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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. if u judge the US on its foreign policies & how these affect other global citizens, then its safe to say that whole "dictatorship" thang has been running rampant since Harry Truman got into govt c'mon Limpy, wake up, its already been happening since the end of WWII ffs
  2. it'll be applied to all merkin bald-eagles pronto
  3. the NHS some areas are beacons of light, others cesspits of the dark
  4. The Night Manager - not bad for cold winter/spring nights on sundays for the BBC, but Tom Hiddlestone has the range of a lamp-post & gutted to read he's 1 of the leads in the new Ben Wheatley/JG Ballard adaptation. Thank the gods for Hugh Laurie. Its the whole Blackadder half-wit persona aristo-heritage that clashes so well with his casting as the ultimate uber cunt in this. 7.5/10 Billions - gave up after 2 episodes. Had a quality premise, then oh dear (plus looking at the orange ginger aura of D Lewis wasnt doing anything for my mood). watersports/10
  5. think one of the BBC channels has the Janis Joplin doc "Janis Little Girl Blue" on this week, looking forward to that cos maaaaan could that woman sing
  6. under-rated and as much as it isnt as funny as In Bruges, it pisses all over The Guard saw the The VVitch is now available via various salubrious sources
  7. surprised? Rita, Sue & Bob Too - fuckin mint northern English comedy, rude, brassy, mixed class aspirations, 1 of the best alcoholics ever portrayed on film and societal hypocrisies at every turn. "i thought i were fookin greeeeeeeat"/10
  8. re-reading various bits: The Lyre of Orpheus by Christopher Partridge, superb research into the role music has within cultures, masses of random factoids, just the right mix of philosophy, religion & the strangeness of humans. The Idea of Order/The Circular Archetype in Prehistoric Europe by Richard Bradley,,,,, no Rust Cohle quotes, just trippy places like the Stones of Stenness in Orkney given a full blooded theoretical interpretation. If you get a kick out of olde stuff and just how weird prehistoric Europe could be, check it out. Another delicately good mix of succinct writing, theory n case studies. Makes you wanna soak up Avebury slightly altered & thats good living
  9. humanity eh a constant recycling of muppetry still getting more fucked up the closer to voting, Don getting got by a rogue gunman doesnt seem that unlikely in the land of the gun
  10. nevermind the retarded politics, as much as it pains me to say it the hoagies a cunt ex's family (<--sweet gang besides her) used to ferry out of south Jersey remain a food memory of epic proportions the balanced wedge of meats with a rocking spiced salami, slightly onion heavy crunch leaf/lettuce sliced in a quality light sub, god damn those things were the tits its sounds so simple, a meat sub of sorts, but i cant get the bread or the garnish anywhere this side of the pond & baking = abortion-fest cheesesteaks were ok on their day but OTT some days, but i coulda lived on those hoagies. You could get a similar version in Reading Terminal market, but the south Jersey ones def had the edge If Trump chows down on hoagies he's clearly a man of integrity
  11. you cannot be serious. 'great white death' is the best whitehouse album. a good starting place would be the compilation 'another crack of the white whip' if you can find it. it's a pretty hard album to find but it serves as a good introduction to their oeuvre. thread is pretty much answered here, fuck all beats Whitehouse for William Bennett's dedication to sonic assault, considering the times and what else was going on during this era and he always seems such a gentle bloke in interviews, talk about malevolence in chorister guise edited for spazz, think i might've posted this a while back, Doug Snyder & Bob Thompson's cacophonous Daily Dance improv/jam from 1973, so once more unto the breach:
  12. Sexy Beast I'm sure he's not representative of all you Spanish people/10 watched last night wiv me Ma cos it was my 1 of my old man's favourites from the start to the end theres not an oz of fat on it, mint characters, story goes straight for the jugular & always stays just the right side of mockney guy ritchie bollix Ian McShane (sp?) as Teddy "Mr Black Magic" Bass & Gandhi as Don Logan are 2 of of the greatest psychos seen in film rabbit god demons, the subconscious, dreams/ambitions vs obligations vs time & tide...all in under an hour & a half
  13. Nurse With Wound's Shipwreck Radio sessions - deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepness sometimes its easy to overlook just how profound an impact Stephen Stapleton can have on your state of mind infinite fathoms of sonic intoxication
  14. Embrace of the Serpent....scored a lucky viewing over le weekend, outstanding film making http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4285496/ follows an Amazonian shaman's experience with incomers from 2 temporal perspectives - 1 via many moons ago and then summat contemporary, comparing the cultural as well as environmental impact of encroaching "civilization". The b&w adds an ethereal quality with the odd moment of colour illuminating moments beautifully. if you see it listed go for the big screen experience, an immense piece of cinema
  15. oh yes, many's the time, but you wont see biscuits like those here, ever, closest thing is a scone & thats not accurate at all miss cheesesteaks, hoagies, crabcakes & a cannolis too, although the latter are in some delicatessens if they were still local & available i'd prob already be dead
