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Everything posted by TubularCorporation

  1. One time in Paris I took a bite of andouilette before I knew what andouilette was. At least it was cold (OTOH if it wasn't cold the smell would have warned me to stay away). EDIT: not a confession, the food talk earlier jsut reminded me of it. If anyone should be confessing here it's the entire French culture for inventing andouillette.
  2. I did something like this as a kid, I can't remember what I did but I somehow got my Nintendo taken away for a month. About a week in I got home from school before my parents, got it out of the closet, and made myself a mix tape of all the title screen music (or the whole soundtrack for one or two that had sound test cheats I knew) for the handful of games I owned so if I couldn't play Nintendo at least I could listen to it.
  3. The week before the US elections I ordered a 5 pound bag of Haribo bears, and then ate the entire thing during election week. The week after election week wasn't the best but it was worth it.
  4. Before she retired my mom was a grocer and developed an in-house pesto for the store where she worked that was so popular rival stores tried to get the recipe, people would come from other parts of the state to get it, and someone at one point tried to get her to start an LLC and bring it to market. The secret was just make a standard pesto with good ingredients, but use 4x the usual amount of garlic.
  5. These days, pine nuts already qualify as confession material regardless of context. https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/food-and-drink/news/pesto-how-insatiable-demand-pine-nuts-make-sauce-damaging-environment-a6703226.html I've actually considered starting a thread like this off and on for like a year to make this specific confession, and now that it exists I almost forgot: Whenever people post about BoC I instinctively assume they're talking about Blue Oyster Cult and have to correct myself.
  6. There's a late 80s Don Henley album that's worth like $90 suddenly this year, but I'm forgetting which one. A record dealer friend texted me about it the other week. EDIT: End Of Innocence - a really clean copy can easily get $50 right now, one of those weird quarantine things like the $100+ Tracy Chapman sales.
  7. I listened to The Eagles on purpose twice this year.
  8. Yeah, I see the lite version as mainly something I might use for doing long, uninterrupted loop recording sessions easily for loading into hardware later.
  9. There's no confirmation or anything when you sign up for Splice so if you don't want to be on another mailing list you should be able to enter whatever you want in there to get the registration number that you use to activate your license and download an installer on the Ableton site.
  10. Nice, that's worth having around for some things for sure.
  11. I was thinking about building some kind of Ashbory inspired silicon string microbass but I've decided it's more cost effective to just drop $170 or so to get a solid body fretless uke-bass from Rondo (might spring about $30 extra to get the 23" scale version instead of to 20.75" one that isn't on sale) and use that as a foundation to build on if I'm not satisfied with it stock - improve the bridge, maybe install better tuners, build an Ashbory preamp clone and swap that in for the stock electronics, put a little bit of radius on the fingerboard, etc. It's a bit bigger but 18" scale length really is pushing it for someone with relatively big hands, and even 20.75 sounds a lot more comfortable. At any rate, I traded in my bass for some other gear back in 2012 after going back to only playing guitar in bands for a couple years and have regretted it ever since, especially now that I mostly record. If I'm going to put a bunch of effort into building something I've got al the wood to build another guitar, and I have an unrouted SG body blank from the 80s that's allegedly from the old Gibson Kalamazoo factory (who cares) that I could build a short scale bass neck for and make a sort of bastardized SG bass. Either one of those would be more work than building a microbass from scratch, but also a way better use of my time. EDIT: on the other hand, if I could knock out some high quality, handmade microbasses with novel designs and sell them...
  12. Alternatively, you could convert that Eagle file to Inkscape or Illustrator, resize all of the holes to say 1/8", get it laser cut as cheaply as possible, and then use it as a template for drilling pilot holes if you want to make a panel by hand from scratch.
  13. There's a free Eagle file for having a front panel made as a PCB, but I don't know the cost. Will fit in a $20-$30 Bud enclosure (the 10"x10"x3" I think, . All you'd need to manually measure and drill is the holes for the i/o jacks and power. Good overview here, including links to the front panel files and the giant Muffwigglers thread: https://djjondent.blogspot.com/2018/10/soma-lab-lyra-8-diy-build.html I'd estimate the total cost at roughly $400 USD (including shipping for the kit, parts and case/panel- the cost for shipping has almost doubled since I first got on the waiting list, and is up to $45USD or slightly less to the EU) and looking at it the build time is probably 8-12 hours depending on how fast you are. It doesn't look much more complicated than a Mutable Anushri, and when I built one of those, the biggest project I'd done at that point, it took one full day plus another hour or so the next morning to put it in its enclosure, test it, open it up and find the one pin header I forgot to solder, and then put it back together; the actual build took one long Saturday.
  14. I used it a bit when I had an STe setup in the late 00s and it's pretty cool, definitely ahead of its time in a lot of ways.
  15. For some reason I thought he used Realtime on the ST for some stuff but I could be thinking of someone else.
  16. Yeah, the barebones kit is $102 plus shipping, a completed Lyra 8 is about $800. Depending on what you do for a panel and enclosure it's cheaper and looks like a pretty simple build overall. Even if it weren't cheaper, being able to spread the cost out over time makes a big difference. I won't be building mine for a while.
  17. Next batch of Lyra 8 DIY kits (PCB + hard to source parts) is or will soon be available finally.
  18. I do agree that the same policies can be branded differently and have broader appeal (and I don't and never have identified as one even though I've always agreed with a lot of socialist goals and policy, because I think that the term is largely meaningless at this point just like any widely adopted label ends up), but on the other hand the DSA-endorsed candidates for congress this year performed really well, in an election where the DNC is basically bleeding support. Kind of like how the centrist narrative against the BLM protests is completely a odds with the fact that the huge spike in Democrat voter registration in swing states driven by the protests was enough on its own to swing the election in Biden's favor, all else being equal. https://insights.targetsmart.com/august-7-2020-the-impact-of-covid-the-civil-rights-movement-on-voter-registration.html I can't find the specific Morning Joe clip because their web site is a complete paywalled mess, their Youtube channel isn't much better, and I herd it in the middle of a livestream two days ago, but it's the same narrative we've been hearing from the usual suspects since Thursday.
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