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Everything posted by TubularCorporation

  1. Sometimes I accidentally make something that sounds like Limahl having some kind of an episode.
  2. Just got a text that this is still available and they're taking offers. They were already asking the low end of eBay prices for one in this condition so if anyone want it they could get a good deal. If I had the space I'd sell something off to buy it myself. EDIT: I might just end up trading a bigger keyboard of slightly higher value for it, which would work out for everyone involved. I'd get something smaller and more interesting, the other guy would get something that would sell for about $50 more.
  3. Believe me it's a step up from what I was doing before. EDIT: actually this thread got me to check my power draw for the first time in a while and it's even lower than I thought. If I turn on everything connected to the main circuit in that room - two computers with monitors, two rack and four keyboards, plus a couple desktop controllers, it draws about 380 watts. I rarely have more than two or three pieces of gear on at a time, plus the computers (which are about 200 watts of that 380). The little rolling cart I've got the power strip mounted on is hooked to a different circuit that isn't metered, but a really overcautious estimate of its total draw would be under 80 watts (probably closer to 20 watts). Amperage isn't even high enough to register. Modern home studios, even if you've got a lot of old 90s digital gear in them, don't use much power. But yeah, I wouldn't use that power strip (or any power strip) to run a power tool or a vacuum cleaner or a toaster.
  4. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0878N9KKW I got the 24 outlet version. I didn't open it up so I can't say if it's well made internally but it seems solid enough.
  5. Got a smaller version of this and so far it's the most convenient power strip I've ever owned. Probably going to pick up this big one when I have the money to spare. Not the cheapest power strip in the world, but cheaper than buying four 8 outlet strips of comparable quality, and a lot more convenient. Only complaint I have so far is that those end tabs for mounting it are a little flimsy for my taste. They'd be fine for mounting it on a work surface but for going on the side of a table or on a wall they seem like sooner or later they'll get broken off.
  6. I've probably inhaled more aluminum dust than anyone really should over the last decade. Looks great!
  7. Early on a federal agency was actually seizing PPE because the Trump administration had made a deal with some big pharmaceutical company or other to have an exclusive deal to distribute the stuff nationally. This was probably the most high profile incident: https://www.wcvb.com/article/3-million-masks-ordered-by-massachusetts-were-confiscated-in-port-of-new-york/32021700#
  8. Not going to be able to afford parts for quite a while, but the Lyra 8 boards arrived and look approachable.
  9. I've got to have a plumber come in the apartment to reseal my toilet on the week that my state beat Serbia for highest daily rate of Covid infections in the world.
  10. Yeah that was one of the ones I looked at when I was searching. I've kind of been needing one too, but what always makes me hesitate with the mechanichal ones is the potential for switching noise, not that I monitor loud enough that it's realistically going to damage my tweeters but I've lost a midrange driver on my old stereo speakers once from something similar so I'm kind of paranoid about it now. The Kramer stuff is too expensive, though. The Douk Audio one looks inteesting because it would be easier to repair or replace parts but on the other hand their own shot of the interior has a really obvious cold solder joint right out in the open on the upper left PCB so that's maybe not the best sign for their quality control. There's really not much that can go wrong with these if they're passive, it's mainly down to getting the one with the best quality parts you can find and afford. If you have any interest in DIY, making one would be a pretty good first project.
  11. This looks promising: https://doukaudio.com/nobsound-3-in-1-out-audio-splitter-xlr-signal-switcher-selector-passive-preamp-p0079.html When you factor in the cost of an enclosure, jacks and your time (assume $2-$4 per jack, $8-$15 for the enclosure, $2-$4 per switch, plus shipping and even if you have everything else you'd probably need to get a hole saw or stepper bit to drill the holes fo the XLR jacks so that's another $10-$20 depending on what you end up with, unless you get a really cheap one) that price isn't too much higher than building your own.
  12. If it's passive it's bidirectional, although with XLR you might need adapters if you use something designed as a passive output selector as a input selector. There are tons of audio switchers aimed at the video market, new and old. If you could deal with unbalanced the Kramer video switcher I use has an audio variant that can rout up to 8 inputs to any combinatipn of outputs (splitting only - one input can go to multiple outputs but not vice versa) using relays, with user presets for different routing. I paid $35 for my composite video model but the audio versions cost because they're not obsolete: https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_nkw=kramer vs88a They make a passive balanced switcher that's exactly what you want but it's pretty expensive, and not much cheaper used: https://www.markertek.com/product/vs-4x/kramer-vs-4x-4x1-balanced-audio-passive-switcher You could probably find something cheaper on aliexpress or something. These are probably OK but you'd need one for each speaker: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Mini-2-way-Stereo-Passive-Balanced-XLR-Audio-Switcher-Box-Mixer-Sound-Splitter-/254262601784 If you don't mind the size, you can usually find balanced audio+video matrix switcher for less than an audio-only one, sometimes a lot less, but they're usually 2u or even 3u rack units. You could pick one up and only use the audio i/o on it and end up with something pretty high quality for not too much money if you looked around, but I don't have any specific recommendations.
  13. Yeah but I don't see any patch points anywhere, so problem solved!
  14. For a second I thought that was video from this week and he was just smearing Covid on her.
  15. The idea of being able to be tested frequently is almost incomprehensible here in the USA. I've been tested three times, it took days to find a place that would even take me, the first test took about 16 days before I got results, the second took just under three full weeks, the third a doctor had to pull some strings to get me tested at all because having symptoms and being told to get tested by my PCP didn't meat the requirements to be tested at the time (late August). It does sound like home testing might be available soon though, that would help even if it's less accurate.
  16. You should try trig conditions, they're really useful. If nothing else you can use them to spread your 64 steps/pattern out so that a single pattern can be as long as 32 bars instead of 4. You still only get 64 steps but the maximum pattern length is effectively 8x as long as it was before trig conditions (or 256 bars per pattern if you use trig conditions AND change the multiplier to 1/8, but they'd have to be really miimal patterns in that case). There are a ton of other, more sophisticated uses for them, but packing multiple bar patterns into a single bar is what I usually use them for.
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