  16. That's a good question. I think the A.M. crowd was actually more overweight more oven than the P.M. crowd. They had ravenous hungry looks on their faces and usually aren't the types that skip breakfast anyway. If I had to guess, it was about 50%+. What's interesting is that despite the restarurant's many dishes loaded with flour and breading and maybe a little too much carb for comfort, the rest of the menu was mostly just southern style dishes made from whole ingredients. Their selections are usually pretty wholesome if you pick the right choices. Especially if you're a fat loving low carb person! thing i loved @ CB was on sundays after various churches had cleared out their services these folks of all races & cultures would descend on CB for collective munch attacks it'd be easy to dismiss with war, famine & pestilence in the world, but it was always good eating & good chilling, ideal for bone-jarringly ferocious hangovers too
  17. Cracker Barrel all day breakfast porn, i'll have the biscuits & gravy with bacon & share a french toast with anyone
  18. Jonathon Coleclough & Colin Potter - Low Ground (Integrated Circuits Records)..... tone glorious tone, tension & analog madness. Colin Potter is a sonic magus. Ora - New Movements In G (Gnome)...... if a gnome crawled inside your head with a modular synth for thoughts it might sound like this
  19. 1 of my old man's favourites, played at his funeral, never fails to transport the soul somewhere indescribable
  20. re-Audio's post - well said! sometimes its difficult to differentiate between underlying conditions compounded by ingestion of hallucinogens and bad luck....also i'm certainly no psychologist. Its just hard when good friends end up permanently pickled. At the height of the House/free party scene here more people i know/knew got into problems drinking heavily on various comedowns. A few went further with bad addictions and thats no drugs are bad mmmmkay lecture. More an illustration of bad choices and the insidious nature of heroin & crack. on the flip-side i've known folks who've indulged for decades, at varying rates of participation across the board with various special-fx and have come through it all relatively unscathed. I just thank the gods that with my own explorations nothing permanent occurred in terms of mental well-being. Road traffic accidents are another matter entirely :/ . Maybe it was just me, but i found genuine clarity with DMT sessions, despite the speed of woooooooosh and immediate reality disintegration, its v hard to articulate. What some people label elves i found more as a kind of presence, an intelligence (but language fails again), which wasnt threatening or invasive, more the 1 aspect of those experiences that was almost communicating with my spannered self. It was only through doing it more that i managed to remember more when coming down off the drug, comparing field-trip notes with mates for example, which pushed through the whole "whoaaaaah wtf is appenin" into something coherent. Learning about Dennis McKenna's (not El-Tel) ultimate of ultimate bad trips (the 1 where they thought they could fetch back matter from their trips into actual reality) certainly made an impression. Not that i could abide by the huge amount of bollix the McKenna chaps wrote, more a certain level of misplaced respect for their commitment to that cause. i'd never say never again, but sometimes you have to "retire" so to speak and as much as i had an absolute blast at times on all kinds of compounds (the music environments of the time def contributed for the better here too), everything that could be seen, witnessed and learned from entry into those rooms has/had been gleamed. My olde brain can just about cope with greenery and strong opiates for permanent crush injuries.
  21. from my own experience it doesnt matter how large a dose of LSD you consume, none of the larger doses experienced even came close to DMT for its utter inter-dimensional strangeness & bizarre clarity. The only thing you'll achieve dosing larger amounts of LSD is confusion which, reading from your previous experience, could dovetail quickly into paranoia. If you really wanna meet the elves they're not going anywhere though and as much as folks might dismiss diazepam/valium, they're far more likely to bring you out of a bad trip than a close friend telling you everything's gonna be ok. Hugs never solved a bad trip imho. this is the thing with certain substances Zeff, we sometimes think we can "map" these experiences, like a trail left behind you in a maize, but the last time i did DMT some1 i tripped with during that session ended up in psychiatric care as a result & unfortunately that poor cunt has never been the same since. Uber bright lad, everything to live for & now he lives on social security & talks in complete riddles (and no, he's not The Riddler). Urban myths like bad batches are just cover for the fact that some substances scar the mind. Same with LSD too - a mate who was a regular tripper throughout the late 80's/early 90's has a condition called 'Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder'. He calls it "vision thing". Irreversible, even with a drug course like Lamotrigine. Ask him how much he'd like to turn the clock back and he'd be building his own Delorean and hitting 88mph as i type. its hard reading the last few posts cos as much as i wanna say take it easy (only 2 bad trips among several hundred personally), you seem drawn towards these experiences as some kind of transcendental wonder and the truth is that sometimes they're the exact opposite of what we seek. if yer convinced DMT is something you want to experience i'd source an experienced guide to do it with as fully as i'd seek the purest substance available.
  22. This winter has been a continuous re-exploration of old Severed Heads releases, pride of Sydney, but the track that keeps looping in my brain like a spell is Russian Rifles. A cheeky 6-min re-edit is calling..... https://severedheads.bandcamp.com/track/russian-rifles
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