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Everything posted by caze

  1. legion episode 2 was also good, even more unhinged and chaotic than the first one, not sure if I'll be able to handle that kind of thing for the entire season, but I'm guessing as he gets to grips with his powers the editing will start to construct something more coherent, probably still over the place, just with a bit more purpose hopefully.
  2. brewdog zeitgeist, a black lager. very nice.
  3. The acting is a lot better, characters a lot more watchable. Frink really annoyed me for some reason in S1, but he's fine now.
  4. Did you see S2 of high castle? I thought it was a lot better than the first one.
  5. hilariously amateurish interview of Spicer by some guy who presumably just started working at Breitbart yesterday as an unpaid intern (camera guy too): "..I should mention that there were 13 more seconds of silence in the beginning that wouldn’t fit on twitter"
  6. Legion was really good, very well put together. Visuals were great, most effort anyone's put in in that regard since Hannibal, was a big Wes Anderson vibe off it. The mental hospital stuff reminded me of I'm a Cyborg, But That's OK as well. It helped that it wasn't very superheroey for the most part (bar the last 2 mins really), hopefully there's not too much of that wank in there, it's getting pretty tiresome at this point.
  7. Alandra, a nice fruity Portugese red, which I recently discovered you can import into the country, nearly as cheap as it is over there (couple euro a bottle). Better stock up before brexit.
  8. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/feb/09/judges-deny-trump-travel-ban-enforcement-uphold-order nice
  9. I haven't seen the film, but I don't think that's a fair characterisation of their views, which is usually that men have lots of issues, but they're issues that will also be fixed by feminism. (not saying I agree or disagree with that view, jus sayin')
  10. Margaret Atwood’s ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ is the latest dystopian novel to top bestseller lists https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2017/02/07/margaret-atwoods-the-handmaids-tale-is-the-newest-dystopian-novel-to-top-bestseller-lists/?utm_term=.3368c410253f
  11. I can imagine Trump not giving a fuck if he was impeached or not though, and the republicans are in such denial of reality right now that they wouldn't vote him out of office if it happened.
  12. Trump doesn't seem to be a fan of Arnold Schwarzenegger, maybe we'll get to see a real-life Running Man? The Running Man was set in the year 2017 btw
  13. an inspiration to dyslexics and semi-illiterates everywhere, even you can be president!
  14. Joshy - the kind of modern american indie movie that I usually hate, but it was actually pretty good. Funny, with some genuine pathos - but doesn't beat you over the head with it in a tacky way, good acting with an ensemble cast (Middleditch in particular was great) who I'm guessing did a fair bit of improvising, great soundtrack too. Kind of petered out at the very end though.
  15. What's the waveform picture on your wall?
  16. I'm also a fast walker, that shit always happens to me too. Why is everyone else so fucking slow?
  17. ooh, close. hopefully another one grows a conscience. why did those two vote her out of the committee though? that was only 12-11 in her favour.
  18. I watched that Reacher flick, the first was ok, largely thanks to a bizarre appearance from Werner Herzog as the baddie, this one was really bad though. Tom is starting to look pretty old now, he's got serious old man body now, can't see him doing too many more big action films now, which is weird I thought as he ascended to the top of the bridge he'd be able to transcend space and time, but maybe he just has a bit more to go yet.
  19. James Laurence of Friendzone :( I think they had an album coming out on planet mu as well. Really liked their shit.
  20. Wine, a day earlier than I was supposed to after a dry january, but fuck it, there was a football game on and I wanted to be drunk for it.
  21. don't forget to tape some crystals to your hard drives to prevent bit erosion.
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