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Everything posted by TubularCorporation

  1. Got a Kramer VZ88V 8x8 video matrix switcher with preset memory for $35 shipped, and I'm tempted to buy a second one at that price, the seller has a ton of them.
  2. I actually ruined a nice saw this way - the acrylic heated up enough that it stuck to the teeth and snapped about 4" off them completely off. A hacksaw works well as long as you go slow. Get it close and then finish it with a file.
  3. Yeah, I was just thinking it would be cool to be able to hook up a QWERTY keyboard to a hardware based tracker for programming but get rid of the keyboard for performing. I guess Sunvox on a Raspberry Pi with some kind of GPIO never mind finishing that, I just Googled and it's already been figured out and looks pretty great. https://www.warmplace.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=3733
  4. What would be cool would be a mini tracker like we've been seeing, with USB hosting for a QWERTY keyboard for building your sequences and a simple LSDJ-like performance mode with a few buttons/CV controls. I don't know if any of them do that but they should.
  5. Not yet, I'm working on it.
  6. 5 years of hoarding old, cheap video equipment is finally starting to pay off.
  7. Yes to all of the above. Spectrum editing on the timeline since last year, too. This is a good channel for tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/c/REAPERMania/ This is a good channel for more advanced stuff and (especially) for keeping up with new features: https://www.youtube.com/user/audiogeekzine
  8. I like trackers a lot but using a tracker without a QWERTY keyboard seems weird to me. I never even really got that in to LSDJ and pretty much lost track of it after about a year of using it pretty regularly.
  9. If only Elektron had put a formant pitch shifter in the Octatrack.
  10. They could easily pack a VP9000 into a sort of VT-3 style box with a little OLED and not sacrifice anything in terms of UI.
  11. Yeah, he specifically invoked HIPAA when asked about the lungs. EDIT: also at yesterday's briefing they danced around the question about whether he'd be quarantined in the white house, which means he's probably going to be out and about spreading it all over the place.
  12. Yeah, it was a rhetorical question. He's on day 4 and he's already been given treatment that's used exclusively for severe cases, and has already been on oxygen at least twice. Covid tends to peak around day 8 or 9. He started on Remdisivir a bit over two days before his discharge, after his 4th of 5 doses. Remdisivir treatment usually lasts for 5 days. He's being rushed out for political reasons, and we still might get lucky.
  13. I wonder how much you could flip one of these for in a few years if he dies. Did he recover?
  14. The original Medium article that laid out all of the evidence for this a few weeks ago is a great read. https://medium.com/@registrarproject17/jim-watkins-is-q-the-russians-are-helping-him-and-other-adventures-b457848e210b And the followup from the next day: https://medium.com/@registrarproject17/qanon-is-an-enormous-alternate-reality-game-arg-run-by-malevolent-puppetmasters-27e6b098ce9b
  15. Yeah, of course. The US mostly stopped that kind of stuff after WWII (other than the occasional syphilis or mind control experiment from time to time). We've been trying to get back in the game lately, though.
  16. Yeah, I wasn't throwing that out there as any kind of counterpoint to the Chinese prison system being so horrible it makes the US prison system look almost justifiable, just wanted to balance out the "light Buddhist/ Taoist meditation" same as if someone had said that Scientologists on campuses were "just administering personality tests." Obviously that doesn't in any way excuse what's happening in Chinese prisons.
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