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Everything posted by TubularCorporation

  1. The aluminum case is supposed to be connected to ground, that's what shields it from RF interference. Maybe when you touch it you're LIFTING the ground in some way. For some reason the Devi Ever peddal I clones has started doing smething really weird. The "noise" more switch just removes one capacitor from the circuit and toggles an LED on and off. Worked perfectly for weeks but now when I switch it on the pedal sounds th same and the LED blinks on and off almost rhythmically but not quite. Completely weird. Checked the continuity on the switch and it doesn't seem like it's defective, plus it seems unlikely that at least two poles of a 3pDT switch would fail at the same time, but I have no clue what's wrong. It's a really simple circuit, and I can't figure out what's the matter with it. Works fine in the regular mode and the other switch for "noise" mode works fine but I can' switch on both to get the insane inverted-dynamics effect I built it for.
  2. Just imagine someone swapped her brain with Victoria Jackson sometime in the mid 2000s and you've got the basic idea. Full blown Trump will save us from the globalist Conspiracy Alex Jones stuff. Except last I heard even Alex Jones gave up on Trump.
  3. I still need to open up the MPC and replace the tact switches for the down cursor (doesn't work at all anymore) and the 5 button (still works but was already a bit intermittent when I got it back in 2009 or 10), but I've finally more or less combined my 2010-2016 workflow with my 2017-2020 workflow. Found a used Octatrack rack kit on Reverb for about half the price of a new one (but it looked unused until I scratched it with a scribe while I was marking the spacing of the screw holes onto some acrylic scrap and my hand slipped). Unfortunately I stripped off about 3 inches of teeth from the nicest hand saw I've ever owned when I was cutting the acrylic spacers that let the Octatrack cover still fit on with the rack ears attached. I'd have thought 2mm of acrylic would be more gentle on a saw than stuff like 1" thick pieces of hardwood (which is the kind of thing I've used it on with no trouble for years, since maybe 2013) but I guess I was wrong, because the acrylic somehow literally sheared the teeth completely off. Really sucks, because it was about a $40 saw and I'm not going to get another one any time soon so I'll just have to use the part of it that still has teeth from now on. Worth it, though. Whenever I've set up both together in the past it was jsut a mess because they'd take up all the table space so anything else I was using would have to be somewhere else and if I wanted to record MIDI from an external controller I'd have to set it up somewhere off to the side where I couldn't easily reach (or see) either sequencer while I was using it, and it just made it a struggle. Now I've got a little sampling and sequencing station I can set up wherever I want to work.
  4. Nice. Black Mass Lucifer is my favorite Mort Garson but I haven't had a chance to hear these before. Mostly I've heard his Zodiac records because they were just everywhere (including literally lying on the ground) when I first started listening to records a lot.
  5. Have you seen what Exene has been up to the last 10-15 years? Full Alex Jones
  6. Madonna: at least she's still saner than Exene Cervenka.
  7. On an old-ish laptop run at graphic settings that make it look like it came out in 2006, and god help me I love it.
  8. Hope you get it working, because those examples sounded great! I guess A nice thing about the LTC PCB is if you break the DD-11 you can pull it out and install it in something else. I had to start learning some basic Python today to get a thing working. It's easier than I expected.
  9. That sounds great! It might just not work with MIDI when you change the clock speed, the one thing I've installed a variable clock in is an olfd Behringer multi-effect and if you turn the clock down low enough the front panel controls won't even respond anymore, much less MIDI. Try this, I have no idea if it's a good idea because I just thought of it, but it makes sense I think: Install the variable clock and set it by ear to the point where it sounds closest to normal, then send it some MIDI and see if it works reliably. If it DOES, you can measure the resistance across the pot and wire up a switch that will select between the pot and a fixed resistor of the value you measured, so at least you can switch it to a semi-stock ode with MIDI. Alternatively, since those pads are just simple piezo discs under rubber, you could almost definitely wire in jacks that would let you trigger the pads with external audio. You'd also probably want to add some pots to adjust the inputs so you could use line level safely, and if you think you might use CV you'd definitely need to do more work, but for audio you PROBABLY wouldn't burn anything up with simple input jacks and passive volume controls wired up in parallel with the piezo discs. EDIT: I haven't actually tried that myself so if you try it and your DD11 dies you've been warned!
