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Everything posted by caze

  1. Saw it in the BFI IMAX last night, annoyingly our seats were right at the front, so spent most of the movie craning my neck to see the whole screen, and certain scenes were quite hard to follow from being too close, looked very impressive when I was given time to take in a scene though, literally had to turn my head left and right to take it all in. The set design was really very impressive, lots of epic reveals as they fly down to and wander around the planet, design of the gear/spaceships/etc was all great too, just looked great overall, CGI was all very well done as well. Music was great, seems like they were making more of an effort to borrow cues from the originals. Acting was an improvement from Prometheus probably, though Waterson had less presence than Rapace, was a fairly dull lead tbh, but she was fine. Danny McBride surprised me in it, was quite good. The supporting cast weren't fleshed out to any significant degree, so it was similar to Prometheus in that regard, they had far less clunky dialog to deliver though so it wasn't a big deal to me. ultimately though it wasn't as good as Prometheus, the plot just wasn't interesting enough for me, and too many rehashed ideas from the originals. definitely an unsatisfying series of answers to the questions posed in Prometheus.
  2. yeah, that was great. not sure if it was the best from the whole series, but nice build up from the previous episodes and a great performance again from McKean.
  3. Scott is on record saying that Deckard was definitely a replicant. Obviously the theatrical release isn't so obvious, but that was a horribly tacked on ending by the studio.
  4. Prisoners was fine, nothing special, pretty run of the mill thriller, decent performances, decent plot. Sicario was worse, all style over the substance of a sub-par action movie (it did look good though), full of annoyingly two dimensional characters. Enemy was really great though, his best that I've seen and one of my favourite films of the last decade probably. Arrival was decent too, but not without it's flaws. Still need to check out Incendies.
  5. The Leftovers has to be one of the dumbest tv shows ever created, it's quite enjoyable though, and the acting is great.
  6. there's probably a good chance the trailer was graded differently from the actual film. none of Villeneuve's previous films were this oversaturated, mostly quite muted and subdued. Enemy was all dull yellows and gray, Arrival was all black/gray/blue/purple. Prisoners maybe had more of that orange/blue thing going on, but it was fairly naturalistic. Anyway, even if this does end up looking like the trailer it needn't be a bad thing, I don't want this to be a rehash of the original anyway.
  7. Yeah, Prometheus was far from perfect, but I've always been of the opinion the negative reaction to it was totally over the top, and a lot of the criticism it got could equally be given to many other movies that get a free pass for unknown reasons. Prometheus wasn't trying to be a film like Alien though, so it's silly to compare them in that way. It was more about grander themes and ideas. I don't like it because of it's subtle characterisations and polished screenplay, if that's all you're looking for in a movie you're going to be disappointed. There's still plenty there to like IMO. This one looks like a bit of an attempt to fall somewhere between the two, largely due to the backlash from the last one by the looks of things, hopefully that doesn't result in a film that fails at both. I've avoided all the reviews and most of the footage and trailers though, so I'm going in with an open mind.
  8. I can only really recall your posts about tv shows and movies, but yeah I'm quite similar to you, I think they've all been objectively terrible opinions.
  9. the originals didn't have much of that at all, especially not Aliens, there's lots of rose-tinted views of these movies that doesn't hold up to scrutiny (not saying they're not as good as people think, just that they're not judging modern movies by the same standards). it's easy to do, largely subconscious and related to nostalgia I guess.
  10. HA!!!! unfortunately that's not Trump, it's this guy: https://twitter.com/TonyAtamanuik
  11. A film based on how scientists would actually behave would be really really boring, it would also be really really long. Bela Tarr could direct it.
  12. first two American Gods were enjoyable, Fuller's grandiose style is far more suited to this fantastical setting than it was with Hannibal, which always stretched the limits of credulity (though I still enjoyed it). Was never a fan of Neil Gaiman, so not sure what to expect with the plot or whatever, but it's good to see Lovejoy back on the telly if nothing else.
  13. I'm guessing a mash burger is like a smash burger, you don't make them by forming the burger patty like normal, you loosley make a mince sphere and (s)mash it onto the hot griddle with something flat, hold it down for a minute or so, then season it after it's been flattened.
  14. What I meant was the festival was a means to get people locked into the whole fyre brand and app, it wasn't just a one off event, the festival was just to get people interested so they could sell the ads. It's the same as his previous 'credit card' scam in that sense.
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