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Everything posted by Draft78

  1. Wouldn't it be like asking a butterfly to return chrysalis?
  2. what intrigued me is the fact that Treale and d-sho qub are not, as far as I'm concerned, two songs out of context, but integrated with the rest of Oversteps: it's singular that you like those two songs and not the rest
  3. I know, Lanark Artefact has already been mentioned in this tread, but this piece is untilting, it deserves more attention:
  4. Draft78


    obviously all this is the result of an error, and the links are nothing more than those of 2008. For a moment I hoped for the definitive gift: how to play AE_LIVE at home. however, for those with a minimum of practice, it would now seem possible to recreate the live on mac without necessarily having the original machines
  5. Draft78


    "Get Autechre’s Nord G2 Patches & Run on the Nord Modular G2 Editor on Mac OSX" https://spectralplex.com/get-autechres-nord-g2-patches-run-on-the-nord-modular-g2-editor-on-mac-osx/?fbclid=IwAR3j57jOuFM-oOubOf1N5otj6qc6H7nMzpEWPNlY1qk2QL2pIccJnsGhINY
  6. in this sea of absolute unawareness, in the discord of movements, at the end of every possible coordination, here it is the hero of the day. He doesn't know, but he's doing it:
  7. With the record player broken for several years, and the project of repairing it still foggy, in the mere world of ideas, I can say that I took the vinyls for the sole purpose of having an apotropaic object: as a primate at the base of TMA-1, I feel justified simply with the white totem above the bed. Naive fragility of the psyche.
  8. Draft78

    elseq 1-5

    ouch ... here on raises the bar of the challenge
  9. this news from Aedact seem to be an extra from elseq 4
  10. this collaboration between Amnesia Scanner & Bill Kouligas sounds interesting:
  11. new release for EXM: despite the opening is not the most inspired, then turns out to be, perhaps, one of the most beautiful things he has ever composed, the second song greets Ligeti with a beautiful aleatory passage, and on the final, the asthmatic soul of Draft7.30 seems to have reincarnated https://kaer-uiks.bandcamp.com/album/01411635?fbclid=IwAR3Q5NtoZ6dG2SiK-s6DLSW-jKhanVVDhfNLyg8GjlIf2HSlkmWazYX9HNA
  12. Draft78


    Stage 2 Peak AE Agreed You’re looking old ;) Really tho it still sounds fresh you right 41 fucking years ...and yes, i'm wrong, untilted is 14 years old, but it is far from puberty, it still has to lose its milk teeth looks like you might be older than 41 to me Well, if you average between the two dead and the child, it could be a figure of ... 50 years? Which is more or less what I feel on me in this days. The two dead count as one, based on the assumption that death is uncountable... For untildet: sublimit and Ipacial are high peaks, but the acme I believe must be aknowledged for Augmatic. The Aeverest.
  13. Draft78


    Stage 2 Peak AE Agreed You’re looking old ;) Really tho it still sounds fresh you right 41 fucking years ...and yes, i'm wrong, untilted is 14 years old, but it is far from puberty, it still has to lose its milk teeth
  14. Draft78


    16 years, and Untilted - unlike me - hasn't aged an hour
  15. Nice! here is the intere album: https://acreil.bandcamp.com/album/aleatoric-aubades
  16. Draft78


    i heard that actually they'd love to do that, but the AI won't let them "open the pattern by timeline, MAX"
  17. Ghana is untilted to the root. Anyway, Mira Calix's upper ups (from Utopia) proceeds with that dyspnoea and asthmatic act so dear to her husband
  18. Draft78


    philadelphia from 50:02 to 56:20
  19. this from Keiss sound like a match between os veix3 and 0=O
  20. Michel Soto https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9L6ELWSuaE&fbclid=IwAR0LZSALX0altBmywbG9X0r0N99zGD08_tUVaLLDgNyW6pOxa2LrNiGhjLk
  21. ... I think it was more a way to communicate a constant interest for what they are doing, rather than a snooty and impatient way to urge them to have the live first ...
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