  10. I have a small storage drawer that I found some place, too. The only thing that's in it are dozens of screws that got misplaced and then turned up weeks later after I forgot what they belonged to. All my parts are in bags in boxes, except a bunch of electrolytic caps I got a while back and never use becuase they're 18v and it seems like I always need 25v these days. I've also gotten in the habit of ordering a few extra of every cheap part when I build something, so that I can build up a stock of spare parts, but then not feeling like digging through the spares to see what I have on hand already next time I place an order, especially since the parts I DO have extras of are all really cheap anyhow so it only costs a couple dollars at most to be lazy. And then I add on a few extras again and the box of random parts gets bigger.
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgeuM-MjBks Never forget.
  12. I was looking for a specific unusual capacitor value in that box a couple weeks ago (because I'd forgotten to order them when I ordered parts fro something) and when I finally actually found some they were so old that the label on the bag had faded completely off. I've got wrong parts going back to like 2007 in there. During the quarantine I've been hoarding small boxes so I can eventually organize all of my extra parts with little dividers between orders of magnitude (so say for resistors I'd cut strips of cereal box for 10 ohms, 100 ohms, 1k, 10k etc and then fold them around the bags of all of the resistors in that range so I could easily grab the strip and pull the entire range out of the box to look for a specific value - when I built the Kijimi I had to do that to keep track of everything and it was a quick way to find stuff quickly but still have it all crammed into a box as tightly as I could to save space), but the thing is the old unsorted parts box goes back long enough now that for things like electrolytic capacitors that have a shelf life I'd almost have to sort them by age too, so I could use the old ones for things that weren't important or prototyping stuff. Then I get lazy and don't do it at all.
  13. I've heard rumors that it's possible to get one right, but I've never seen convincing evidence.
  14. IC vactrols ae designed to work at very high speeds with low voltages for isolating digital signals so it makes sense. The old style vactrol method works fine for what it is. After work I'll find the schematic I jotted down for the way I was making them (it's pretty simple, one resistor, one DIY vactrol and one or two capacitors, but it's a little different from the instructions I've seen online) and post it.
  15. Interesting. I was thinking about using optocouplers for this since I have some extra 6N137's and 138's around, but everything I saw on the datasheets made me think it wouldn't work (although I can't remember specifically why now), so I've just been using the standard homemade vactrols (red LED and a photoresistor pointing at each other inside some shrink tube). Works well but they're SLOW compared to active designs (or a real lowpass gate) and it's easy to kill the LED if you send it too much voltage. I haven't tried it but if you feed audio scaled and offset to a 0v to +5v range into the LED the whole thing should react slowly enough to be a kind of crude envelope follower. Pretty interested to hear how the ICs work out for this.
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWebqCRw7o4
  17. Stand showed up early. Just need to open it up, pull out all the boards and replace two or three tact switches and it'll be back in action after a couple years in a suitcase in the closet. Can't wait. Now I need to hack together some kind of mounting hardware so I can rack the Octatrack above it on the brackets for mounting an MFC42 that I've got. Not going to drop $50 on an official Octatrack rack kit just to drill holes in it so it'll work. Seems like at least once a month I wish I had a bending brake. I also wish I could afford an OEM card reader. This was actually the MCD model and had the original reader when I got it, but I moved it into something else that's a lot more picky about drives than the MPC is and basically only works with a real ZIP drive or an original Akai MCD. If a used one wasn't like $300+ now I'd get a second one so I could restore this to it's original, hot-swappable glory.
  18. I didn't. It was easy. I was just being lazy.
  19. Good one! I've watched a bunch of the Modular In a Week guy but I'd never seen this guy.
  20. Daily infection rate has doubled in my town in the last 14 days. Work has decided it's a good time to move to the next phase of reopening to the public.
  21. I've only seen one person wearing a full blown respirator. I don't wear mine because I've got a bear so it wouldn't work anyway, plus replacement cartridges haven't been available to the general public for months so might as well preserve the set I've got.
  22. Purely hypothetically if someone (not me) just dropped their mask and it landed in a bunch of dirty socks, there's no reason that hypothetical person shouldn't wear the mask anyway, right?
  23. Nope, just a badly timed page break.
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