75-£100 hourly, which isnt cheap, but you prob wouldnt be looking at too much overall to nip this problem in the bud, pun intended ;) have faith & exercise/balanced diet in the meantime.....
  9. Cwmbran, a proper Sir, just got called a fucking disgrace by an absolute madman, I love it when those two worlds collide, always comedy gold -- Ghostly, mofo, you need Buddhdism in your life. Seems to me like you can't appreciate the blessings in your life because of envy Stonehenge? Having an academic & professional background in European Prehistory will tend do that. Think you've confused yourself again with that & trends in wannabe new-age druids. Now, if you'd said Avebury & maybe Julian Cope, you'd have had a point. Avebury is a timelessly peaceful place, not a quality gimps like your cunty self could ever hope to appreciate. In the meantime, keep chugging that nightly bottle of whatever alcoholic beverage is currently on your soul-less carousel and spouting shit your ass couldnt cash if it wanted to. Clear enough, cunt? Or would you like to meet somewhere in person & have a chat face to face? I'm agreeable to that arrangement if it suits you. Or maybe you could keep that playlist of whichever *insert generic list of Aphex/Autechre tracks here* looping endlessly until your oh so edgy lifestyle & mouth eventually catches up with you. (if anyone could quote this twat's response, its enough not to have to read the drunken bile spewed out in the wee small hours at regular intervals)
  10. Oh fuck off, I'm far from spoiled and you know nothing about me to make that assumption. I've worked my ass off to get where I am and I've had just as many struggles as my brother (if not more). And that's really what my post is about. It isn't not being able to go on the trip that's bothering me, I have my own life and I'm far too busy to travel right now. Instead, I think what it is that bothers me is the fact that my brother put my parents through a TON of shit, and cost them thousands of dollars because of his fuck-ups and addictions and drove my mom to therapy, and although he kicked heroin he still lives at home and does the same old shit and it's like he's now being rewarded for it... just set Mr Schlitzey to ignore like i have - cunt has fuck all constructive to say (let alone actually do) and trolls like a teenager on masturbatory heat that way his mental diarrhea leakage doesnt soil the threads you might be reading bet the cunt would be quiet as a mouse if met in person as tends to define this breed of human
  11. the only quibbles were the parents plot lines, but the ending.......... outstanding, it could so easily have been butchered, but the tone and ghoulish wtf factor were immense
  12. I get this number crop up constantly in life, i hate it especially when ive been struggling with drug aditction since the age of 13(now 28) that's shitty man.. i stopped the drug because i was addicted too. now im trying to channel 4/20 in something more special and less addictive, like hitler's birthday it is shit, it took a hold of me like a junkie now i try my hardest day in day out to not do any type. i have been everywhere for professional help but they would prefer to deal with hard drug use. everyone is different and some people can smoke then not smoke but i am and still am going further down the gutter until the obvious, currently i am destroying myself with legal shit. I FUCKING HATE IT. the only thing that distracts me for a short time is aphex twin, mike p venetian snares etc but not a long term solution. sorry for the shit posts but i i just type whatever comes into my head and it's not bullshit to me. (in advance, please dont take what follows the wrong way) 1 day @ a time,,,,,, due you notice periods when cravings are strongest? music is incredible therapy,,,,,, push the boat out and try n create some things just for you to listen to (not necessarily the world) try n channel the frustration - i bought a punch-bag about 18months ago for personal reasons and am now on my 3rd after annihilating the previous 2 to smithereens. When shit is on top, i go up in the loft and beat hell out of it for 20-30mins. I'm knackered as fuck after that & the things that might've built up prior to this will then (mostly) be smoothed over & dissipate. But what works for me isnt necessarily appropriate for you) if you're in therapy maybe look into a process called EMDR (its saved my ass big time): https://www.google.co.uk/search?site=&source=hp&q=eye+movement+desensitization+and+reprocessing&oq=eye+move&gs_l=hp.1.0.0l10.579385.581168.0.583070.
  13. Camping by Julia Davis (relentless comedienne with roles on Brass Eye/Day Today/Night Night/Four Lions) find it, excruciating fun "did you wear a glove?"
  14. half-way thru Norman Mailer's "Ancient Evenings" and trying to restart Alan Moore's "Voice of the Fire" love the former but got interrupted by real life bs & the latter is superb for mindfucking brevity
  15. step into the air-lock, Dave Had that sitting on me hard-drive for too long, VVitches was good fun, see how many tracks n mixes lift certain samples got the atmosphere spot on + the realism, suggestion, horror and an ending that raises it above most
  16. The Wages of Fear - 1 of the old man's favourites, so watched last night in his honour. Yves Montand is immense & yes its a bit clunky in terms of its age, but the suspense generated is flawless & superbly manipulated, pisses all over countless examples of disposable crap created more recently in this genre twelfty/10
  17. Psychobitches - funny as fuck satire of various famous womens from over the ages in mock therapy sessions letting rip. Saw the 1st episode a while ago & the rest more than live up to their starry equivalents. Theres a second series too, just hope its as good.
  18. ^^^^^^^^^ believe! The Incredible String Band - The Hangman's Beautiful Daughter...... 1 from the old man's collection. Even though i grew up on this lp and various other gear from Pentangle et al, "Waltz of the New Moon" & "Three is a Green Crown" are gems of pure delight and render the imperfections of memory into tickles of subtle pleasure. My favourite String lp too, just b4 they faded into confused scientological bs. The album cover alone is a pinnacle of velvet-clad Scottish pixie genius:
  19. how does the world view Merka these days? with lost hope and renewed skepticism
  20. ps: certain shrubbery has helped more than any opiate other than oxy ever could & you only get that if yer knee deep in cancer
  21. Aye its proven to be the ultimate piss take. Opiates of the kind a GP/general practitioner (day to day snotty nose attendee sort of stuff) would prescribe goes up to & includes morphine, but my GP wont prescribe that cos "it makes your mouth really dry". Really Doc? So thats a preferable outcome/efficacy to what feels like someone twisting a blade all down the interior bone structure of my left side whenever i walk more than about half a mile? Insufferable cunt of a man. he wouldnt budge on this for eons, wanged 200 codeine 30mg a month at me = nightly withdrawals, chronic constipation, doesnt really effect change in pain when its up at 9 or 10/10 levels. eventually thru hospitalization from a leg infection & near amputation of a limb (on side of pelvis already reconstructed from a car wreck) on discharge he eventually met midway with dihydrocodeine/df's 28 x 30mg a month, so 1 a day tops (or 4 or 5 if yer committed to a nod). I dont abuse them cos 28 just....just covers the pain for a month, but after TWENTY FIVE appointments in 18months over this, being stone-walled and various other bs, some1 pointed me in the direction of an advocacy service. On meeting their 1st question was how long it'd been since i'd seen a consultant? Answer = not once. "But you should've been seen within 6 weeks".......cue "WTFFFFFFF?" Britain's health ombudsman is on the scene/involved now too, 4 broken medical laws proven is enough to at least haul a few of these parasites up in front of an internal hearing. Accountability, finally.
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