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Everything posted by caze

  1. that's just a random spam email. google the domain.
  2. cut out in the middle of a track for about 10 seconds at one point, not sure why. don't think the lights went out, cable fell out somewhere perhaps.
  3. It was very loud for the first hour and a half about, but then when lisbon acid came on the levels dropped significantly for some reason.
  4. They seem to be working pretty well actually, aside from a couple of things he actually had the power to do via executive order, he's achieved pitifully little of his campaign agenda.
  5. the wheels are still in motion, investigations are ongoing and more hearings on the horizon.
  6. What a stupid thing to complain about, if his grows it's because their hair can grow! You think engineering something to grow hair is going to be more difficult than strong AI? lol
  7. lol. there's no way this guy is for real.
  8. caze


    Which bit is extended? Apart from my manhood They just looped it, it's a joke. Though a 10 minute version of that scene wouldn't exactly feel out of place in this show.
  9. his space oddity one is even better:
  10. caze


    yeah the Dougie thing had me totally confused (it was great though), I thought I'd had everything figured out re Coop/Bob before that, but now I'm not so sure. I wonder if the thing Hawk has to find will solve "Dougie's" current predicament, or maybe he'll just gradually recover?
  11. caze


    Only watched the first two so far, but it was good. Far more like Fire Walk With Me / Lost Highway / Mulholland Drive than the original series, but that was fine (though seeing as it's 18 episodes it would be nice if some of them were done in the style of the show). One complaint was it seemed slightly dumbed down at times, the evolution of the arm (lolwtf) didn't need to backwards exposit the obvious plot points for example. Also lol at the "poochie returns to his home planet" bit with Laura.
  12. lol https://youtu.be/QIBteGMPYB4?t=2027
  13. Mr Robot definitely censored the fucks Though they did a half assed job.
  14. oh shit. this is starting to sound real now, obstruction of justice was what brought Nixon down before they even had a chance to go after him for the big stuff.
  15. you've never seen anything with Thewlis in it? (he's in Lebowski for one). You need to check out Mike Leigh's Naked, Thewlis is amazing in that, great film.
  16. if the Coens had to stretch a movie out over 10 hours or whatever they'd do more than just stick to the story, in fact, as it is they tend to cram in at least one totally unnecessary visual sequence per movie (not that I'm complaining, the bowling dream from lebowski is great for example).
  17. yeah, that scene with Technical Boy was brilliantly done.
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