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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. we're going to have markets. .there's always been markets.. they're often really effective and efficient when they happen sort of organically.. for lack of a better word.. they fill a need and it's a thing you see that some regimes like north korea allow to exist because they're much more effect than what the government can or is willing to do to for example, feed its people. that's not the point i'm trying to make. i'm not saying exclude all forms of capitalism. what i am saying is that in its current form it's not going to work for much longer. so, you may say that "our time is best time in the history of time" or whatever.. but get back to be in 10 or 50 years and see how you feel about that. we can see how that sentiment ages. from my american point of view, taking into account slavery, colonialism and its effects on the world.. .. i just don't think it's possible to split hairs about it. trying to remove "malicious greed" from wall street or standard operating procedures of multi national corporations is about the most naive and pie in the sky type thing a person can imagine. you might as well imagine god as a giant magic taco that shits ice cream. there's nothing wrong with owning a business and making a buck. owning a business that relies on chopping off the limbs of children and native people as a punishment for not harvesting enough rubber from the rubber trees is a problem. it's not possible to escape blame for these things. it's not possible to ignore extracting resources at the barrel of a gun so those resrouces can be made into batteries or solder for PCBs etc. so far.. on a large scale.. beyond basics of markets formed with some kind mutual aid in mind.. i don't think we've see a "benign" form of capitalism.. only the malignant kind. sure, nothing has only one cause but there's often a driving force or ideology.. whether it's white supremacy -> colonialism or something else... so, trying to escape the horrors of how we got to where we are isn't at all possible and in america it's why schools can't teach actual history and instead they tell kids in texas that slaves were happy and had BBQs every day after being int he fields and there was music and dancing. i mean.. look at India.. the famine in Bengal that killed like 10 million people. the famine was created by the brits so they could make more money. they didn't allow the farmers to keep some of their own food even when they were starving.. adn this after the brits imposed their way of farming onto a land/culture that had been doing fine for fucking ever. the same thing happened to ireland w/what is commonly called the potato famine. none of this stuff is new. if you want to study history and how these things came to be and who the people were and what their motivations were etc then you need to go dig in. i don't have all the answers or any really. reading, interviews, podcasts etc.. patterns emerge through the history. it's easier to do the math on capitalism and its effects when you see what happened outside the USA or UK or Eu etc. . USA hegemony in the region has been devastating for south and central america for a hundred+ years. same can said for other other hegemonies effects on other parts of the world.
  2. of course there's a behind the bastards episode about him. some real wtf shit w/that guy. the thing about the nitrogen and fertilizer.. w/o that 4 billion people wouldn't exist.. it's not that he saved them.. but also, that process put so much nitrogen into the atmosphere and environment that it's why we have the algae blooms, fertilizer runoff into rivers and lakes etc. it's crazy shit to think about. https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/fritz-haber-the-man-who-invented-48562360/ good episode. lot's of detail about his life. some really bizarre shit too.
  3. it's actually free if you are going to run your company as a DBA (doing business as) where you just use your name but this has no protections like an LLC etc. the thing about capitalism on a global scale is it's built on excluding entire populations from the system or exploiting them and their country's natural resources etc to make it work for the capitalist countries. that's what colonialism and slavery were all about right? i mean.. it's why the US knocked off all kinds of democratically elected leaders in central/south america/iran.. it's why corporations can sell products in other countries that are banned in western countries and on and on. it's also built on the idea of infinite growth which is obviously not supportable in the long term as we're seeing w/the many articles/videos etc in this thread. did a whole bunch of people get lifted out of poverty thanks to capitalism? sure but at the expense of the world and poor people and people excluded from the system. i mean.. has the Congo recovered from Leopold yet? nah.. and not from the democratically elected leader who was assassinated w/help of the CIA.. making way for a dictator who would 'play ball' w/western interests. anyway.. the history of it all is plain to see. it's not necessary to suggest that there's probably some better way since it seems obvious to anyone with empathy and compassion that "hey, maybe there is another way?" but people who worship the idea of "the free market" (how free is it though really) just get evangelical about it and come up w/all kinds of justifications and shit. it's a waste of time. we can go around in circles about compassionate capitalism, socialism, better safety nets and programs and healthcare and all that.. but at the end of the day it's gonna suck donkey balls in the USA because of this capitalist system and it's gonna be a bit ore a lot better in in more socialist countries but even then there's always exploitation somewhere. there's always something shitty going on when you zoom in to see far reaches of making a buck in the west. globalism has it all interconnected and somewhere someone is doing the dirt. TLDR: it is what it is. christian fascism here we come.
  4. ideology... "I am already eating from the trashcan"
  5. there's a behind the bastards episode about nestle and baby formula that's pretty amazing and jfc what bastards they were/are. of course some women cannot breast feed for whatever reason but it's always the best choice for the health of the baby. still.. they did some bad shit w/baby formula for a long time and it killed a lot of babies. edit: here it is. https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/how-nestle-starved-a-bunch-of-85687280/
  6. if anime is to be believed japanese women have the largest breasts. edit, also does that chart also make a distinction between real and fake breasts?
  7. yeah.. they've been doing it forever. this doc goes into detail about it.
  8. only goes up to 10ft but still interesting. https://coast.noaa.gov/slr/ this is a different type of map https://conspiracyofcartographers.com/sea-level-rise-gallery/ 215ft rise my neighborhood is underwater along with most of portland. neat.
  9. it was $5 and lasted a long time. i'd only use it when i made this one coffee/peanutbutter/frozen banana smoothie or that one time in the month when i got some vanilla desert thing. i checked amazon and it was listed at $19 and out of stock. there's some on ebay but wtf not gonna make it a thing. adapt or be miserable.
  10. everyone knows if you honk once then you can do whatever you want and it's not your fault.
  11. made this soup recipe i found on line. turned out good. i amended it some and it turned out spicy.. too spicy. i ate it though because it's good... but now i'm feeling the spice. i made a lot of it so will be eating tomorrow and perhaps saturday as well. hiatal hernia be damned. also, my fav chocolate syrup has been discontinued.
  12. her pause + vacant smile is amazing in its weirdness.
  13. last summer when the PNW had the heat dome for a week all the trees dropped a lot of leaves. i guess it's a defense they have to protect themselves and how any moisture is used or something.. it's one thing triggered by such high temps and dry air. it's a stressor for sure. it was well over 100 degrees for about week and didn't cool down over night which is really unusual. peaked at 118 or 114 or something insane. we had wild fires too that summer. it sucked hard. i put out water dishes for all the little critters. sat in the basement for a week. we're supposed to get our first sustained heatwave next week. we've had a couple days at 90 degrees which is fine and normal.. we'll get a 100 degree day or two next week. but looks like more typical type heatwave where it cools overnight every night. portugal and spain look to have it pretty rough right now.
  14. yeah. it only gets worse. they're trying pretty hard to road block more information from getting out. apparently even the governor tried to slow roll the details. cops are there to protect other cops.
  15. oof. did it just croak of natural causes or is it wounded? deer can carry some weird wasting disease caused by ticks. how's it look? you could dig a hole and throw it in... then cover it up. edit: also, there's some road kill group on reddit where you can post and someone will come grab it and take it home and carve it up for food.
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