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Everything posted by caze

  1. UK vs US in dumbest country of 2016 faceoff.
  2. comey handed the election to trump by the looks of things. Yep. though it's not that simple, clearly a lot of the polling was off as well, especially in Wisconsin and Michigan.
  3. comey handed the election to trump by the looks of things.
  4. it's possible, house would then vote for trump though.
  5. fuuuuuuck, now 0.6% apart in michigan. not over yet.
  6. yeah she could... but she's also losing to trump. she's not losing, she's either lost or has won already, we just don't know which yet :) well, if she doesn't win michigan she's done. but tbh- i think she's done. i mean, trump just picked up north carolina. oh, and republicans have taken over the house. i guess this is good news because it means we all get what we deserve republicans haven't taken over the house, they already had it. senate looks likely to stay with them too though. so even if clinton wins she'll have to deal with their shit for four years. detroit votes not counted in michigan yet, represents around 25% the population of the state.
  7. yeah she could... but she's also losing to trump. she's not losing, she's either lost or has won already, we just don't know which yet :)
  8. still not over yet though clinton could win wisconsin, michigan, even arizona maybe
  9. third party voters to blame in florida again, good job idiots
  10. it's close enough now that Trump will kick up a stink if he loses narrowly (the likely scenario at this point)
  11. he doesn't even have you blocked, just did it temporarily so he could take a screenshot and make a 'funny' post.
  12. Clinton looking good in Florida so far, she wins there Trump doesn't have many options left
  13. he's an infowars drone, ignore him and he'll go away
  14. there's no year in the title, so it doesn't need to
  15. you read too much into things, the picture is the only important thing.
  16. if we don't see Melania in public for the next few weeks I think we'll know why: https://twitter.com/AmandaMarcotte/status/796032737857699841/photo/1
  17. warm welcome for Trump at the polling station:
  18. yeah, nice touch. looks like I was wrong about Dolores being an upgraded android, the original models were just a lot more advanced than I expected. was cool when the kid opened up his face. I was also wrong to rule out my previous theory so quickly, the bicameral voice was the result of exterior meddling more than a simple manifestation of consciousness. though there were still some unexplained things going on there, so it could be a bit of both. the threat level from the robots is starting to ramp up now, and the presumption of safety for the guests starting to go down. I'm guessing they'll end the season with one of them killing someone. ahem: http://forum.watmm.com/topic/91687-westworld-tv-series/page-3?do=findComment&comment=2488843 don't think it was that cataclysmic, his da was just an alcoholic asshole.
  19. we're truly living in crazy times: http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2016/11/14/glenn-beck-tries-out-decency
  20. are you sure you're not just mistaking your BO?
  21. because reasons, trawl back through the thread if you're really interested.
  22. Clinton will be a better president than Bernie anyway, so it's cool. No guarantee he'd have done any better against Trump either.
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