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Everything posted by WeAreOceans

  1. I want to know more about the background of that game but I am terrified of typing "Dream Daddy" into Google judging by the artstyle I'll hazard a guess at tumblr bullshit
  2. Saul mentions something about sending her back to the DMV in BB as well
  3. Ted Cruz is a walking Front 242 sample lol fucking A
  4. OitnB has basically turned into social justice porn at this point
  5. It's lovely. A shame it felt kinda short... 100% isn't massively difficult and after that there isn't much reason to pick it up again. Hey speaking of which... try HZD my man, great setting and fab open world gameplay
  6. Good read this, I would say that conservatives and the right using masculine identity isn't massively ground breaking though... even good old fashioned 30s/40s fascist propaganda banged on about non-fashies being big girly twats. Overall probably ties in to the whole "I worked hard and earned all this and you don't deserve a cut". If anything, riches built off taking profits and labour off the proles would be considered an added bonus for your macho competitiveness. But yeah, definitions of masculinity definitely need a rework for the modern age, and the guy is bang-on about the left not learning from this (if anything certain radical lefties outright alienate dudes). I would say that the kind of guy who invests his masculine identity into big ol trucks and military fetishisation and the like probably isn't massively secure in their identity in the first place tho - could be argued "changing times" don't help this.
  7. I've certainly had worse post show tinnitus but that's usually 4-6 hours non-stop in an enclosed room with a decent rig... the rest of the festivals' soundsystems were pretty poor for the most part, I guess I can weather an hour of Kraviz followed by Rich rounding off with gabber/noise monstrosities oh yeah and cheers for the comment link, super interested in his setup! glad he had a good time too
  8. Loud, I certainly couldn't hear the general crowd over the music which is always a symptom of weak sound systems. I definitely should have been wearing my plugs at least. Bearing in mind I was at the front, but I remember walking in during Nina Kraviz and hearing it fine from the back.
  9. Ryan the little kid who did the minipops vid? That's super sweet!
  10. nope, only 3 more to go too. Ep 8 didn't air in the US bc of Memorial Day, but did air overseas. No episode for me in the UK
  11. Born to Kill Typical edgy Channel 4 drama/thriller. No tension, entirely predictable.
  12. Girlboss... don't ask. I'm not sure if it's the writing or the actress but the main character Sophia is incredibly grating and unlikeable. not subtle feminism/10
  13. I wonder what a Venn diagram with these two categories would look like: trump supporters and roosh v supporters. not wildly dramatic, weenie MRA types have a figurative and literal hard-on for Trump and hard line "Conservative values". I think the last time I donned the hazmat and took a look at the Return of Kings frontpage it was littered with political musings between the usual "reeeeee women" shitposts
  14. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/donald-trump-exhausted-skipped-saudi-arabia-forum-social-media-sends-ivanka-trump-israel-a7748546.html l o w e n e r g y and lol @ alt-weenies seeing their demagogue get diplomatic with his arms deal buddies, maybe they'll leave less death threats to people calling for impeachment now people are gonna wtf @ these years when looking back
  15. The replies on that twitter feed though. Twitter replies are like news and youtube comments sections, you're better off saving your sanity and not reading them
  16. Picked up Stellaris in the current Monthly Bundle. Not played a Paradox game before, but the sci-fi/space setting intrigued me. Very fun and engaging, though I don't fully understand what is going on all the time, you need manage your empire top to bottom and there are a few systems I don't quite grasp yet. Worth a check if you're into your 4X/grand civ games.
  17. apparently Comey found out about being fired when TVs behind him ran the news during a speech he was giving, yikes
  18. Guardians of the Galaxy 2 They realised they're gonna make a ton of money off of it so went full Marvel - drawn-out final fight with never ending OTT cgi shit constantly going on, jarring shots clearly done for the 3d version, awkward product placement, older big name actors appearing for a few minutes for a six figure cheque. All in all fairly meh and reminded me why I usually avoid Marvel movies. Dollars to doughnuts says they'll have a Baby Groot short on Netflix by the time Christmas rolls around. Also apparently Kirk from Gilmore Girls was in the original movie as well, I totally missed that watch drunk or high / 10
  19. Nope. Drives me nuts when an artist does a cassette only release. Then again I have a turntable and I'm sure there are some CD/computer only folk who get annoyed at vinyl exclusive releases. Never got quite the tape resurgence thing anyway.
  20. I'm too old to really understand Instagram beyond some other place to put your photos, interesting read on how this sort of thing works though. I do feel bad for kiddiewinks growing these days using this stuff as the norm and dealing with this insidious shit, you're either gonna forever aspire to be a colossal douchebag, or be one, a lose-lose.
  21. kinda puts the yearly BangFace toilet roll shortage into perspective eh #blessed
  22. hah that did come to mind, significantly cheaper than $4k-$12k though depending on how far you traveled
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