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Everything posted by caze

  1. moronic Sanders fans outside the convention chanting trump slogans
  2. lol. the outgoing DNC chair's replacement at the convention forgot to whack the gavel at the end of her introductory speech, had to be reminded to do it while walking off stage, cue this:
  3. at least she can resign with a sense of accomplishment in a job well done.
  4. that's debateable. sanders doesn't represent the voting public any more than clinton does. it's up to the voting public to decide who to vote for, not you or me. the DNC prioritising one candidate over another is fine AFAIC, as long as they're not breaking any laws. Sanders campaign was responsible for spreading more than enough bullshit during their campaign too, it's not like they're a bunch virginal campaigners for truth and justice, they were in it to win as much as Clinton was.
  5. Is there something illegal they've done? I'm no expert in US election law, maybe there is. Otherwise your OJ comparison isn't valid.
  6. they're neutral in terms of the policies of the democratic party, not surprising that they're going to react negatively to an effort to undermine the mainstream positions of the party. it's the same with corbyn, both are not really proper members of their parties, and the popular movements behind them are diametrically opposed to the policies of their parties. do you expect them to just sit there and do nothing while outsiders infiltrate their party and try and completely reposition them? I don't blame them for trying though, both the UK and the US have big problems with democratic representation, are in serious need of electoral reform, so this is the only real chance they have of getting into power. kind of naive to think that everyone else is just going to sit there and take it though, or that they have any kind of moral obligation to do so.
  7. Kaine seems like a good choice, should be particularly good in shoring up the idiot middle aged male vote distrustful of Clinton for various paranoid reasons (less so of the super-idealistic young idiot male paranoid vote, but most of these guys will probably be too stoned to remember to vote in the first place). He's a bit boring, but that's probably no bad thing given the personalities of all the rest of the candidates, especially that nasty cunt Pence. He'll totally lock down the hispanic and black votes as well, not that there was much problem there, and ensure Virginia stays with the dems, which will likely ensure Clinton another democratic landslide. Brooker would have been an interesting choice, but probably too inexperienced. Vilsack gives you all the dullness of Kaine (more probably), without many of the positives (aside from helping in Iowa, which has more EC votes than Virginia, and other midwest states perhaps - Trump is still viewed incredibly negatively there though, far more so than Clinton). The other two hispanic choices would have provided some fun in the campaign, keeping Trump babbling about his dumb wall the whole time.
  8. The election was rigged. nope. first of all, none of those seven points provide any evidence of any vote rigging, not even circumstantial evidence. it's little more than paranoia, things that possibly could have happened, in theory. mostly though if you really wanted to it's pretty easy in theory to rig any election, electronic voting doesn't actually make it all that easier. the graphs don't provide any evidence of fraud either. there were no proper exit polls done in the democratic primaries, the exit polling done was not done in a way to track the simple question of who voted for who, it was far more questionnaire based, i.e. they were trying to dig up more detailed demographic info, and as a result the margins of error were far higher than you would get with a much simpler system. it wasn't the kind of fraud check you usually want in a general election exit poll. finally, and most importantly the pre election polls (done by multiple independent companies) pretty closely matched the results, bar a couple of states, and most of the discrepancies were states that Sanders actually won (Michigan in particular). simple fraud checking exit polling is a good idea though, and should be carried out as a check to stop the paranoid ramblings of people if for nothing else.
  9. i have a feeling we're not watching the same election race We're watching the same race, you're just not paying attention. Did you even read the article you just linked? To summarise: that speech made that journalist think she had a chance, despite the fact that most people think she didn't, he links and quotes lots of people backing up the fact that she's not in the running, but speculates (based on nothing in particular) that they're all wrong. Turns out everyone else was right all along.
  10. warren was never in the running, I doubt she even wanted it.
  11. heartbreaking and infuriating not really, sanders supporters treated them all like shit, not surprising they weren't their biggest friends.
  12. but your not scared of hillary with blood already on her hands, with tons of proven illegal actions and corruption? what proven illegal actions and corruption are you referring to? if there was tons of proven bad shit around you'd think all those republican witch-hunts would have found some of them. proven does not mean brought to justice. god bless america justice department. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/24/us/cash-flowed-to-clinton-foundation-as-russians-pressed-for-control-of-uranium-company.html?_r=0 http://www.namebase.net/news01.html http://www.prorev.com/hillaryfriends.htm http://prorev.com/hillary.htm http://prorev.com/connex.htm http://prorev.com/connex2.htm hillary have blood on her hands. I'm not trawling through that paranoid dreck, name a single illegal thing she has done? you serious? yes. I mean the email thing was against the state department rules, but wasn't actually illegal. was there something else? bernie wouldn't have wiped the floor with trump any more than clinton will.
  13. but your not scared of hillary with blood already on her hands, with tons of proven illegal actions and corruption? what proven illegal actions and corruption are you referring to? if there was tons of proven bad shit around you'd think all those republican witch-hunts would have found some of them. proven does not mean brought to justice. god bless america justice department. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/24/us/cash-flowed-to-clinton-foundation-as-russians-pressed-for-control-of-uranium-company.html?_r=0 http://www.namebase.net/news01.html http://www.prorev.com/hillaryfriends.htm http://prorev.com/hillary.htm http://prorev.com/connex.htm http://prorev.com/connex2.htm hillary have blood on her hands. I'm not trawling through that paranoid dreck, name a single illegal thing she has done?
  14. she's comfortably ahead in the polls. even more so if you exclude the known-to-be-biased rasmussen polls (pretty much the only ones ever to have had trump ahead, aside from a single fox poll, and a single abc poll months ago).
  15. Hillary can't beat Trump? Was there a vote between them that I haven't heard about? Trump will lose rather embarrassingly. click the link in my original post which link? there was like ten of them. none of them seem to suggest to me that Clinton is going to lose. Trump's problem is that he's hated even more than Clinton is, so focusing on her negatives is a waste of time. There's far more chance of the negatives for her evaporating compared to Trump's, once the campaign gets going.
  16. but your not scared of hillary with blood already on her hands, with tons of proven illegal actions and corruption? what proven illegal actions and corruption are you referring to? if there was tons of proven bad shit around you'd think all those republican witch-hunts would have found some of them.
  17. Hillary can't beat Trump? Was there a vote between them that I haven't heard about? Trump will lose rather embarrassingly.
  18. Vin Diesel can actually act a bit though, he was good in that Sidney Lumet film. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0419749/
  19. Wijnaldum to Liverpool looks like it's agreed, around £25m. Joe Allen to Stoke, fee agreed, but he's hoping Swansea will match their offer (cheap for only £13m, but he only has a year left on his contract).
  20. It's weird how different they made Jessie's character from the comic version. Maybe they felt that tough-talking, arse-kicking, cowboy wouldn't play well in 2016.
  21. some holiday pics, Vejer, Andalusia: [http://i.imgur.com/IKRblch.jpg?1]
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