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Everything posted by caze

  1. shit... got over excited for a moment there. until I saw the dreaded 'pre-order'. surely the whole point of these individual bleepstores is to get the music out quicker than with traditional methods? ok, this one includes a vinyl release as well, but do we really need a two month buildup for this? just wait until the stock is ready to go and then announce it a couple of weeks before-hand. in today's over saturated music marketplace these long buildups are likely counter productive in terms of sales as well.
  2. I bet he was doing that when they arrived, so they decided to whack some pantera on.
  3. caze

    Now Reading

    nearly finished Oliver Sacks' autobiography, great read, fascinating character, smart bloke, all round good egg.
  4. caze

    Go Corbyn

    ...lives to fight another day.
  5. caze

    Go Corbyn

    he's hanging on by his fingertips tonight. first vote of the evening was on whether the main vote (whether he is automatically on the ballot or not) would be by secret ballot or not went 17-15 for, which isn't what the Corbynistas were hoping for. recent polling suggests he doesn't have much right to be confident even if he did manage to get on the ballot though.
  6. the situation the other night (in a heavily populated downtown area) was hardly comparable to a siege at a remote mountain cabin (and the tear gas in question there burnt the cabin down with him in it, he shot himself in the head then). whatever criticism the cops in america rightly get, I think it's silly to focus on the execution of this nutter. they were dealing with a trained killer, operating in a heavily populated area, threatening to kill white people and cops, laughing in the faces of attempts to negotiate with him. it's a near certainty that if they had tried to take him alive one or more cops would have died, they decided to take him out, they succeeded.
  7. No. Looks familiar, but can't quite place it.
  8. Holy shit! Did Richard make Ryan his own, private song as a thank you? If so, Ryan is even luckier than I had originally thought! no, that's splitradix's cirklon AFAICT.
  9. also, screenshots from your own movies are better, preventing the old reverse image search.
  10. no-one's seen this classic piece of cinema? here's another clue:
  11. it's probably not a good idea to have the name of the film as the filename.
  12. I don't know the name, but it involves some serial killer taking a family hostage as he's chased by the cops?
  13. caze

    Sonic Youth

    I only got into Sonic Youth because Jim O'Rourke joined them, Murray Street is brilliant. I went back and checked out Daydream Nation after that, it's pretty good too.
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