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Everything posted by caze

  1. So this was never even about the festival in the first place, it was actually just a marketing platform. http://www.vanityfair.com/news/2017/05/fyre-festival-pitch-deck
  2. Also 44.1 does not get filtered in a brutal way, basically all modern converters are oversampled (often in the Mhz range), so the filter has a gentle slope, both in the ADC (anti-aliasing filter) and the DAC (reconstruction filter).
  3. why hasn't there been a lawnmower man reboot? get the finger out hollywood.
  4. Am I the only one getting a little verklempt by this? He seems really sincere, he felt like it was something worth protecting. It's a nice gesture regardless of how you feel about this batshit country. I'd buy the guy a beer. Or a root beer and a snickers if that's what he's into. "I don't get all choked up about yellow ribbons and American flags. I consider them to be symbols and I leave symbols to the symbolminded." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDw-zFFhFgc what's with the anti-semitic title on a george carlin vid?
  5. maybe you shouldn't be so comfy over there: https://au.news.yahoo.com/world/a/35164031/darwin-could-become-launch-pad-of-nuclear-war-north-korea-warns/#page1
  6. prawn crackers and a 10% imperial stout.
  7. https://soundcloud.com/ninja-tune/solid-steel-radio-show-742017-hour-2-tenderlonious
  8. yeah, i've listened to that about 10 times now. np: https://soundcloud.com/blackathena/sets/i-m-e-9-4-liquid-ride-ep
  9. nope also globalresearch is the fakest of fake news.
  10. In other news, hopefully the people who voted for Trump over Clinton because they thought there was far less chance of him instigating military action are feeling pretty dumb right now, the dumb motherfuckers.
  11. Apple and Microsoft and GM and Amazon and Walmart and Exxon are no doubt cheering these attacks, the violent warmongering bastards.
  12. drinking this: like the non-wine style label wine itself is also nice
  13. tonight's dinner, fillet steak, chips, green beans: before: http://i.imgur.com/2FXfmjZ.jpg seasoned the fillet with coarse sea salt and some peanut oil, sealed on a cast iron pan for 5 mins until nice and brown on all sides, added a knob of butter and basted the steak, cooked in a 175 degree oven for 10ish mins. after: http://i.imgur.com/Tm3bvB4.jpg making pepper sauce: (added 1/4 cup brandy to the pan the steak was cooked in, lit it, giant fireball, no hair on my arms now, added a knob of butter, 1 chopped shallot, 1 clove of garlic pureed with a knife, 1 tsp dijon mustard, juices from steak, 150ml cream, 1tbsp of pepper corns ground in pestle and mortar, drop of water) http://i.imgur.com/idV0bdO.jpg end result: http://i.imgur.com/rZcVOeD.jpg
  14. caze


    name one single phoenix manifest who is normal functioning
  15. it's amazing he couldn't even manage to get some kind of bill through while controlling both houses, and by the looks of things his plan to get one through in the future is to court the democrats, i.e. compromise more to try and get them to vote for it against the freedom caucus cunts. pissing off the rest of the republican party is going to bite him on the ass when the impeachment finally rolls around though (not that I see the democrats actually compromising at this point, maybe if they have a disastrous mid-term election or something).
  16. I liked the way he reprised his 'some of them are good people' remark.
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